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Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?
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Posted 2010-01-16 6:17 PM (#51433)
Subject: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States

Who uses a CB radio on their Victory and what do you think of it.  Is it a Victory product or after-market?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Posted 2010-01-16 6:25 PM (#51434 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I do, I find it good to use to sometimes chatter with the truckers, but mostly just to hear what might be going on. Its the one that come from Victory with the commo pack. Headsets aren't the best but they work well.
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Posted 2010-01-16 6:39 PM (#51438 - in reply to #51434)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 196
I use mine when I'm riding with a group. It is the one that came with my Tour Premium, & has been replaced. As Chris said, the headsets aren't the best but they work fine!
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Posted 2010-01-16 7:12 PM (#51440 - in reply to #51438)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 266
Hartland, , WI
wrr1home - 2010-01-16 5:39 PM

I use mine when I'm riding with a group. It is the one that came with my Tour Premium, & has been replaced. As Chris said, the headsets aren't the best but they work fine!

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Posted 2010-01-16 8:49 PM (#51441 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: RE: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 38
NW Jersey
I'm setting up my '08 tour with a Victory CB. I would like to have it in either "trunk on or trunk off" mode. I use the CB for traveling in groups or for como with my wife on her bike. We did the Blue Ridge Pkwy together and used CB Comms....... I had my 07 HD Ultra at the time though. She rides a Road King. Which reminds me,.......I have a helmet set up with HD headphones and mic.......anyway to utilize that helmet with the Vic? Perhaps a different helmet to bike cord? Anyone cross that bridge? What cord did you use? J&M? or..........?
CB's are great for a large group or small. If anyone has a problem the rest are alerted without frantic hand waving etc.....
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Posted 2010-01-16 9:20 PM (#51442 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
I am installing one but did not want the full Vision CB - Communications Package. I bought the Cobra 75 WS-XT and mounted the remote head unit in the slot beneath the trunk where the Victory Module goes. I want to be able to remove the Hand Held portion for around town and install it for trips. Have not gotten to road test it yet, but I have it installed and all wired up. The remote head has an Audio Out jack that I ran up to the wiring harness along with my Zumo 660 so I can listen through the speakers.

Only reason I got it is because the guys I ride with have them and you can miss some very important info if you can not listen in and there is a large group.

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Don Nieshe
Posted 2010-01-16 9:47 PM (#51445 - in reply to #51442)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
After several months of trying to get mine to work we went out and bought a 2 ft fire stick antenea that was tuneable and then tuned it. It is now working. The Stock one would transmit about 100 yrds part time. Now I am a happy camper and will communicate with group rides and truckers . The push to talk button seems a bit sensitive but works. I wouldnt mind a different headset , I have used J&M headsets on my TCD but would like something clearer. Victory headset is equal to J&M in my opinion.

09Vision Premium with lots of chrome
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2010-01-17 12:06 AM (#51448 - in reply to #51441)
Subject: RE: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA

Gandalf - 2010-01-16 9:49 PM I have a helmet set up with HD headphones and mic.......anyway to utilize that helmet with the Vic? Perhaps a different helmet to bike cord? Anyone cross that bridge? What cord did you use? J&M? or..........?

I'm using J&M with mine.  Although the HD cord will fit in the Vic outlet, the pinouts are different.  You do need a different lower cord for the Vision.

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Posted 2010-01-17 7:27 AM (#51451 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: RE: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Attleboro, MA
I just ordered this Headset for 1/2 helmet.

from what I have heard it should be a lot better than the victory one.
$246.00 (headset & lower cord) x 2 one for me & one for the Wife I hope
it's better.... I will let you know.
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Indiana RoadRunner
Posted 2010-01-17 9:47 AM (#51453 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: RE: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 332
Dale, Indiana
I use my CB all the time.
During one of the multiple radio fixes the volume did go way down and it was hard to hear. The last burn in fixed that but killed the aux input.

Someday I may have everything working at the same time.

People in pickup trucks sometime ask if I have a CB radio on and then commit on the bike. Truckers are many times surprised that one of the people talking about that weird bike that just passed them is the guy on the bike!

The want-a-be bikers get brave and say they think the bike is ugly.
Funny they only say that on the CB radio and not in a crowd.

Edited by Indiana RoadRunner 2010-01-17 9:49 AM
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Posted 2010-01-18 10:00 PM (#51552 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: RE: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I use the factory CB. I've had CB radios on my bikes for the past 28 years, and can't imagine not having one. I've had one on my Victory SC for the past 9 years (J&M). They are invaluable when riding with friends who also have CBs, and even when in groups where most of the bikes do not have CBs. Having a CB at the front and rear of the group has come in very handy many times to alert the whole group to an accident or breakdown. Getting separated in traffic is not a problem, since communication is still possible. When one of the ladies needs to make a pit stop, it's easy to let the others know, etc.

My original Vision CB did not work as it should have; the transmissions were very noisy. After three reflashes, which did not fix it, I bought the Victory headsets to replace the J&M's that I was using, at the factory representative's suggestion. The Victory headsets did not fix the problem either. The factory eventually replaced my radio with a new, 2010, radio and CB under warranty. It works well, and I'm going back to the J&M headsets. The Victory headsets are okay, but the J&M's are better. Also, with the J&M two piece cord arrangement, I can use my helmet and headset on my Vision, my SC, or my friend's Goldwing just by using the proper lower cord. The J&M's will work with nearly any brand CB just by using the appropriate lower cord, which sells for $22.50 for the headsets I use.

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Posted 2010-01-20 9:02 PM (#51725 - in reply to #51442)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 412
Fargo, ND


Hi rmclarty,

Your install sounds interesting...can you tell us more about the process and maybe some pics?



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Posted 2010-01-22 11:48 AM (#51802 - in reply to #51725)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
Flatsix - 2010-01-20 8:02 PM


Hi rmclarty,

Your install sounds interesting...can you tell us more about the process and maybe some pics?



I will throw together some pictures of the install. I am just waiting on an extension for the Cobra Mic and then to determine where I want to mount it (Handlebar, on console, etc..). The only thing I am "Anal" about is scratching paint so I am going to play around with where to hang the Microphone Head so the coiled up cable does not drag or hit paint.

That may mean mounting it on the side of my helmet, but hey ... it's close to my mouth.

For the wiring, I just basically used the Zunmo 660 wiring Harness Mod already on the forum. However, instead of plugging the Zumo 3.5 jack directly into the Victory GPS Wiring Harness, I am using a Y Adapter so I can take the input from the Zumo and from the Cobra Remote Head and pump both into the Victory Sound System.

The Cobra Remote Head ( ) is mounted in the trunk space where the VIC CB module would be. I ran a six foot 3.5 Male/Female extension cable from the head unit, under the seat and up to where the GPS Connector is. That is where my Y adapter is.

For power to the CB remote head, I ran the supplied power cable under the seat on the left side to where the Console Powerlet outlet plug is and tapped into that with T-Adapters I bought from Autozone. I wanted the CB to be on switched power and the trunk / rear passenger powerlets are on all the time.

On Paper is looks like it will work like a charm. We will see when I put the console back on and listed to both through the speakers.

My Next goal is to buy a Camos Bluetooth Adapter ( to plug into the CB Remote Head Audio out, thus allowing me to hear CB Audio in my helmet via Bluetooth.


Edited by rmclarty 2010-01-22 11:49 AM
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Posted 2010-01-27 12:00 PM (#52157 - in reply to #51802)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
rmclarty - 2010-01-22 12:48 PM

[My Next goal is to buy a Camos Bluetooth Adapter to plug into the CB Remote Head Audio out, thus allowing me to hear CB Audio in my helmet via Bluetooth.



Please let us all know if that works. I have Bluetooth headsets in my helmets (Camos BHS-600's) and have avoided getting a CB just because I'd have to go wired to use the mike. If your setup works, I might be able to squeeze some cash out of my copilot to get bike-to-bike commo working with the current headsets.

Bluetooth to a CB unit is a panacea I've been searching for for some time.

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Posted 2010-02-01 6:47 AM (#52457 - in reply to #51433)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 6
Kansas City, MO
I am using the one that came on the bike, a 10th anniv.
I use mine to chat with truckers and anyone else who will talk to me! LOL
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Posted 2010-02-01 12:55 PM (#52476 - in reply to #51438)
Subject: Re: Who uses a CB Radio on their Victory?


Posts: 172
Prescott, Az
wrr1home - 2010-01-17 4:39 PM

I use mine when I'm riding with a group. It is the one that came with my Tour Premium, & has been replaced. As Chris said, the headsets aren't the best but they work fine!

The CB, for the most part, is a helmet to bike connection to my XM radio. The CB I have is factory but I have a larger aftermarket tuned antenna that helps with reception/transmission. The sound is not strong even on full volume. I suspect if I had J&M headsets I would hear it better.
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