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Stage I Level II
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Posted 2008-09-06 12:56 AM (#17569)
Subject: Stage I Level II


Posts: 460
Centennial, CO
Ok, I have a problem and have yet to find a post regarding it.

I put the first 500 on my bike in a weekend. Took my beauty back to the dealer for the pipes I had already purchased. They installed and supposedly flashed the bike. They didn't put a race tuner of any sort on it. Which is FINE if the computer takes the new program.

Now, for the issue at hand. I took it for a ride and loved the added response and slightly louder sound. But I am curious why my right pipe sounds louder than my left AND why every now and then during downshift I get a slight backfire/popping. Hello?!? It's fuel injected! Is there another map I should download and flash myself?

I am headed for an 800 mile ride tomorrow out and won't be back to my home town until next weekend after another 800 mile ride home. Should I be concerned and/or maybe even consider just flying?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by ElroyJ 2008-09-06 12:58 AM
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Posted 2008-09-06 1:00 AM (#17570 - in reply to #17569)
Subject: Re: Stage I Level II


Posts: 460
Centennial, CO dumbass obviously can't read. Just after I posted I started scanning new posts and saw the same issue. Sorry for the second thread!
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Posted 2008-09-09 5:35 PM (#17746 - in reply to #17569)
Subject: Re: Stage I Level II


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
they only installed one performance pipe! lol
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Posted 2008-09-09 6:30 PM (#17747 - in reply to #17569)
Subject: RE: Stage I Level II


Posts: 143
Sparta, WI
I have stage 1 level 2 and have the exact same problem. I've put on 6000 miles with the a bit more than an occasional popping going on but not enough popping to freak out about. Irritated is the word. I am exploring the cure. Victory has their hands tied behind their back because of emissions. Ride it!
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Posted 2008-09-09 11:15 PM (#17766 - in reply to #17569)
Subject: Re: Stage I Level II


Posts: 404
San Antonio, TX United States
Yes Victory has their hands tied as far as releasing a product that meets a friendly ratio between emissions and fuel economy. But do not make the mistake thinking there is nothing that can be done. I was lucky enough to have installed my S1L2 pipes and re-flashed the ECM myself. I did not have to tweak any settings which is a good thing. I know sometimes it will need to be done.


There are things that can be done without using a Dyno. People need to remember that a Dyno is something developed by people that race. A onetime tuning with a Dyno is good for that particular day. Humidity, temp, quality of fuel used, quality of air filter and plugs used at that very moment. People need to not worry so much about the Dyno and performance tuning.  The Dyno for most people should be used to tune the bike in a good general range for everyday use and very general climatic variations.


I personally require a bike that will last for over a 100,000 miles and will be ridden every single day no matter the weather. So I settle for a nice mild tuning with a quality sound that will respond well in a mid to high RPM range.


You can have it all, but the cost and room for all the sensors and the computer required and the redundancy required to keep it running all the time every time you turn the key switch would be extremely cost prohibitive.


But I digress, I know the issue at hand here is the popping and for a few people even backfiring.  That is unacceptable and a Dyno is not required to get rid of those things.  Your Victory tech needs to just back up and take care of the problem and quite making excuses on why he is incapable or inept at curing the issue. In severe cases the entire exhaust system needs to be taken apart and re-assembled making sure all the joints are clean and assembled properly and any seals that are required are replaced to assure a tight exhaust system with no leaks.  The tech needs to just double check and make sure the appropriate re-map was downloaded.  After all of this, if the problem is not totally gone, then a very minor tweak on the TPS may be required.


I don’t mean to sound like I am ranting, but it really gets under my skin when I hear of other Victory dealers handing out lines of bull to placate someone that may not know.  The tech should be able to educate or explain the system and what he did to cure the problem.  The Vision is still a four stroke combustion engine.  It may have minor variations to satisfy Patent rules, but it is still a four stroke combustion engine using an exhaust system that contains a muffler and catalytic system.  Nothing new here, just a minor variation on how it is assembled.



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Posted 2008-09-10 6:49 AM (#17777 - in reply to #17569)
Subject: Re: Stage I Level II


Posts: 106

Well said. When I called my dealer the same day that the install was done he had no idea why it was backfiring, and stalled ( 1st time for both ) on my way home from install. Weeks later when I called him again he said they had the stall/backfire possibly figured out. He told me to check the 2 nuts, that I now see is a recall, and make sure they were tight. They were tight. My dealer was grasping.I wish more were like you and just do some research and get it figured out. I agree that this is not difficult. But for whatever reason it is.

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