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install of LLoydz air intake plate
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Posted 2010-06-14 9:04 PM (#62220)
Subject: install of LLoydz air intake plate

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
I installed my new intake plate today, and to my suprise when I removed all the body panels, there was no air intake just a metal plate covering the hole, which was heavy, lloydz was 1/4 of the weight. The directions were straight foreward. I did have to do some assumption on my part, on the intake plate there are two metal plates sandwhiching a piece of 1/4" foam one plat may babout 1/8" thick the other about a 1/16". I placed the form a gasket #2 by permatex ( this stays plyable) on the thinner piece and bolted down from the top on the thicker side so it would not flex. Just my thinking don"t know if I am right or not but it made sense to me. Also not that the plate hoels are offset to the rear of the bike, it only fits one way so be carefull when you set it in place, or you will have a mess with the sealer to clean up.
I don't know why they would not have a filter there in the first place, the butter-flys are right under it.
I noticed an increase in air intake noise but it sounds good and when you get on it and open her up she sounds completely different, no back firing as of yet unless you really goose it at idle.
I also installed the performance victory front filter at the same time.
Minimal tools required, couple allen, socket extension, 10mm, ratchet
A pry bar set for moulding and panels. I picked up a nice 5 piece set at Harbor Freight. I went to sears, napa, pepboy, ... could not find them yet alone an american made set. So if you need them thats the place to go.
This week I should be getting my ThunderHeader /cones
I can not wait to get them on, I just hope I dont have a lot of issues with the backfiring.
My local Victory Dealer went out of bussiness and the local Harley shop picked them up so I hope they know what they are doing when it comes to the Vision. I will have to get the remap from them.
Here are a couple of pictures, if I can figure this out.





Attachments IMG_0840.JPG (89KB - 53 downloads)
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Attachments IMG_0844.JPG (91KB - 24 downloads)
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Posted 2010-06-14 9:18 PM (#62223 - in reply to #62220)
Subject: Re: install of LLoydz air intake plate


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Nice write up. Where are you from?

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Posted 2010-06-14 9:40 PM (#62228 - in reply to #62223)
Subject: Re: install of LLoydz air intake plate

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
Ok I just got the pictures on, I hade to reduce the size. A little eye Candy Goes a long way.
I am 39, From Youngstown, Ohio
This is my first bike in 20 years, I had a little 500cc when I was 19. It's like learning how to ride all over again just a little faster the second time around, she demands a lot of respect and my full attention but I am getting better.
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Posted 2010-06-15 12:37 AM (#62245 - in reply to #62220)
Subject: RE: install of LLoydz air intake plate


Posts: 353
Looks like you removed a lot more than was necessary to get the secondary air filter in, how long did the job take?
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Posted 2010-06-15 10:13 AM (#62265 - in reply to #62220)
Subject: Re: install of LLoydz air intake plate


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Nice pictures. Thanks for the write up. You might post the same information in the Tech Reference Section of the forums.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2010-06-15 7:08 PM (#62309 - in reply to #62220)
Subject: Re: install of LLoydz air intake plate

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
The job took a little more than an hour, and I did not take off more than needed. You first take off the piece in front of the seat (pull straight up no bolts on this) use one of the plastic pry bars that I pictured above. Second take off the gauge bezel, again use prybar to help take off. After this there are 2 allen bolts at the top of the center console, 2 at the bottom, and one in the glove compartment. You can the lift straight up about 5-6 inches and you will have to unplug the main wiring harness for the radio. Once this is done you can lay some towels onthe handle bars and set it on top. Reverse procedure to make it all look good again. It is pretty simple to do and fun.
I can not wait to install the led lights for front and rear that are sequential, when I save up some more cash, posted by Charbin-(Sequential blinkers) Video looks sweet.
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Posted 2010-06-16 2:13 AM (#62344 - in reply to #62309)
Subject: Re: install of LLoydz air intake plate


Posts: 353
I had better get me some glasses, your pics to me looked like more was missing 'til I took a 2nd look LOL.........
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