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Garmin 2720 Complete Kit
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Posted 2010-01-18 5:43 PM (#51536)
Subject: Garmin 2720 Complete Kit


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
I just posted the sale of everything you need (including the GPS) to put a Garmin 2720 on the Vision. I upgraded mine and just getting rid of all the 2720 parts.

The Personal Sales section did not show up on my Main Menu and I don't often check it either, so just an FYI here that the info is on the Buy and Sell Tab.

BTW - The Zumo 660 is extremely cool. However, I looked fairly ridiculous walking around the house with my Blue Tooth Helmet on testing the IPhone Interface and listening to the Bluetooth A2DP Stereo Music from the Zumo.

Next - a WiRevo D1000 Stereo Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter to get my CB Sound into the helmet as well.

Wanna take bets on how long it takes to start turning off some of those distractions?

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Posted 2010-01-27 12:22 PM (#52160 - in reply to #51536)
Subject: Re: Garmin 2720 Complete Kit


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
The WiRevo has two audio inputs and will transmit the sound to your headset, but how will you talk back?

The Camos BTA adapter is two-way. You can use it to listen to music, etc. but can also switch it for two-way commo. It comes with a wire for Motorola FRS/GMRS radios, but I'm sure it can be adapted to a CB unit. The one thing holding me back is the worry about impedence matching output suitable for GMRS/FRS application to something the CB likes. I don't even know if its an issue.

I'd buy the stuff myself and experiment, but the Vision has a stranglehold on my disposable income and I can't risk trying a solution that has not been proven to work by someone more knowledgeable/financed than I am. I really had to stretch to get a bike suitable for my size. Now I have to stick with what I got.
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