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New little discovery this morning
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Posted 2007-12-06 1:57 PM (#2582)
Subject: New little discovery this morning


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
The battery ran out on my MP3 player this morning on the way into work.
Knowing the ride home wouldn't be the same, I pulled into a store. I locked
the handlebars. Doubting myself the size was AAA, I tried to open the
left side pocket in the fairing. It was stuck. I unlocked the handlebars to
get them out of the way. I pushed down again on the lid and it opened.
With the lid still open, I locked the handbars again. Now it wouldn't shut???
No, am I that thick?? Sure enough, when you lock the handlebars, there is
a little barrell that locks the lid.
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Posted 2007-12-06 2:10 PM (#2583 - in reply to #2582)
Subject: Re: New little discovery this morning

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Cool little gadget! Probably would be nice to have known prior to discovery. I'm sure that's in the user manual, but who has time for reading when you could be riding. Thanks for the heads up. I would have gotten a hammer and started beating it....
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Posted 2007-12-06 2:43 PM (#2584 - in reply to #2582)
Subject: Re: New little discovery this morning


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
That is correct, it does lock and doesn't need a hammer. I was also told that the side bags would lock when you lock the handlebars, this however, is not true. BMW does, wonder why they couldn't easily fix that. Or, like some folks on here, do you really need the key in it all the time. You can pull the key out if you just want the accessory position on. Not sure how that helps me. I occassionally listen to the radio without the bike on, but do I need to pull the key. Now, if I could figure out how to shut all the power off with the key out in the accessory position. Now, that might be helpful.
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Posted 2007-12-06 3:04 PM (#2588 - in reply to #2582)
Subject: Re: New little discovery this morning

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
ok, ol saged poop. my hd doesn't need the key. I only need it if I want to lock the forks. so,,young whipper snapper, unlike most who have owned a bike other than a Vespa, would probably find this a fair question. i don't use a hammer on everything....just things that anger me or fail to co operate with the will of the BUCKEYE. I always leave a wake of knot heads where ever I make for a head ache on a bad hair day.
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