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heated set question???
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Posted 2008-12-28 7:57 PM (#25696)
Subject: heated set question???

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
savannah ga
Ok I used the heated seat the other day , to find it going hot to cold to very hot to cold .It was on high at that time . I placed it on low when it got very hot to find it to hold temp steady . So the next day i started out on low witch took like 9 miles to feel any thing then boom warm but again . As time goes on it cooled off to nothing again .Do these have a relay or internall thermostat or what?? Or do i have a defective seat heater ? THANKS FOR THE HELP .
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Posted 2008-12-28 8:14 PM (#25698 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: RE: heated set question???


Posts: 63
Shelby Twp. MI
Nothin wrong with your seat its cycles on and off....
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Posted 2008-12-28 10:04 PM (#25707 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: RE: heated set question???


Posts: 447
Northeastern Penna.
My 08 Vision does the same- On the high setting , it cycles on/off. On the low setting,it is a steady
warmth,and didn't take that long to reach the comfort level,certainly not 9 miles. I believe there was discussion here, stating the same. The heated seats/grips have resistors and a relay which limits/controls the current.
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Posted 2008-12-28 11:26 PM (#25711 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: Re: heated set question???

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
I concurr with the above responses. My bike actually could fry my nuts on the high setting. Low cycles and does a great job. 9 miles is a bit long. Ya know, it wont hurt to have it checked out next time you run the bike by your dealer. We have heard that there were
some issues with heated seats, perhaps you have a grumpy thermostat or heating element etc. never hurts to check
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Posted 2008-12-29 6:15 AM (#25720 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: Re: heated set question???


Posts: 1350
I thought mine was taking long to warm but the heat had to get through the leather bibs, quilted lining, jeans, silk long johns, skivvies and then my butt. I "feel" it's a lot of material to warm up.
My hands always warm first but I have just my cold weather Victory Gauntlets on.
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Posted 2008-12-29 5:16 PM (#25738 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: RE: heated set question???

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 24
savannah ga
I thought it was the amount of clothing i was wearing but that was not the fact when it did it to me with just jeans . You will be riding for a while and forget its on then boom my buts on fire then off for 5 mins then on .To me it seems to be a long time between hot and cold. I thought it might cylcel but not to that extreme . low is the same way on feels good then nothing for a while . Iam getting the radio control fixed this week ill have the check it ...THANKS
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Posted 2008-12-30 8:41 AM (#25772 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: Re: heated set question???


Posts: 106
L.I., N.Y.
I agree, high will roast you and I generally use it when temps are below 30 or if I need to warm up, even thru the long john's for those below 30 degs days. Low is nonexistence, I was riding yesterday and had the seat on low setting and it never got warm with riding temps in the 40's and just turned it off. I'll have the dealer check it after the Cold Finger Run for Cancer on New Year's Day.
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Posted 2008-12-30 8:41 AM (#25773 - in reply to #25696)
Subject: Re: heated set question???


Posts: 106
L.I., N.Y.
I agree, high will roast you and I generally use it when temps are below 30 or if I need to warm up, even thru the long john's for those below 30 degs days. Low is nonexistence, I was riding yesterday and had the seat on low setting and it never got warm with riding temps in the 40's and just turned it off. I'll have the dealer check it after the Cold Finger Run for Cancer on New Year's Day.
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