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J&M Speaker Install with Pics
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Posted 2008-12-10 6:56 AM (#24783)
Subject: J&M Speaker Install with Pics


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
I finally got around to doing this. I know others have done it ,but I figured I'd take some pics to help out. Although the steps are pretty easy , they can be a little tedious to accomplish. I would strongly suggest a small telescoping magnet and long tweezers for grabbing the clips,spacers and bolts you'll invariably drop. Trust me - you'll thank me if you have these on hand - before you start.

Ok - here we go. Fronts first -

#1 - Remove Dash Bezel with small putty knife(plastic if you have but metal works too).Slide behind bezel and carefully twist to release.

#2 - Remove Front Access panel(in front of windshield). Grab both top sides and pull straight back. Un clip antenna.

#3 - Remove Mirrors. Remove 10mm bolt behind mirror. It's conveniently(not) located across from turn signal bulb. You'll need a smaller ratchet - 1/4" drive to fit. Remove 6mm hex bolt from top of mirror toward the outer edge of mirror(see photo). Keep your hand on the mirror when you remove the final bolt.

#4 - Remove the {3} 4mm Hex screws that hold the speaker grill in place. To remove the grill, pull straight out (firmly) with your hands on top and bottom of grill between the mirror location and speaker . (don't pull from the two ends)There are two clips located behind. Be prepared for one or both to fall off in this step. If they do - located immediately and snap back on the grill before proceeding.

#5 - This is the easy part. Remove (4) 4mm Hex screws from speaker. You may have to gently pry speaker to remove. Unclip speaker wires from terminals

#6 - Install new Speakers. Attach speaker wires to new speakers and re install (4) screws. When both are in , test both with a quick listen before re assembly.

Back Speakers -

#1 -Remove Backrest . Remove (3) 6mm hex screws inside trunk that hold backrest.

#2 - Remove Speaker grills by loosening (2) 4mm screws on top of grill with trunk lid open.

#3 - Remove (2) t20 screws holding speaker in. NOTE - there are two small spacers behind the speaker. Use care not to lose them.

NOTE - when you replace the backrest DO NOT push hard on 6mm hex screws. Start them by hand. I used a T handle wrench and pushed the threaded insert out of the hole in the backrest in two locations. They were a real pain to get back in. Thread these by hand before tightening.

The biggest pain for me was the 10mm bolt behind the mirror. It may be helpful to have someone push in on the mirror during re-assembly. The other pain was located fasteners after they fall. Keep a magnet handy. Other than that it is fairly simple.It took me about two hours to complete. If you have a extra hand and you don't drop or lose fasteners or have the insert problem on the backrest -you can probably do it in an hour and a half.

Edited by luzzy 2008-12-10 9:31 AM

(bezel removal.jpg)
















Attachments bezel removal.jpg (22KB - 25 downloads)
Attachments 6mmscrewtopmirror.jpg (14KB - 14 downloads)
Attachments 10mmboltbehindmirror.jpg (16KB - 8 downloads)
Attachments 4mmscrewspeakergrill.jpg (19KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments speakergrillclip.jpg (18KB - 11 downloads)
Attachments grillremoved.jpg (19KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments speakerremoval.jpg (22KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments speakercomparison.jpg (16KB - 6 downloads)
Attachments speakercomparison2.jpg (16KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments JMspeaker.jpg (18KB - 7 downloads)
Attachments Installed.jpg (22KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments rear4mm.jpg (18KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments backrest6mm.jpg (19KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments grillsoff.jpg (17KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments spacer.jpg (20KB - 3 downloads)
Attachments backrestinsertboltout.jpg (11KB - 7 downloads)
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