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Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision
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Travelin Man
Posted 2018-11-27 9:04 PM (#192748)
Subject: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

I haven't been on here in a very long time and thought I would give those who remember me and update.

Last year I got a really, really good deal on a 2007 Honda Goldwing that only had 8,200 miles on it from my local Honda dealer.  I didn't get rid of the Vision but I did want a bike I could ride daily to work so that I could reserve the Vision for trips and weekend riding as I wanted to keep it for a very long time and didn't want to worry about things breaking that would be hard to replace.

Well, as they say, the best laid plans......  On September 11th of this year I was riding the Goldwing from my business to meet my wife and was on a road I have ridden on a thousand times before.  There are two fairly dangerous cross street intersections as they occur in valleys along the route.  On that day as I crested the hill leading to the valley with the first cross street there were two cars stopped on either side of the road (my road did not stop) when the car on the right pulled out about 10 feet from the stop sigh and saw me before entering the roadway.  Seeing this movement I rolled off the throttle and covered the front brake in case he decided to continue moving.  Well, the lady in the car on the other side of the intersection decided to jump on the gas seeing the movement from the car on the opposite side of the intersection and when I put my attention to her, her front bumper was already at the centerline of my route.  I clearly remember yelling out "oh s&!t" just as I impacted her on the rear passenger side door.  My only injury from the accident ended up being that I tore every ligament in my left thumb and did some nerve damage.  Unfortunately the Goldwing was totaled because the frame actually got buckled.  After healing up for about six weeks or so I wanted to move my Vision around the garage and I found out I had no strenth to pull in the clutch.  The specialist I saw for the thumb injuries confirmed to me the next day that I may never regain full strength in that hand and thumb.  That talk ended up making up my mind about my next touring bike and simply due to it being the only one on the market without needing a clutch to shift I ended up making a three way deal between the Honda dealer (Nielsen Enterprises, Lake Villa, IL), Randy's Cycles (Marengo, IL), and me.  Randy's bought the Vision from me but made payment to Nielsens, and I gave Nielsens a check from my insurance company for the '07 Goldwing and when all was said and done I bought a Pearl Hawkseye Blue 2018 Honda Goldwing Tour DCT (dual clutch transmission) which is basically and automatic that can be put into manual mode and uses paddle shifting switches on the left handbar to shift gears or to override automatic to downshift when slowing or entering a corner.

I will miss my Vision but I look forward to continue riding.........

I do have a favor to ask of someone in California whe purchased my Vision from Randy's sight unseen, if you are on this forum and see this please send me a message as you would have bought the Vision only a few weeks ago.

Edited by Travelin Man 2018-11-27 9:09 PM
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Posted 2018-11-28 9:55 AM (#192751 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: RE: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I'm sorry to hear about the accident, and happy you weren't injured worse. That could have ended much worse.

A man has to do whatever it takes to keep riding. Honda's adaptation of the DCT transmission to the new Goldwing is pretty sweet. I looked at them myself, but the seat height is way too tall for me to be able to handle it. I liked most everything else about the bike. I used to ride a Goldwing myself until the Vision came along. Injuries made it impossible for me to handle tall seat heights anymore, and the Vision's low seat height was a major determining factor. After having it for awhile, I can't imagine having anything but a Vision.

Don't be a stranger.

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Posted 2018-12-02 8:12 AM (#192754 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: RE: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
Is this your bike? ..see attached picture.

If that's it then go on Facebook to the Victory Vision owners group and you can connect with the new owner.


Attachments vision.JPG (91KB - 0 downloads)
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Travelin Man
Posted 2018-12-02 2:38 PM (#192755 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: Re: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Nope, Randy stated that the person who bought my bike is in California and that he bought it only looking at the pictures.

My vision had all the brushed aluminum side fairing pieces painted H-D Cobalt blue with a cobalt blue strip extending onto the saddlebag lids. Also, the front end brushed aluminum was replaced with chrome pieces before I ever took delivery from Randy back in 2008

Also, I had the Victory accessory CB with the CB antenna and tall windshield and trunk rack.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2018-12-02 2:39 PM (#192756 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: RE: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

Here is a picture of my Vision:


Attachments Vision.jpg (1591KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2018-12-02 10:00 PM (#192757 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: Re: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 28
Mossyrock, WA
I like that Cobalt Blue!!
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Posted 2018-12-16 10:11 AM (#192760 - in reply to #192748)
Subject: Re: Sold (sort of) my '08 Vision


Posts: 143
Lexington Park, MD
Glad you made it out ok with little damage to the body. Good deal you are still on two wheels enjoying. Hope you do recover that hand strength.
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