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hwy. bar and pegs
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Posted 2010-01-17 10:13 AM (#51454)
Subject: hwy. bar and pegs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
The highway pegs that victory offers are much too low I am looking to get my feet up high There is nothing to connect a bar to. I was thinking about drilling a hole thru the side fairing and using large washers inside and out to insert a bar thru and connect the pegs but would rather have more support although it only has to support my feet not like I am going to be standing on them . Has anyone installed hwy. pegs got pics.?
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Posted 2010-01-17 11:41 AM (#51462 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: RE: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
I too found the factory pegs too low and too close for me so I added Kuryakyn extensions between the floor board piece and the pegs. I'm 6' and the factory pegs must be designed for someone 5'5 or something. Don't have pics right now as I'm at work. Will try to posts some later.
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-01-17 12:59 PM (#51469 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I don't think I would drill a hole in your fairing.............not enough support and a very expensive fix if it doesn't work out.
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Posted 2010-01-17 5:39 PM (#51483 - in reply to #51469)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
My thought has been to drill into the front Tip overs and mounting something. Think about it, the real purpose is underneath the top is just to be pretty. I think some good CnC work could make something radical looking for the Vision and make a good foot rest.
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Posted 2010-01-17 10:25 PM (#51505 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
Actually I already used a peg extension and bolted it into my front tipovers which gave me about 6" which is way better than the crap ones that vision makes but I am still not happy with them I want something like just below my wind deflectors I also cut a piece of diamond aluminum and riveted it on to rest your feet above the floor boards which looks good I think and keeps from scuffing the finish but I take some long hauls and the more places you can put your feet really helps I will try to get a pic. on here to show what i have done thus far and keep brain storming on how to get it better.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-01-17 11:09 PM (#51506 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Arizona Victory sells a mount adapter that attached to the underside of the front tip over protectors and allows you to use any of the Kury-Akyn extensions to make a setup to suit your tastes on pegs. Here is the link to them:
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Posted 2010-01-18 6:41 AM (#51511 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
scotther - you've probably done this already, and I know this is not the solution you are looking for, but I'll put my foot up on the mirrors at lot of times when I settle in on a long ride.

I'd like to see your pictures of what you have done, as I've thought about drilling into the tops of the Tip overs and doing a board mount to raise my feet up when forward. I do not like or want the standard highway pegs because they are too far out. That is the stance I was wanting to get away from when buying the Vision, spread eagle. I'm overly satisfied with the boards on the Vision, but do want to put my feet up on occasion but there is no place to put them, except the mirrors on my bike. I believe the structure behind the fairing will support pegs, but the trick is how do you hack into the fairing to bring them through without destroying the looks. I'm sure it can be done though with some thought...
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Posted 2010-01-18 8:43 AM (#51515 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 1350
It seems to me someone could come up with a mounting system like Tri-City Polaris pegs. they mount under the mats on the floorboards. Start there and make an extension that twists and turns to the location you want your pegs. just thinking out loud.
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Posted 2010-01-18 9:09 AM (#51516 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
hey thats a good idea red rider its a long way up but totally do able
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Posted 2010-01-18 9:27 AM (#51518 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
personally I would shy away from mounting to the floorboard as it could hinder your foot going down at the least opportune time. With that said, coming from the inside would work in my mind. The two primary reasons I do not have pegs on my bike yet is the possible hinderance of the foot from the floorboard to the ground and the spread eagle. Just my thoughts... looks like a good brainstorming session here...
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Posted 2010-01-18 10:33 AM (#51520 - in reply to #51518)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 3204

varyder - 2010-01-18 9:27 AM personally I would shy away from mounting to the floorboard as it could hinder your foot going down at the least opportune time. With that said, coming from the inside would work in my mind. The two primary reasons I do not have pegs on my bike yet is the possible hinderance of the foot from the floorboard to the ground and the spread eagle. Just my thoughts... looks like a good brainstorming session here...

This from the guy who puts his feet up on the mirrors!?

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Posted 2010-01-18 10:36 AM (#51521 - in reply to #51520)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
SongFan - 2010-01-18 11:33 AM

varyder - 2010-01-18 9:27 AM personally I would shy away from mounting to the floorboard as it could hinder your foot going down at the least opportune time. With that said, coming from the inside would work in my mind. The two primary reasons I do not have pegs on my bike yet is the possible hinderance of the foot from the floorboard to the ground and the spread eagle. Just my thoughts... looks like a good brainstorming session here...

This from the guy who puts his feet up on the mirrors!?

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Posted 2010-01-18 3:58 PM (#51530 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 41
Litchfield Park, AZ
I have used the Arizona Victory Mounts and used the offset Kuryakin mounts. They are trick, perfect and very well made. I strongly recommend them. You can get some huge offsets to get high as you want. And, they'll tilt foward out of they during the "quick step!"
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Posted 2010-01-19 6:54 AM (#51566 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs


Posts: 74
Winston-Salem, NC
I have a friend who is going to fabricate brackets (for pegs) for my Vision without having to drill into the fairing or floorboards. I am a shorter rider and would like to be able to prop my feet up higher at times. His idea for the installation of the brackets is great. I will send pictures as soon as they are installed. He is also interested in any other after market parts that other Vision riders might be interested in.
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Posted 2010-01-24 6:17 PM (#51962 - in reply to #51454)
Subject: Re: hwy. bar and pegs

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
would like to see what he came up with
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