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2015 Vision ???
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Posted 2013-11-03 3:55 PM (#148469 - in reply to #146495)
Subject: Re: 2015 Vision ???


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
So be it...I like the music my 106...and my big screen horizon...
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Posted 2013-11-04 4:50 AM (#148492 - in reply to #148469)
Subject: Re: 2015 Vision ???


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
varyder - 2013-11-03 2:55 PM

So be it...I like the music my 106...and my big screen horizon...

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Posted 2014-08-15 7:22 PM (#165286 - in reply to #146597)
Subject: Re: 2015 Vision ???

New user

Posts: 2
Hey Vision Owners (VOs),

I first encountered the Victory Vision at the 2009 Long Beach Motorcycle Show. It was the white premium edition with polished wheels. Up until then I rode a Honda VTX 1800 (no bags). I would stuff what I needed I a small duffle bag and strap it to the back of the bike. I had ordered a bunch of add-ons to the bike to make it unique as we all do. However, just before I was to install all of it I had a twist of fate. While riding with my club on the I-5 freeway near San Diego I was hit by a car at 70mph and the bike was totaled. Thanks to God and some great riding gear my injuries were very minor. This led me to initially buying first an old 1993 Kawasaki ZX-11 which was cool when I was 30 but sucked for comfort as I'd just turned 46. I was later allowed access to a very impressive 2009 Suzuki M109R Limited Edition. I kept it until the owner died and learned he owed a lot of money on it. I gave it back to the dealer where he bought it.
Both bikes sat in my garage until May 2014. My wife complained to the point of no longer riding with me. We were about to turn 50 in 2013' and wanted a real touring no more packing bags and carrying them to our destination. My case for the aforementioned accident had settled and it was time. We rode the Goldwing, Harley Ultra Glide, the BMW and the Victory Cross Country. I saved the Victory Vision for last because my wife had not yet seen one before. The ride blew the both of us away. I told her that I had first saw it in 2009 and that is the year model that I wanted. I made an excellent deal on a Black 2009 Victory Vision Premium and have not regretted buying it. You see having storage period, is a luxury. I don't know everything people carry. I know that for everything I need to carry it's more than enough room. Oh and yes it is cool to be unique. When I go to bike functions I'm told that the Harley Ultra-Glide is "the Cadillac" of Motorcycles but the Victory Vision is the Rolls Royce because everyone doesn't have one.
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Posted 2014-08-16 4:28 AM (#165294 - in reply to #146495)
Subject: Re: 2015 Vision ???


Posts: 207
Welcome to the site, the VV is a fantastic ride!
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Posted 2014-08-16 4:28 AM (#165295 - in reply to #165286)
Subject: Re: 2015 Vision ???


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Sh0ps - 2014-08-15 7:22 PM

Hey Vision Owners (VOs),

I first encountered the Victory Vision at the 2009 Long Beach Motorcycle Show. It was the white premium edition with polished wheels. Up until then I rode a Honda VTX 1800 (no bags). I would stuff what I needed I a small duffle bag and strap it to the back of the bike. I had ordered a bunch of add-ons to the bike to make it unique as we all do. However, just before I was to install all of it I had a twist of fate. While riding with my club on the I-5 freeway near San Diego I was hit by a car at 70mph and the bike was totaled. Thanks to God and some great riding gear my injuries were very minor. This led me to initially buying first an old 1993 Kawasaki ZX-11 which was cool when I was 30 but sucked for comfort as I'd just turned 46. I was later allowed access to a very impressive 2009 Suzuki M109R Limited Edition. I kept it until the owner died and learned he owed a lot of money on it. I gave it back to the dealer where he bought it.
Both bikes sat in my garage until May 2014. My wife complained to the point of no longer riding with me. We were about to turn 50 in 2013' and wanted a real touring no more packing bags and carrying them to our destination. My case for the aforementioned accident had settled and it was time. We rode the Goldwing, Harley Ultra Glide, the BMW and the Victory Cross Country. I saved the Victory Vision for last because my wife had not yet seen one before. The ride blew the both of us away. I told her that I had first saw it in 2009 and that is the year model that I wanted. I made an excellent deal on a Black 2009 Victory Vision Premium and have not regretted buying it. You see having storage period, is a luxury. I don't know everything people carry. I know that for everything I need to carry it's more than enough room. Oh and yes it is cool to be unique. When I go to bike functions I'm told that the Harley Ultra-Glide is "the Cadillac" of Motorcycles but the Victory Vision is the Rolls Royce because everyone doesn't have one.

Great post!
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