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HandyHoward Postings

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Posted 2011-09-05 9:12 AM (#95710)
Subject: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Man314 - 2011-09-05 8:32 AM

Handyhoward - 2011-09-05 8:28 AM Good luck with your dealings with Polaris... they'll tell you that this "is normal" for this bike and that you must have done the break in incorrectly. LOL

Doubt it . . . I think they will do everything possible to get it fixed . . . quietly.? The strongest thing Vic has going for it is the dependability of their engines.? Just the visual picture in people's minds of oil spewing out of the engine block is a common picture for HD, but not so much for a Vic.? I hope the new dealer knows how to handle the situation with Mother Vic.

Here is Howard again projecting his past Victory problems on yet another thread. From what I have read he has fixed the issue with his Vision and continues to ride it.

Once again Howard is jumping to conclusions on how others are going to be treated based on his past dealings rather then waiting to hear what actually transpired.

Why can't he just wait and see what is going to happen? Warranty work happens all of the time at dealers.

Patience is a virtue. I feel bad for him on so many levels.

Has he ever made a constructive, informative or supportive post? Or, are they all just negative, disinformation and tearing people down?

Lets face facts. If Victory and its dealers were half as bad as HandyHoward states we would all be riding other brands.

Ride Safe

Edited by radioteacher 2011-09-05 9:13 AM
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Posted 2011-09-05 9:27 AM (#95712 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
If I ever have a problem with my Victory I'll let you know but I believe my dealer will take care of it if I do.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-05 9:28 AM (#95713 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
RT - don't let HH get to you. I'm very familiar with Harley riders that love to antaganize people who ride other brands. No matter what he will never stop, but just like any little kid he'll grow tired and find something else to do. His negative rantings is just a tiny spot in vastness of satisfied Victory owners and folks see it for what he really is. I waste no more time with Mr HH except on a positive level.

Edited by Cap'n Nemo 2011-09-05 9:29 AM
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Posted 2011-09-05 9:43 AM (#95716 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: RE: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 3204
It took me about a week to figure him out.  Just transpose his handle to HarleyHugger and his posts will make perfect sense. 
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-05 9:48 AM (#95719 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Oh, and one more thing, HH loves you RT, you started a post just about him, that's what he loves the most, to see his name printed....
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Posted 2011-09-05 11:18 AM (#95726 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Cap'n - do what I have done - I put him on the 'ignore' list so I don't have to read his wimpering any more. Too much BS negativity. Likely works for HD.
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Posted 2011-09-05 11:29 AM (#95728 - in reply to #95726)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 3204

donetracey - 2011-09-05 11:18 AM Cap'n - do what I have done - I put him on the 'ignore' list so I don't have to read his wimpering any more. Too much BS negativity. Likely works for HD.

Yep.  I've only used it on one other guy.  (I'm guessing you used it on the same guy also, Don.)

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Posted 2011-09-05 12:03 PM (#95731 - in reply to #95728)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
SongFan - 2011-09-05 9:29 AM

Yep.  I've only used it on one other guy.  (I'm guessing you used it on the same guy also, Don.)

HA HA !  You got it ! And he's staying on my list of 2 ....


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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-05 12:16 PM (#95732 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
come on now guys, how can you ignore this great man who has exposed the debauchery of Polaris and came to the aid of us all. He should be made a hero, a leader of the motorcycle world spear heading the revolution that we've all been looking for. Imagine the world without recalls or warranty issues, where every customer is so happy they pay twice as much for their machine just to show their gratitude. Oh, friends, how could you do such a thing as to ignore mr HH? The travesty, the travesty...I think I'll go for a ride.
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Posted 2011-09-05 2:23 PM (#95749 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 232
WELL if he thinks that is bad ,HH should have to deal with mother Honda on a goldwing issue.Folks let me tell yu'all GOLDWINGS are not all thier cracked up nto be. MUCH,MUCH happier with the vision.
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Posted 2011-09-05 2:38 PM (#95752 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
If someone knows of a company that keeps 100% of it's customers happy 100% of the time, let me know, I'm gonna buy something even if I don't need it!
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-05 2:42 PM (#95753 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
stay tuned, HH will show us the where to buy and what to buy, I know he's got the insight that none of us other has, so pipe down.
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Posted 2011-09-05 4:13 PM (#95761 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: RE: HandyHoward Postings

Iron Butt

Posts: 741
Central New York
I'm sorry! 
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Posted 2011-09-05 4:39 PM (#95762 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
donetracey, you sneaky man~! I like it. I had no idea such a thing existed. Control Panel here I come!
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Posted 2011-09-05 6:30 PM (#95775 - in reply to #95719)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Cap'n Nemo - 2011-09-05 9:48 AM

Oh, and one more thing, HH loves you RT, you started a post just about him, that's what he loves the most, to see his name printed....


You are very wise.

I should never post a new topic after getting less then 4 hours sleep, while running a fever or while taking a decongestant.

Write safe
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Posted 2011-09-05 8:11 PM (#95778 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
Nice! Now ignored! I feel more peaceful already
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Posted 2011-09-06 6:20 AM (#95789 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1350
Just so you guys know this happens every few years. If you do a search on TheVMC for Texas Tommy I think he may have been the first of the worst. All these years later and Victory is going strong. Arnie bad mouth Victory years ago but kept riding his Vic?

I talked with GM of Victory at Sturgis, man to man, I told him I have had problems with my Victorys over the years but Victory and the good dealers have ALWAYS stepped up to the plate and taken care of me and that is the important thing.
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Posted 2011-09-06 8:10 AM (#95808 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Certainly you assholes can think of better ways to spend your time then jacking off to posts by me. You're damn right that I am angry with Polaris and Victory... you would be too if you got out and rode your bikes farther away from home than your nearest pub and had the troubles that I have had with no back up support from them other than to tell me to take the bike to the dealer who I bought it from. After I came to terms with the fact that I have to depend on me to fix my bike and that Polaris and Victory are not going to do it as promised in their worthless warranties... that's exactly what I have done. I have fixed my bike at my expense and while doing so have never said it's the bikes fault... the bike rides great and is an exceptional piece of machinery... the people that I have encountered associated with Polaris and Victory, including you assholes are the garbage of the biker world... dare I say Rubes of the Nth degree. LMAO
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-09-06 8:14 AM (#95809 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
You crack me up HH, man I love your posts, you are one cool biker dude! It's good to hear that you can fix your own bike, me too, except when it was warranty work. But it is great getting to know such a great machine. Hope you have a great day friend!
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Posted 2011-09-06 8:16 AM (#95811 - in reply to #95808)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Handyhoward - 2011-09-06 8:10 AM

Certainly you assholes can think of better ways to spend your time then jacking off to posts by me. You're damn right that I am angry with Polaris and Victory... you would be too if you got out and rode your bikes farther away from home than your nearest pub and had the troubles that I have had with no back up support from them other than to tell me to take the bike to the dealer who I bought it from. After I came to terms with the fact that I have to depend on me to fix my bike and that Polaris and Victory are not going to do it as promised in their worthless warranties... that's exactly what I have done. I have fixed my bike at my expense and while doing so have never said it's the bikes fault... the bike rides great and is an exceptional piece of machinery... the people that I have encountered associated with Polaris and Victory, including you assholes are the garbage of the biker world... dare I say Rubes of the Nth degree. LMAO

if you think polaris/victory did NOT honor their warranty or terms of contract, sue them.. see what a lawyer/court has to say about it. Then NO one can doubt you or your claims. and you will have the last laugh..
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Posted 2011-09-06 8:22 AM (#95813 - in reply to #95808)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois

Handyhoward - 2011-09-06 7:10 AM Certainly you assholes can think of better ways to spend your time then jacking off to posts by me. You're damn right that I am angry with Polaris and Victory... you would be too if you got out and rode your bikes farther away from home than your nearest pub and had the troubles that I have had with no back up support from them other than to tell me to take the bike to the dealer who I bought it from. After I came to terms with the fact that I have to depend on me to fix my bike and that Polaris and Victory are not going to do it as promised in their worthless warranties... that's exactly what I have done. I have fixed my bike at my expense and while doing so have never said it's the bikes fault... the bike rides great and is an exceptional piece of machinery... the people that I have encountered associated with Polaris and Victory, including you assholes are the garbage of the biker world... dare I say Rubes of the Nth degree. LMAO

Congratulations.  You've managed to alienate Polaris, Victory Dealers, and everyone that gravitates to this site. That takes a real professional.  The average fool couldn't accomplish all that if he tried.


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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-09-06 8:36 AM (#95817 - in reply to #95710)
Subject: Re: HandyHoward Postings

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Thread frozen. Let's keep the discussion on Victorys and not personal attacks.
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