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plastic removal - how hard to you pull?
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Posted 2010-08-17 2:36 PM (#67319)
Subject: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?


Posts: 111
Prairie Dog Heaven, CO
probably a common issue amongst noobs but I could not find anything using the search function. How hard is one supposed to yank "straight up" (as per service manual) on the aluminum colored "windscreen access cover" to get it out? I pulled pretty hard and heard noises of strained plastic but nothing came loose.
Same is true for the "instrument bezel" - I mean how hard do you pull before it breaks?
Thanks for your help,

Edited by picard 2010-08-17 2:37 PM
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Posted 2010-08-17 2:52 PM (#67320 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
Ya gotta pull pretty hard. There are metal clips or posts that must be disengaged before the part comes off. I've hard most of my Vis apart and never broken anything (so far LOL).
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Posted 2010-08-17 4:26 PM (#67323 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?


Posts: 70
a hard plastic squegee and a small straight blade screwdriver will help with the instrument cluster, as fot the front panel, pull straight up with a good deal of force.
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Posted 2010-08-17 5:49 PM (#67324 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
Pull the aluminum cover in front of the windshield close to the mirrors. Don't pull too hard or you could break the antenna wire, not that it works anyway.

As for the instrument bezel, a plastic putty knife supposedly works well. I grip left side rings with my fingers and pull quickly and firmly about an inch then do the same on right side. It doesn't matter which side you start on.
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Posted 2010-08-17 6:54 PM (#67327 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: RE: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Here's what Ive been using and they work great
my other tip is to put a dab of dielectric grease on the tabs-makes future removal real easy especially if you had to pull a panel in the cold
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Posted 2010-08-17 7:29 PM (#67330 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
Ditto - those nylon pry bar are great!!!
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Posted 2010-08-17 10:23 PM (#67339 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
What you dont want to do is use anything that has a small attachment point spread the pressure as wide as you can while you lift up.
Example, if you were to simply use your hand, use all 4 fingers spread to lift up as opposed to just one finger underneath to try to lift it.
This will disperse the pressure point and you stand a lot less change of bending the metal.
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Posted 2010-08-17 11:20 PM (#67341 - in reply to #67319)
Subject: Re: plastic removal - how hard to you pull?


Posts: 111
Prairie Dog Heaven, CO
Thanks for the replies. I will check at the local HF for the nylon tools. These look great. By tomorrow I may have gathered enough courage to go and yank on the front panel again :-)
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