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LED Front Turn Signals
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Posted 2009-01-29 10:28 PM (#27884)
Subject: LED Front Turn Signals


Posts: 1484
Here is how I put in LED turn signal lights. Pictures are in order. Feel free to improve on this.
Remove the gauge bezel.
Remove the front cowling and disconnect the antenna.
Pick the first side you want to do. Remove the 6mm hex screw and the 10mm bolt holding the mirror. In the picture you can see the 10 mm bolt to the right of the screw. Hold onto the mirror when removing the 10 mm bolt.
Remove the turn signal bulb from the lense your working on. These are 90 degree turn bulb holders coming out and going back in. The left bulb, positive is blue, the right bulb the positive is blu/pink. Black is ground on both lights.
The next picture is one of the lights. These are 8mm individual LEDs. Red wire is positive, black/red is ground wire.
Next lay out the pattern on the grill cover on the front side. I started at the corner and spaced the holes every inch. I practiced on some hard scrap plastic to make sure I used the right drill size. You have to drill the holes so the lights fit in tight, don't drill too big. I put in six bulbs, you may want less.
Next wire up the lights to your positive and negative leads. I use solder joint, with heat shrink covers.
Once your lights are wired into a harness, they are ready to install in the plastic. Press them into the holes from the back side and route your wires to minimize bulkiness.
Now mount the speaker cover back onto the bike. Make sure to direct the wires so there is the least interference. You now have to drill a hole through the plastic pretty close to where the 10mm bolt attaches to the mirror. This will be used to route the wires to the turn signal bulb.
Strip the wires on the turn signal bulb. Blue and Blu/pink are positive and black is ground. Do the solder joint here. Red on the LEDs to the positive, black/red to the negative.
Tape up all your joints and tape the wire harness to protect the wires. Reinstall the turn signal light. You can check operation of the LED now.
Now put your mirror back in. Replace the cowl on the front of the fairing, and replace the instrument bezel.

Edited by VisionTex 2009-01-29 11:12 PM












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