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LEDs Installed In Trunk Lights
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Posted 2009-01-30 12:16 PM (#27916)
Subject: LEDs Installed In Trunk Lights


Posts: 1484
I have put three LEDs in each of the two trunk lights and tied the LEDs to the brake lighting. This gets brake lighting up higher on the motorcycle. The lights I used are the 8mm single red LEDs I used in the LED turn signal project, that's because I had extra. I have ordered 10mm white LEDs to replace the ones I install in the trunk lights. The ones I have in now just are not a bright as I had wished.
Here are the steps I went through to get this project completed.

Remove the seat, once you have done that, locate the large wiring harness on the right side with a large plug. This plug is located like right under your right butt cheek if your sitting on the bike. Clean it off and look closely at the letters on the plug, both sides. The positive wire is white/pink and the ground wire is black. But there is more than one black, the one your looking for is at letter (E) on the plug. Now strip off the tape on the harness and locate those two wires. This is where I wired in the connection for the harness I built running back to the trunk lights.
The first picture shows how it looks when wiring was completed under the seat. Notice new tape and put up out of the way. My connections were soldered and shrink wrapped where I could then double taped with 3M electrical tape, they make the best I've used.

Next, open the trunk lid and on each side there are two rubber plugs remove the plugs and behind you will find 4mm hex screws, remove the screws. Once these are removed, the trunk light can be removed from the trunk by disconecting the wire plug. Do both sides. Now remove the black plastic covers on both sides of the lid, they snap in so just pull up firmly and they will come off. Now remove the rear speaker covers, again two 4mm hex screws on top and a lip on the bottom.

Now if you have a mirror in your trunk, you will have to remove it to get the lid liner to come loose. I tried to heat gun mine off, but the darn thing distorted badly, so I just took it off and pitched. Have a new one ordered now. If that is not in your way there are a series of 4mm and six mm screws holding the liner to the lid, remove them and now the lid is loose from the liner. This also removed the back rest pad. You don't have to fully disassemble as your just running the wiring harness you make along the edges. Note picture.

Now make up your wiring harness, I used 18 ga. wire, two wires with one pigtail for the right light. Once the wiring harness is made run it along side the existing wiring harness, see pictures and I attached with plastic zip strips. I used black for both my wires, because that's what I had, so if you do that make sure you identify your positive wire before putting it into the bike. If you use two different colored wires you don't have that issue. Over by the right speaker is where I ran the harness down to the tie in point. I loosened that hinge and fed the wire under the existing harness and retightened the hinge and put a zip tie on it.

With the new wiring harness now in the lid and the two leads exposed at each light, you can now reattach the liner to the lid. Put the speaker covers back on and put the two black plastic covers back on the lid.
Go ahead and make your connection to the main wiring harness. Again I soldered mine and double taped. Now your ready to work on the lights.
Look at the picture and you will see where I drilled the holes for the LEDs (3) on each light. I also drilled holes in the plastic molding stand offs on the back of the light to better allow wire lay out. This is where those two screws attach the light to the lid.

Next I drilled two large holes in the trunk lid next to the existing light socket hole. Through these you will run your wiring. Note the picture. Then fish the wire back through the light socket hole. Now cut your wiring to the length you want, connect the postive wire on the lights to the positive wire on the harness you made and then the ground wire. Shrink wrap & tape your connections good, stuff the wire back through the socket hole, hook up the wire socket to the running light, feed all the wire back through the holes, take your time to get the best fit. Now the light should be fitted back as when you started. If it is not, your wiring is probably in the way. Once fitted right, open trunk lid and put the two 4mm screws back in the holes to the lid, put the plugs back in. Don't over tighten as they could strip out. Do the same to the other light, should go better now that your a pro at it.

Now with the lights in and all the wires under the seat put back out of the way, reinstall the seat. Now if you haven't already, test the lights. The next to last picture is the trunk light without the brake lights on and the last is with the brake lights on. You can see the three LEDs under the lens. As stated earlier, I'm going to replace the red 8mm ones I put in with a 10mm white light. Shoud give me better light illumination.

If you have any questions, send a P/M.







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