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Temp Gauge
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Posted 2008-01-21 8:17 PM (#4535)
Subject: Temp Gauge


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
Yesterday I went for a ride and as I left the driveway I saw 31 degrees which was accurate. As I rode down by the beach in the gusty winds , I looked down and saw a minus 7 degrees. After stopping and restarting , the same sequence. Has anyone else seen this? Was curious if the wind or airflow at colder temps has an effect on the temp sensor. BY the way....the wind chills were probably pretty close to the indicated.
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Posted 2008-01-21 9:50 PM (#4540 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: RE: Temp Gauge


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
I seem to remember someone else here or on the VMC site mentioning an innacurate temperature reading at very low temperatures. Wind chill relates only to the effect of wind in cooling exposed skin below the actual ambient temperature and does not relate to inanimate objects inclusive of thermometers and temp sensors, so that's not it. P.S. Kudos for braving the temperature and the wind chill.

Edited by Mudge 2008-01-21 9:54 PM
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Posted 2008-01-21 10:46 PM (#4541 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: RE: Temp Gauge


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
What you saw is common on the 08 Vision. I see it any morning that the temp is 31 or lower. I can watch the temp gauge go from 31 degrees then directly to -9 or -7 degrees or sometimes it will go from 31 to -0. My bike does it, the dealership owner's bike has does it as well. A few others have seen it as well on this site, I asked about this a month or so ago. So what you are seeing is not something that is unheard of, apparently it is quite common. You would think those folks that built the bike in the environment they are in (cold climate) would have gotten this right Maybe they will have a fix in the not too distant future.

Just turned 1250 miles and like it more each ride. For a first year model they got most of it right
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Posted 2008-01-21 11:44 PM (#4543 - in reply to #4541)
Subject: RE: Temp Gauge


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
It's a little after 10:30PM and I just re-visited this thread. Out of curiosity I went out to the garage and turned the key on the Vision to accessory. The Temp Gauge read -1 degree F. It was spot on. Either mine is OK, or this only occurrs when the bike is running and rolling. I would thing that the problem wouild be either in a defective sensor, or a glitch in the software.
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Posted 2008-01-22 7:25 PM (#4556 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: Re: Temp Gauge

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I have the issue also. I'm not sure it matters much after 32 f anyways. Now we have to wait until summer rolls around to see if the upper extremes will produce bogus temp readings. If it goes nuts after 100 degrees, who cares that way either? It's Really Cold or Really Hot. I have electric issues with volt meter. Possiby battery. Same for you?
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Posted 2008-01-22 9:16 PM (#4561 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: Re: Temp Gauge


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Me too! Mine said -11 this morning, and it was in the high teens. At lunch, it was reading normally, and read 36 degrees.-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-22 10:25 PM (#4564 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: Re: Temp Gauge


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Mine has been the same since the first time I saw the low reading. It took a couple more rides to work before I figured out what it is doing. When I leave the house and the outside temp is below freezing it takes about 4-5 miles before the temp gauge really starts the downward slide. I have watched it go from around 35-40F (it sits in the garage at night) one degree at a time to 31F. After it reads 31F the next thing it indicates is either -9F or -7F, one time it read -0F. But for the most part it indicates -9F and then will slowly start to climb back up. I have not riden the bike far enough / long enough after this happens to see just how much it will climb as I only have a 10 minute ride to work. One of these mornings I'll leave earlier and see what it does and let you all know. But if nothing else I am sure my bike does this each and every time the temps are below freezing. Granted it ain't that big of a deal as the temps seem real close during the rides I have taken at normal temps, But let us not forget here, we paid premium dollars for these machines, granted, they are a first year model, but I certainly would expect more form this manufacturer considering the market they are after.
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Posted 2008-01-23 6:09 PM (#4573 - in reply to #4535)
Subject: Re: Temp Gauge

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I agree, and I'm not sure what the problem is. Someone will figure it out, hopefully post on this site for the fix.
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Posted 2008-01-23 9:18 PM (#4576 - in reply to #4573)
Subject: Re: Temp Gauge


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
From a very reliable source - it's a software glitch. When temps are below 30 the - is actually in place of the 2 or 1. Also , temps under 14 degrees are out of the range of the sensor. Not certain if there will be a software fix for it .....I will relay any info I hear.
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