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Stage 1 Exhasut
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Posted 2008-01-20 10:31 PM (#4495)
Subject: Stage 1 Exhasut

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
Chicago- Northside Edgewater Area
Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Stage 1 Exhausts that Victory offers- thinking about it but not sure as i have never seen them in real life. Thanks for any info-
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Posted 2008-01-21 12:10 PM (#4512 - in reply to #4495)
Subject: RE: Stage 1 Exhasut


Posts: 109
I ordered them for the blk vision and randys cycle, huntley has a demo set up on a silver street it sounded great and they are 40 lbs lighter than the stock or stage 2 mufflers, i think.
i rode the demo with the stage 1 and it has just the right amount of sound. I coming off
a ulta with the stage 3 and scr eagles exhaust and it is loud, wife likes loud. i like mellow (getting old i guess) my bike will be in in march or april. we will meet up. hope this helps.
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Posted 2008-01-21 12:43 PM (#4515 - in reply to #4495)
Subject: RE: Stage 1 Exhasut


Posts: 1484
I've installed the Stage 1 Level 1 on my Vision. I posted how I installed the mufflers in an earlier thread titled Stage 1 Level 1. It may help you out if you want to install your own. I went with the level 1, they are not as loud as the level 2. The level 1 can be used with the tail gunner option, according to the catalog, level 2 cannot. Level 1 keeps the heat shields, level 2 is a slip on chrome muffler. Level 1 is about $100 less. The level 1 are 11 lbs lighter than the stock mufflers, so that is a 22 lb total reduction in weight with the level 1's. I've heard where the level 2 mufflers weigh in at about 20 lbs less each. Installation is pretty simple, once you've done one. With the level 1 on my Vision the mpg is running around 40. This should get better as I only have 2000 miles on the bike right now. Also, as far a looks, I've not seen the level 2 mufflers on a bike. The level 1's look just like stock, just have a good rumble to them.
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