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New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.
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Posted 2015-07-26 4:25 PM (#173743)
Subject: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
My original windshield is due for replacement and I'm trying to decide on what to get. I think I'm going with a 7jurock, but haven't decided on the height or whether to get a straight or flip shield.

We are both about 5' 6" tall. The stock 17.5 inch windshield gives me great protection from wind and rain. My wife gets wet in heavy rain and gets a little more air than I do. She loves the windshield in the down position when it is hot out, and the additional air she gets.

Mainly, my question concerns the flip option. I know that the rider gets great protection, but what about rain dropping onto the passenger and buffeting on the passenger?

The last trip we took, which we just got home from. the temperatures ranged from 33 degrees to 95 degrees. Rain accompanied the cold.

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Posted 2015-07-26 5:30 PM (#173744 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
why do that windshield allow for the mounting hardware from the bike to be seen? unlike the stock shield?
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Posted 2015-07-26 5:59 PM (#173749 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 4278
go taller to stay dry back there. Do you have the trunk on
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Posted 2015-07-26 6:19 PM (#173751 - in reply to #173749)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I do have the trunk on. The wife insists that it stay.

Johnny, are you saying go taller with the straight windshield?

I couldn't care less whether the mounting hardware can be seen or not. All I care about is how the windshield works.


Edited by rdbudd 2015-07-26 6:21 PM
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Posted 2015-07-27 12:31 PM (#173770 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
A 2" shorter flip windshield is the equivalent to the stock windshield as far as getting the wind and rain above and around you. so if you go with the a stock height flip windshield that would be the same as the tall windshield that Victory sold for the VV. I had a Gustaffson flip windshield on mine and it was 13 1/2" high and it would put the air over my head the same as the stock windshield. Love that shield other than buying it in dark tint which made it harder to see through at night. Liked the fact that you can see over the shield and still get the same airflow.
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Posted 2015-07-27 2:15 PM (#173774 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: RE: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
I am 5'-9" tall and have the stock size with a flip on the bike. My wife rode 2,500 miles last summer and never complained a bit about wind.
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Posted 2015-07-27 5:10 PM (#173784 - in reply to #173774)
Subject: RE: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Thanks for the replies. I knew from talking to others that the shorter flip worked to protect the rider, but I am wondering if it also dumps turbulence and rain onto the passenger. I have heard from GW riders that it does, but of course that isn't a direct comparison.

The stock height shield works well for me, but the wife could use a bit more protection, in wet weather in particular. That area is the main deficiency of the stock shield, and the area I want to improve.

What it does for the rider is irrelevant. I am looking for better protection for the passenger.


Edited by rdbudd 2015-07-27 5:12 PM
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Posted 2015-07-27 7:17 PM (#173788 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
Ronnie I have the 7jurock tall smoke and wifeie says all is good with her. ck my pics and ssgray is still the best color !!!
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Posted 2015-07-27 8:11 PM (#173789 - in reply to #173788)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Pig-Pen - 2015-07-27 7:17 PM

Ronnie I have the 7jurock tall smoke and wifeie says all is good with her. ck my pics and ssgray is still the best color !!!

Hey Danny. Long time no see. What height did you go with?

What are you and Bud up to these days? Is he missing that Vision yet?

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Posted 2015-07-28 7:55 PM (#173825 - in reply to #173743)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 14
it was the 23 inch lite gray. bud is ridding a sport cruiser , butt he said it ain't the same but its riding. me not so much ridding, had rotor cuff surgery last year and things aren't the same. my try different bars and see if that helps. but on the other side I've saved money on tires. ride safe
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Posted 2015-07-29 6:10 PM (#173971 - in reply to #173825)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
23 inch. I bet that does give a lot of coverage.

Sorry to hear about the surgery. I hope you find a solution and get back in the wind more.

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Posted 2015-07-30 8:36 AM (#173991 - in reply to #173825)
Subject: Re: New windshield advice--from the passenger's perspective.


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Pig-Pen - 2015-07-28 7:55 PM

it was the 23 inch lite gray. bud is ridding a sport cruiser , butt he said it ain't the same but its riding. me not so much ridding, had rotor cuff surgery last year and things aren't the same. my try different bars and see if that helps. but on the other side I've saved money on tires. ride safe

Holy Moly, that is one tall shield! You should have no wind buffeting at all. I would think the back pressure you get would be tremendous. On my GW when the shield was way up, it felt like someone was pushing on my back.
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