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How to load an iPOD?
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Posted 2008-08-18 11:08 PM (#16470)
Subject: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 175
Hinton, Iowa
I have an IPOD 4gig nano and I can't seem to figure out how to load
some music on it. Do I have to use Itunes or can I load it right out of my
music files. Does anyone.have easy instructions on how to load music on to
an IPOD. I am a little slow on some of this computer stuff. Any help would be
appeciated. Thanks, Mike (AIRGUY)
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Posted 2008-08-18 11:18 PM (#16471 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 261
Sugar Land, TX (Outside of Houston)
You need ITunes. It is free to download and install.

Download button on the right side.

Unplug your IPOD from computer
Download and install ITunes
Once it installs, plug in your IPOD via the USB Cable
ITunes will recognize the IPOD and even download an update if needed
ITunes will index all your music
Just create PlayLists in your IPod and drag and drop songs from the right side index into whatever playlist you want.
It will copy the songs over in the correct format.

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Posted 2008-08-18 11:18 PM (#16472 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: RE: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
You definitely have to load itunes onto your computer. You create an itunes library which shadows the tunes on your ipod. Itunes is free software. Not really that hard to use once you get the hang of it.
There might be ways to direct load your MP3s onto IPOD but i am not aware of them.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-08-18 11:28 PM (#16473 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
The ONLY way to load music on a iPod is with iTunes, the operating software on the iPod only recognizes music loaded thru iTunes. There may be a software hack to get around it, but since iTunes is free software, why bother.
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Posted 2008-08-18 11:42 PM (#16474 - in reply to #16473)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
itunes can be downloaded for either Mac of PC computers.
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Posted 2008-08-19 6:41 AM (#16477 - in reply to #16473)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?

Iron Butt

Posts: 600
Linwood, MI
Travelin' Man - 2008-08-18 11:28 PM

The ONLY way to load music on a iPod is with iTunes, the operating software on the iPod only recognizes music loaded thru iTunes. There may be a software hack to get around it, but since iTunes is free software, why bother.

Incorrect. There are plugs-in (such as the one at ) that will allow you to use your iPod with Windows Media Player. However, I believe most of them cost between $20 and $30, so unless you really just gotta have Media Player, the cheapest route is just to use iTunes.
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Posted 2008-08-19 12:56 PM (#16500 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Hey you expert music guys--- I put all my tunes on a SD card but before I could load them I had to "unprotect them" with some converter software. This was after downloading them from ITunes- Is there any other way??
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-08-19 5:41 PM (#16510 - in reply to #16477)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

Rebel - 2008-08-19 5:41 AM Travelin' Man - 2008-08-18 11:28 PM The ONLY way to load music on a iPod is with iTunes, the operating software on the iPod only recognizes music loaded thru iTunes. There may be a software hack to get around it, but since iTunes is free software, why bother. Incorrect. There are plugs-in (such as the one at ) that will allow you to use your iPod with Windows Media Player. However, I believe most of them cost between $20 and $30, so unless you really just gotta have Media Player, the cheapest route is just to use iTunes.

Like others and myself have said, iTunes is FREE, also, I stated that there might be a software hack to get around needing to use iTunes.  As far as the Mgtek software goes, 1) it is for Windows only (I prefer a Mac) AND 2) It doesn't support iPod Touch (flash memory based and good for use on the Vision) firmware version 2.0.

Edited by Travelin' Man 2008-08-19 5:41 PM
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Posted 2008-08-19 6:10 PM (#16512 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
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Posted 2008-08-20 10:09 PM (#16581 - in reply to #16470)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?


Posts: 102
Madison, AL
I have more than one IPOD and my ITUNES did not like me sharing music files between them. You cannot upload music from an IPOD using ITUNES. I had my music on my 80G IPOD I use in my truck and when I tried to upload the tunes to my new computer with free ITUNES software I found out that ITUNES is not friendly in the sharing department. I tried various software but now use Xillsoft. I run Windows Ultimate 64bit and had trouble with other software. It is not a very slick interface but it did allow me to upload music from my 80G IPOD to the smaller Nano. I did learn a lesson and bought an external hard drive to store all my music.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-08-20 10:45 PM (#16587 - in reply to #16581)
Subject: Re: How to load an iPOD?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

david.terry - 2008-08-20 9:09 PM I have more than one IPOD and my ITUNES did not like me sharing music files between them. You cannot upload music from an IPOD using ITUNES. I had my music on my 80G IPOD I use in my truck and when I tried to upload the tunes to my new computer with free ITUNES software I found out that ITUNES is not friendly in the sharing department. I tried various software but now use Xillsoft. I run Windows Ultimate 64bit and had trouble with other software. It is not a very slick interface but it did allow me to upload music from my 80G IPOD to the smaller Nano. I did learn a lesson and bought an external hard drive to store all my music.

If you were using a Mac I would suggest using the freeware version of senuTi (iTunes spelled backwards).  It allows a user with a iPod that can be put into disk mode to import all your music back into iTunes from your iPod.

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