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Homemade flag mounts
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Posted 2009-04-25 7:38 PM (#33087)
Subject: Homemade flag mounts


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

Wanting flag for my Vision proved to be a challenge in finding the right mounting system. I wanted one that would hold a substantial flag, larger than the 6X9, more like the 10X15. The search proved futile at this point and time so I decided to fabricate my own. I wanted it to mount it whether it was in the tour or street mode, so that was a challenge too. I contemplated several options, from across the license plate bracket to the large exhaust bolt and coming straight back where the pole would mount at the bottom of the bike at the tail and then have 3” of pole up to mount the flags. All seemed to be a good idea but did not really seem to work for me.

I finally decided on the current system and it seems to work well. I’m going to refine them some and then have them chromed so they may look like they do through this summer and then come winter I’ll pull them and get them pretty. I guess it is about and inch angle iron, though I’ve not measured it to find out. For the most part everything has been “eyeballed” so things are not perfect, but can be refined to be so with a little work.

For one bracket I used the angle iron, a 3/8” cable clamp, two acorn nut, one piece of aluminum tubing to cover the exposed threaded part of the threaded rod, a 1’ threaded rod, and a cap nut. That’s it and it was all got at my local Lowes store.

The "cap" piece of the cable clamp is NOT needed for the tour luggage rack post to mount, but you do need it for the street rack. Just slip it on with the flat side out before putting it through the bracket holes to give it some depth and allow the nuts to tighten.

The only flag I got so far is the POW/MIA flag from the local Harley place and surprisingly enough it was less than a Hundred Dollars. I two drilled holes on either end to accommodate the cable clamp, however, one end has a slightly longer hole to adjust for the trunk mount and to level it. The other end will accommodate the clamp but it may never be used for that.

It’s purpose is to allow the flags to be mounted on the Street rack, and the closer in hole, if you so desire can be used to mount in when on the tour rack. I made the other side opposite to get it to mount with a balanced look. So, whichever one you start with, just do the holes in an opposite fashion on the other one and all will work out well.

I really don’t know what else to tell other than I think it will work real well for me as it fits all around and is easy to remove and install. I think I’ll have to use lock washers but for now they are just tight by a wrench.

A bit of advice, unless you are working with a drill press, I would drill the holes before cutting the bracket off the long piece. It just makes it easier to handle if you don’t have a vise, like me. Grant it, this is the first pass and it is not pretty, I spray painted it with “chrome” to dress it up some, and will contemplate many things before I make the final cut. Right now they are serving their purpose as I need them.






Attachments pieces.JPG (30KB - 4 downloads)
Attachments tour.JPG (28KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments sidesteet.JPG (28KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments street.JPG (30KB - 4 downloads)
Attachments capforclamp.JPG (44KB - 1 downloads)
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