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Switched radio power
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-01-04 11:54 AM (#76631)
Subject: Switched radio power

Fountain Inn, SC United States
I'm inserting an EQ/Amp in the signal path of the audio system and would like to have it turn on when the radio is switched on. Does anyone know where I can tap into this switched power?

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Posted 2011-01-04 3:28 PM (#76642 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I think that the gray plug under the console that goes to the Aux Power jack should be switched.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2011-01-04 9:49 PM (#76673 - in reply to #76642)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
radioteacher - 2011-01-04 2:28 PM

I think that the gray plug under the console that goes to the Aux Power jack should be switched.

Ride Safe

Radio Teacher is correct. It is a switched power connection. Located at the bottom end of the console near where the seat meets and used for the Powerlet Connection on the Console if installed.

Just T-Tap into it and run the cable where you want.

However - This is switched to the Key Power and not the Radio Power-On if that is what you meant. So the Amp would be on all the time with the key on.


Edited by rmclarty 2011-01-04 9:50 PM
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-01-05 8:42 AM (#76688 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Thanks guys. But yes, I'm looking for radio power. I wasn't sure if the power slotted for the CD changer or CB radio was controlled by the radio. I'm thinking the amp would be in/near the saddlebags so tapping into the CD changer harness would grab radio-switched power. Can anyone confirm?

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-05 8:52 AM (#76689 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
pm nightvision, master jeff.
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Posted 2011-01-05 10:16 AM (#76698 - in reply to #76688)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 348
Sturbridge, Mass
Jedi Jeff - 2011-01-05 9:42 AM

Thanks guys. But yes, I'm looking for radio power. I wasn't sure if the power slotted for the CD changer or CB radio was controlled by the radio. I'm thinking the amp would be in/near the saddlebags so tapping into the CD changer harness would grab radio-switched power. Can anyone confirm?

which amp are you using ? I will need this info also- maybe I can get you to take a ride out west !!

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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-01-05 11:10 AM (#76701 - in reply to #76698)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power

Fountain Inn, SC United States
hottierod - 2011-01-05 11:16 AM

which amp are you using ? I will need this info also- maybe I can get you to take a ride out west !!

Well I'm using an old EQ/Booster Amp I've had lying around from my old car stereo days. Nothing of today's sound quality or sophistication, but I don't expect I'll need great sound quality in this application, just rudimentary EQ adjustments and amplification. Currently the sound distorts when there's any decent bass information at nominal levels which indicates to me the radio's amp is trying too hard. The speakers can take more and still sound clean, so I think adding an external EQ & amplifier will help. Plus the EQ will help the poor high frequency response of the radio.

If I were to consider newer equipment, some of the class D amplifiers may be the way to go. They offer high efficiency and wattage with minimal heat - great for saddlebag installation. Some amps (not necessarily class D) are also very compact ( with adjustable input levels.

In any event. the wiring would be similar to what I'm trying to do now. So, the question remains...

Where can I tie into radio-switched power?

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Posted 2011-01-07 9:07 AM (#76815 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 156
dinwiddie, va
what year is your bike? Does nyour amplifier/equalizer have a 12volt input and a signal wire? Or is it just a 12volt sourc wire. Usually they will have a 12v input that will need to be run straight to the battery and then the signal wire will be connected to a switched 12v. (which would be a 12v. output of the radio)that will activate the equalizer when the radio is turned on. Just let me know these two things and I can get you going quick!

Edited by nightvision 2011-01-07 9:14 AM
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-01-07 10:26 AM (#76819 - in reply to #76815)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power

Fountain Inn, SC United States
The amp just has the single 12v power wire with an inline fuse. If I ever upgrade the amp I'm sure it will have the relay wire but for now it's just the single power lead. If need be I'll run it throug an aux switch on the console but was hoping not to use up the spare switch position. It would be ideal to have it come on when the radio is turned on.

I have a 2010 8ball vision w/factory radio.
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Posted 2011-01-07 9:38 PM (#76848 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 156
dinwiddie, va
Well the only way you can get switched radio power is if you have the audio accessory harness which runs to the back of the bike for xm, cd, or cb radio. If you have this harness you can tap into this harness for radio controlled 12v. If you don't have the harness, there is no way to get switched radio power. The only outputs that the radio has, is through the accessory harness. Be careful on what you tap into. If that is a heavier gauge wire and fuse it could cause issues.... But you could tap it into the trunk plug that is under your passenger seat. There is 12v switched power on that harness. It will cut the amp on and off with the bike itself, That would be the next option

Edited by nightvision 2011-01-07 9:41 PM
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Posted 2011-01-09 12:03 PM (#76916 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 208
Wichita, Kansas
According to the audio schematic on page 19.26 of the maintenance manual, pin 1 of the iPod connector is switched +12V. This should come on with the radio (haven't tried it for sure). Get a pin to fit at Radio Shack, tape it in place for to keep it in and insulate it, and use that to power a relay which switches power to the eq. The manual I have is an 08 but since all bikes use the same iPod cable, it should be the same pin.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-01-11 9:47 PM (#77057 - in reply to #76916)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power

Fountain Inn, SC United States
KansasGuardsman - 2011-01-09 1:03 PM

According to the audio schematic on page 19.26 of the maintenance manual, pin 1 of the iPod connector is switched +12V. This should come on with the radio (haven't tried it for sure). Get a pin to fit at Radio Shack, tape it in place for to keep it in and insulate it, and use that to power a relay which switches power to the eq. The manual I have is an 08 but since all bikes use the same iPod cable, it should be the same pin.

Thanks KG. I'll investigate. I wonder how many amps that pin will push. My amplifier has a 5amp fuse but I'm sure an ipod draws less. It would probably be fine for a relay but not a hungry amp.

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Posted 2011-01-12 7:31 AM (#77078 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Why not just use a relay and tap the relay into a brake light wire as your switched source?

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Posted 2011-01-12 11:59 AM (#77098 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 1350
So you can't tap into the stereo switch on the console and have your amp activated when you turn that switch on? I don't know how that switch is hooked in.
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Posted 2011-01-12 2:13 PM (#77107 - in reply to #76631)
Subject: Re: Switched radio power


Posts: 144
Jeff I have been watching this thread. Don't even bother with your old amp. If you are going to upgrade do it right, why are you trying to deal with an old amp when a new one is under $100. The speakers are weak in our system to begin with then you want to push them even harder. Im just trying to help you not waste your time. You know I have the speaker/amp upgrade in the tech ref so why not do it. Amps now a days have soft starts so you don't get that thump when they come on, the first time that amp comes on, there goes your speakers (by the way I have extra for sale if you blow yours). If you don't want to do the whole upgrade just start with the speakers you will glad you did. Then do the rest later and if you need help contact me I will help you. But if you insist on using the amp you have send me the brand and numbers off of it and I will try and give the info on hooking it up. Dain
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