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Enabling Vision Middle Brake Light
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Posted 2009-01-30 1:34 PM (#27921)
Subject: Enabling Vision Middle Brake Light


Posts: 208
Wichita, Kansas
One of the things that struck me as a little odd, was the Vision's middle brake light. The Vision has 6 tail-lights, 3 on each side of the Vee. Only 4 of these are used as brake lights, those being the middle and bottom lights on each side. The top light is reserved for use as a turn signal. However, when the turn signal is activated, the middle brake light and running light are shut off, leaving only the bottom light on each side to be used as brake lights. Victory says this dark spot in the middle increases the contrast with the turn signal making them more visible. I have never seen a car with multiple tail light bulbs disable a brake light during turns. Personally, I would rather the middle brake lights stayed on, the way the cars do it. The lower lights are the least visible and the turn signals must flash a time or two to get the attention of the cager on the cell phone behind you. This can use up a couple of precious seconds. So, I disabled the "feature" that turns off the middle brake lights.

The process is simple, but does require that two wires in the electrical harness be cut. Referring to the wiring diagram in the service manual, it shows that the lights are disabled by a relay for each direction that is opened whenever the light module activates a turn signal. The ground (BK/OR wire) for both middle lights goes through each relay in series to get to the ground wire (BK wire). Removing this ground when either relay activates shuts off current flow to the middle lights, making them go dark. To re-enable the middle lights, you simply remove the drive that causes the relays to activate. The relays are activated by the BU/VIO and BU/BN wires which come through the connector labeled "REAR", pins G and H.

The rear connector is located under the seat on the right hand side. The easiest access to the wires is forward of the connector. Strip off enough cable wrapping to expose about 3 inches of wire. Make sure the wires go to the G and H terminals; the letters are molded in the connector. I simply cut each wire (BU/VIO and BU/BN) about 2 inches from the connector, but a smarter person doing the mod pointed out you can use a paper clip and just pull the pins out of the connector.  Be sure to wrap each cut wire end with self sealing electrical tape; that's the kind that has a thin plastic layer you strip off before you apply it, letting it fuse together to make a solid ball of rubber when wrapped – about $3 a roll at Ace Hardware, or similar. Don't use plain old sticky electrical tape; Underseat temperatures will cause it to fall off in short order. Test the brake and turn signals to make sure everything is to your liking, then replace the seat. You now have 4 brake lights instead of 2 when turning.   Actually, the best side to pull pins from is the back - they aren't hot there so it's a little safer, but the connector is harder to work with because of the location.

This does not seem to affect the turn signals and should have no effect on the light control module. This is no worse that losing a relay which falls out, becomes corroded, or just plain dies.

This is pretty simple but let me know if you think a pic would help.

Edited by KansasGuardsman 2009-09-24 5:37 PM
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