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   Discussion -> Vision Tech ReferenceMessage format
Posted 2008-08-08 3:20 PM (#15598)
Subject: Alternator

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Posts: 1
ON A recent trip my alternator partially failed and required some removal of power draining operations to continue our trip. The alternator/regulator was not putting out enough power12.1 volts at idle. After about 100 k we had to pull over at a garage and charge the battery to complete our additional 150 return trip. At the garage we pulled the headlight relay to remove the twin headlights consumption and used the hid light. We averaged 13 volts for the remainder of the tip but the use of the brakes returned the power below the 12 volts. The headlight relay is under the front cover above the signal lights and is on the right side of the bike standing in front of the bike as the bike has two fuse boxes. Pull out the relay and it might solve your issue to complete your trip. Warning the HID light is not enough for evening travel.....
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