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vision envey
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Posted 2008-01-10 9:58 PM (#4028)
Subject: vision envey


Posts: 294
rhode island
ive read some threads from BMW, Harley+ Goldwing riders seem to be some very closed minds when it comes to something new or exotic. the vision is at least 10 years ahead of anything else out there. Harley Davidson is very old school, Goldwing is too tall with no leg room and handling is very heavy, the BMW is far to tall at 31 inches and also there is too much wind buffetting around the helmet. have these guys bothered to test ride a vision for any distance at all? if they had i doubt they would remain as loyal to there current rides. ive been riding for 32 years my bikes have included CB 360, 750 Bonneville, CX 500, GL 1200 Goldwing, CB 900 supersport, 2002 TC deluxe, 2008 midnite cherry premium my bike was ordered in june and arrived mid september from MOMS in foxboro MA. (a very good dealership) 1500 miles so far no problems no distortion in windshield, fit + finish excellent very smooth and powerful, wind protections excellent, 80+miles per hour without any buffetting at all. Daytona bound in march, hope to see vision riders on the way down.
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Posted 2008-01-10 10:10 PM (#4030 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I have an e-glide sitting in the garage collecting dust since I got my Vision. The other riders may be close minded but I bet the other manufacturers are keeping a sharp eye ont Victory.
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Posted 2008-01-10 10:57 PM (#4034 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: RE: vision envey


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
The proof is definitely in the ride. There will be critics everywhere you go so I wouldn't be too concern. I like the idea of being different, but that is hard to do if only means different colors, more or less chrome, but the base is the same is many other rides out there. I work with a winger who has a sharp GL1800, but he knows he has limitations on the long haul. Good ride, and made for the road, but he looks for a little more comfort still. When I tell him that I can push from gas station to gas station on a 700 mile ride without discomfort, you can see the curiosity in his face of what it would be like. But he's a winger and he'll probably be one until they pry his fingers from around the grips because he wouldn't break the mold of being a winger.

Ride On and Happy Motoring!
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Posted 2008-01-10 11:20 PM (#4035 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: RE: vision envey


Posts: 3204
The more closed minded you are the more you will hate the Vision.
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Posted 2008-01-10 11:21 PM (#4036 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
I agree, the proof is in the ride - but- for a lot of these guys I think it is like changing religions and leaving your congregation behind, out in the cold, and they feel like traitors. I have offered several HD buddies to take the Vis for a spin, but I think they feel their HD sittin there is going to pull out a gun and shoot them off the seat. Traitor! It will be interesting in the years ahead to see if some the HD and Wingers do make a change. And there will always be guys like my Dad until the day he died, if it wasn't a GM truck he wasn't interested.
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Posted 2008-01-10 11:22 PM (#4037 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
I own a BMW also and still ride when I want to ride agressively but the Vision is undoubtably the best ride for comfort and handling combined. My BMW dealer doesn't sell Victory but they think very highly of the Victory lineup. If you are going to ride a cruiser Victory is the most reliable one out there.
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Posted 2008-01-11 1:27 AM (#4039 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I'll keep the HD. Its nice to have a backup for those tech problems that pop up now and then. That old girl and I have been through a lot togther over the last 5 years. I hope the Vision is as trouble free as she has been. Will I still ride it? Sure, as soon as the weather gets better (no heaters)LOL. Ive been through much in my lifetime, good and bad. The things that have kept me going are family and motorcycles.
The HD phrase I hate the most but describes me to a T is "live to ride". After reading some of the posts here, Im not alone. Where else can you read about people riding in temps below freezing? Not many. Thats why I hate "live to ride" ,if your doing it you dont need to advertise.
My wife has to beg me to take the car when theres a threat of bad weather. Just easier to get on the bike, even in bad weather I still have a smile on my face. People think Im crazy(little do they know)
Ive been through a lot in life and theres not much I really need. Where Im going is not as improtant as how I get there.
If we didnt have all these choices and diffrent opinions, live would be awful boring.
Right now the Vision, in my opinion, is the pefect compromise of power, handling and comfort. That may change in the future.
The curse of an open mind.
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:03 AM (#4045 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 294
rhode island
choices is what its all about, glad i made the move to ride the ultimate dream bike, instead of me to bikes.the reaction i get from motorist is almost worth the price of the bike, truckers in traffic yelling down awwwsom, cars and bikes of every brand pulling up along side thumbs way up. its very cool to be riding one of the finest bikes on earth
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Posted 2008-01-11 10:14 AM (#4049 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I ordered a Vision & waited all those long months for it to come BECAUSE it's styled so differently. I knew I wanted another bike but didn't want one that looked like my grandfather could have bought it 30 years ago
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Posted 2008-01-11 12:48 PM (#4052 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
Sandman, This thread gave me a great idea, thanks. Vision Envy would make a great personalized plate. VISN NV
Very cool, I am jazzed! Sorry Californians I already submitted the order to DMV.
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Posted 2008-01-11 3:09 PM (#4057 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey

Nalcrest, FL United States
I ordered my plate= LIVV. Still waiting for it to arrive. I went out to take a short ride on tuesday. Six hours later i arrived back home!!!! I just can't get off it everytime I ride. My only stop was for gas! It's starting to scare me! Sometimes I forget I am on a motorcycle! Whenever I ride past a group of those "other bikers" they just point and stare! LOL! This bike is turning into a year round rider! I don't know what I will do when the warm weather come's back!!!!!
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Posted 2008-01-11 6:56 PM (#4061 - in reply to #4057)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I started to get a VV plate combo but settled on GR8WAY, that speaks for itself. I've had the same thoughts in riding, it's easy to forget that it is a motor, because it is easy to forget to stop for gas. I'm glad it's got that little light on the dash.

LIVV - 2008-01-11 3:09 PM

I ordered my plate= LIVV. Still waiting for it to arrive. I went out to take a short ride on tuesday. Six hours later i arrived back home!!!! I just can't get off it everytime I ride. My only stop was for gas! It's starting to scare me! Sometimes I forget I am on a motorcycle! Whenever I ride past a group of those "other bikers" they just point and stare! LOL! This bike is turning into a year round rider! I don't know what I will do when the warm weather come's back!!!!!
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Posted 2008-01-11 7:53 PM (#4062 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
My hard core biker buddies are quickly changing their minds. At first I received the old "it's not a HD, whats wrong with you?", to the "Man that bike is different", to "That bike is awesome" all in about a day. I'll will bet dollars to dognuts, when they look to get a new bike, they will be thinking of the vision. Especially when they realize the price for a fully loaded Vision. It seems everything is custom from the git go, so all the money they save with sticker price, and not having to buy HD extras that are required to "look cool", turns heads and paychecks towards Victory. Some still say I will miss the Hog. I still say NO WAY! This is the bike of my dreams!
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:50 PM (#4075 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Best thing about the Vision, not too many aftermarket parts. Credit card is colder than a witches titties since I bought it.
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Posted 2008-01-11 9:20 PM (#4079 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 1324
So Cal
OOOOOOO!! new pictures!!!!
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:14 AM (#4090 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Is this the new version of envy, when you get "OLDER"? The other, not so much.
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Posted 2008-01-12 1:29 PM (#4096 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
That's right Pollo, I used to look forward to a ride at night now I look forward to riding my bike! Sad state of affairs if you ask me. Of course I'm not ready to turn down the night rides quite yet! I guess that means riding the Vision is almost as good as having #%!.
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Posted 2008-01-12 1:49 PM (#4097 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
How does this happen? Nevermind, Dangit Jim I'm a physician not a magician. (Spock should enjoy that statement) Like I always say, you guys never give us younger guys anything fun to look forward to as we get seasoned. Dadgummit.
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Posted 2008-01-12 4:05 PM (#4100 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Update! Update! Called my dealer today about the dent they originally said was a warranty item,now, they said "go pound sand" thats the way it is. Travisty, I'll keep on ridin, won't change my life, but I will lead the parade to Victory's front door if there are enough dent guys here to scream, and yell.

Tennchikin, I guess this would be a minor issue?" Take some pics since your are covered in snow and let us see the first Vision with a major concussion.
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Posted 2008-01-14 8:25 PM (#4217 - in reply to #4028)
Subject: Re: vision envey

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I'm not sure I'm ready for pictures of Pollo's putt. Last ones I saw, he was enjoying his offspring on his new vision with green grass and leaves on the trees. Maybe you could have the littlest Pollo chewing out Mrs Chicken with the bruised vision in the back ground? Pollo, first proto type picture (logo) is done. I will scan tomorrow. It's not bad for using pens, highlighters and markers. (I'm at work so resources are limited) I will scan the original, and see if it works. I will continue doing the "ruffs". I plan on doing one a week until we hit paydirt with something you like.
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