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Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....
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Posted 2016-06-28 9:29 PM (#185047)
Subject: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted 2016-06-29 7:31 AM (#185059 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: RE: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
yes, we are the bastards of Victory but that's ok. We are unique and we are not only surviving but thriving in spite of lack of support from the manufacturer. We have vendors that have adopted us for the cams and many other things. Visions just keep on keeping on. Truthfully, I'm glad we are not the part of the Cross line. They are too popular for me, as I have said before , Victorys streetglide. I know with popularity comes support. Unfortunate side effect of being a lone wolf model. To all the Lone Wolves , ride on.
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Posted 2016-06-29 6:14 PM (#185074 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
the new s&s cams will add 20% more power. For a $1000 or more. Screw them.
if you take your vision and add both performance air filters and a PCV with good exhaust and Lloydz ATS wheel you'll be at 97 horse and 112 ft of torque.
All for less then what the s&s cams will coast you with the same out come of power
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Posted 2016-06-29 6:20 PM (#185075 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
If you did the s&s cams $549 and tri oval exhaust $999 and labor of 5 hours on a cross country you would need a bank loan.
Victory says you have to pull the motor on the steel frame bikes and the hours they say is about 10 hours. Most shop rates are $90 an hour.
The top 4 bike tuners don't pull the motor just the gas tank
Now Lloydz will warrenty his cams for a year and pay for all failure if the cams caused it
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Posted 2016-06-30 5:39 AM (#185082 - in reply to #185075)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
If I do cams, it will be Lloydz
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Posted 2016-06-30 5:29 PM (#185091 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
don't rule these out
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Posted 2016-06-30 5:29 PM (#185092 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
don't rule these out
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Posted 2016-07-01 8:29 AM (#185102 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 39
sending mine to Lloyds in fall. He said to me he will have turbo kit for vision!!
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Posted 2016-07-03 5:43 PM (#185271 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
now for $900 bucks you can have it lope like a big chevy Maybe
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Posted 2016-07-03 5:43 PM (#185272 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 4278
now for $900 bucks you can have it lope like a big chevy Maybe. you want a old Harley go buy one
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Posted 2016-07-04 1:07 AM (#185277 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Mine is KevinXinated - and will WHOP a big chevy - or ANY other car on the road - or ANY Harley ... and at age 72, I proved that the other day against a nutcase in a muscular BMW (and I had Co-Pilot on board).
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Posted 2016-07-15 5:01 PM (#186533 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 573
Central Illinois

donetracey - 2016-07-04 1:07 AM Mine is KevinXinated - and will WHOP a big chevy - or ANY other car on the road - or ANY Harley ... and at age 72, I proved that the other day against a nutcase in a muscular BMW (and I had Co-Pilot on board).

Doing that with co-pilot on board hurts my ribs too much. The bike will do it if you can stand the pain.

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Posted 2016-07-16 2:28 AM (#186538 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: RE: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

My biggest 'pain' from the Co-Pilot while riding - is a whack on the helmet for 'not stopping' - to 'SEE' or to 'DO' something - like "Wow - look at those surfers out there" or "Did you see that raccoon behind that tree back there?".

I bought my VISION because (unlike CARS that are ALWAYS evolving) no OTHER bike looked like it was newer than the year I was born (1944). And NO MANUFACTURER in the 8 years I have owned it - have been able to produce anything that TOPS it !!!

So, Co-Pilot and Pilot will ride on - on the BEST bike I have ever SEEN or DRIVEN. And it will WHOP any car on the road ....


(DSC09868 - Copy.jpg)

Attachments DSC09868 - Copy.jpg (125KB - 4 downloads)
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Posted 2016-07-16 5:53 AM (#186539 - in reply to #186538)
Subject: RE: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I love your shirts!. and you are right about the Vision.
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Posted 2016-07-17 11:31 AM (#186553 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 118
Spfld, IL but temp Bay area, CA
Been getting the itch to replace my '08 tour premium just because--nothing wrong, 54K trouble free miles.
I really like the looks of the Roadmaster so me and the co-pilot went for a demo ride yesterday.
Other than being a little sluggish in 1st gear(my Vision is KevinXed), I generally liked it quite well.
Co-pilot's impression was not as favorable. The trunk backrest is not as tall as the Vision's and therefore not as comfy for her.
The heat from the rear cylinder bother her right calf quite a bit.
She has no complaints on the Vision.
We have also demo'd the CCT and she doesn't like it as well as the Vision either.
I will also demo a Moto Guzzi California and re-visit the CCT before purchasing a new bike but as of now, a new Vision is still the favorite.
They are just really hard to beat.
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Posted 2016-07-18 4:07 AM (#186557 - in reply to #186553)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

and what is your question?

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Posted 2016-07-19 3:46 PM (#186583 - in reply to #185047)
Subject: Re: Let's forget about the Vision..... again.....


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
You can't beat the Vision. I test rode the Indian hoping to really fall in love, but it wasn't there. No need to look at anything else. After 8 years, nothing can come close to the cornering and comfort. After a 3 hour ride, I'm warmed up and ready to go 8 hours more.
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