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2011 Vision and SENA Compatibility
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Posted 2016-03-15 3:45 PM (#179289)
Subject: 2011 Vision and SENA Compatibility

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio

Been a while since I posted.

My 2011 Vision has the CB / Intercom system, and until recently, worked very well. Just last week, both the intercom and the CB stopped working. I had a similar issue about 2 years ago and discovered that the cable between the radio and the CB had gotten frayed in one spot. Simple enough, just replace the cable. This is when I found out that Victory had discontinued the NTouch / Radio Sound CB systems in favor of the SENA Bluetooth setup.

So here we are today, system is acting up again, and I appear to only have two options:

1. Send the radio and / or the CB back to Radio Sound for out-of-warranty repair. This is my preferred option as I really don't want to give up my wired setup and deal with charging my headset every 8 hours. I understand I give up being able to answer my phone while on the bike, but to be honest, my phone is what I am usually trying to escape when I throw a leg over the bike. If Radio Sound finds out that the CB unit is ok and that the cable is bad, I might not be able to get a new one of those manufactured. Still waiting on RS to tell me if they can make a new cable or not. They couldn't / wouldn't sell me one when my first one broke as they claim Victory has to order them in bulk first.

2. I might have to go Bluetooth with the SENA option. I really don't want to do a non-integrated option (headset - phone) for music as I would like to retain as much of the handlebar and radio controls as possible. I understand from some of the posts that volume would now have to be controlled at the headset level (which I am ok with), but again, would really like to keep my cabled iPod in the glovebox and use the radio controls for playlist selection, etc.

According to the Victory website, it says that the SENA Bluetooth dongle is not compatible with the 2011 Vision. Talking with folks at Victory in Daytona last week, they said it should work. Can anyone confirm if the SENA Victory setup works with a 2011 Vision or not?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

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Posted 2016-05-19 6:45 AM (#184042 - in reply to #179289)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision and SENA Compatibility


Posts: 251
Mechanicsville, VA United States
I have the same question, will the Sena Bluetooth Dongle work with an 08 Vision?

Never mind I found my answer else where, the Dongle is for operation of headsets not phone to radio as that's
what I wanted!

Edited by diamonbird 2016-05-19 6:52 AM
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Posted 2016-05-19 7:51 AM (#184044 - in reply to #179289)
Subject: RE: 2011 Vision and SENA Compatibility


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States

If you want to SEND music to the bikes stereo, then simply plug a bluetooth receiver into the jack in the glove box and stream from whatever device you have. The issue here will be that the controls will not work.

If you are wanting to get sound FROM the bike to your SENA headset, there is a thread somewhere on this site with a diagram showing you how to create a cable that plugs into the bottom of the Vision stereo and ends in a 3.5mm stereo plug. I built one of these cables and then plugged in a bluetooth transmitter that I found on Amazon. This allows me to control my iPod and stereo from the controls and change volume from the Sena (20s) headset. Works perfectly.

I have read that the Victory/Sena dongles work fine with all models of the Vision, at least the newer ones (2009+). But, the harnesses needed are not in the bike, so you have to buy the dongles (1 for you and 1 for your pillion) and the harnesses to plug it all in.

I'll try and find that article and link it.


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