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Hitchdoc install question
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Posted 2013-01-30 12:17 PM (#130273)
Subject: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
I read the posts about installing the hitchdoc without removing the wheel. My question is how do you remove the hard plastic panel under the seat to access above the rear tire. I've pulled and pushed and it won't release from the front side. There is a bolt in front of it that may be holding it in place... This is on a 12... Thanks Roger
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Posted 2013-01-30 12:19 PM (#130274 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
It should just pop loose. Don't remove the bolt. It holds the big pin in place that holds the shock.
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Posted 2013-01-30 12:34 PM (#130276 - in reply to #130274)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 175
Hinton, Iowa
Roger sent you a PM.
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Posted 2013-01-30 1:14 PM (#130278 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I did not remove the flap on mine. I just flexed it out of the way as Monkeyman stated above.
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Posted 2013-01-30 2:15 PM (#130280 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
Ok, I finally got it figured out, Push the plastic cover thru toward the tire without removing it. THen I can reach thru the opening to bolt the hitch in place then looks like I can use a screwdriver to pry the plastic panel back up into place....THanks for you guys help, this forum is great.....
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Posted 2013-01-30 6:25 PM (#130285 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 4278
use a butter knife "never" a screw drive
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Posted 2013-01-30 7:26 PM (#130288 - in reply to #130280)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
rlreed - 2013-01-30 3:15 PM

Ok, I finally got it figured out, Push the plastic cover thru toward the tire without removing it. THen I can reach thru the opening to bolt the hitch in place then looks like I can use a screwdriver to pry the plastic panel back up into place....THanks for you guys help, this forum is great.....

Yep, you got it.

I bought my hitch in 2008. The instructions said to install the bolts from the top. I read on this forum to unstall them from the bottom. That way you have studs sticking up making it easy to install/remove the trunk. I think HitchDoc may have updated the instructions since 2008 to reflect this change.
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Posted 2013-01-31 8:50 AM (#130310 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA
There are 2 bolts on the back side of that plastic panel in the wheel well. If you remove the lower bolt on the fixed link (as if you were removing the rear wheel) you can drop the swing arm as you raise the bike on a jack. This will give you more room to install the hitch. And I absolutely recommend istalling the bolts form the bottom side. This allows you to remove the trunk without removing the hitch.
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Posted 2013-01-31 7:10 PM (#130342 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
Well I got the hitch on this afternoon but don't have the bike back together yet. I put the bolts from the bottom up. If I did not have an air ratchet I could never have gotten the bolts in with these big hands. Next time I would remove the tire and make it much easier....
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Posted 2013-02-01 5:00 PM (#130369 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I was able to install the hitch without a stand or lift. The bike was on its kickstand the whole time. It was tight installing the bolts, but I was able to do it. The HitchDoc is actually quite easy to install on the Vision.
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Posted 2013-02-03 12:10 PM (#130421 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: RE: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 222
Barefoot Bay, FL United States

Didn't remove the panel at all. I just mounted the hitch from under the bike with the tire on, using a Long wratchet extention with a universal and a socket. I put the bolts through the hitch frame holes, then into the bike frame by screwing them "up" into the frame. That way you can mount and remove the trunk any time using self-locking plastic stop nuts. Make sure to dab a little anti-seize on the threads before installing the self-lockers, or they will gall onto the bolts and you'll have to cut them off to remove the trunk.

2008 VVTP with a little man-bling.

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Posted 2013-02-11 8:16 PM (#130722 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 92
Just finished my install. Thanks to this thread, it went pretty smooth. I would like to offer one tip though. When installing the LONG bolts from below, do whatever you need to do to get a couple threads above the plate then grab a piece of cardboard and place over the bolt, grab the end with a pair of vice grips and run them all the way up.
I was working alone so I rolled up some cardboard and wedged it between the rack and the tire in several places to keep it in place long enough to stick my hand in and start the four bolts.
Installed it while on the side stand with access to one side only, a center stand, jack, anything would have been an improvement. The lower two bolts that attach to the exhaust gave me more trouble than anything else.
All in All, it was I fairly simple install, I just need to tuck a few wires and hook up the power lead and it'll be time to start putting it's plastic back on.

Question... Does anybody have a suggestion on how and where to store the length of wires and plug when not in use? Right now I'm thinking of coiling it up and stashing it inside the bumper but it doesn't really sound like the cleanest place to store it.
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Posted 2013-02-12 4:16 PM (#130743 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: RE: Hitchdoc install question

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
I used wiring harness Reese 74672. Very easy to install and comes with plenty of wire. It also comes with a testing tool to find the correct wire on the bike before cutting it. I got it from the local hardware store Menards for $23. Click link for more pics and info.

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Posted 2013-02-20 7:31 AM (#131072 - in reply to #130273)
Subject: Re: Hitchdoc install question


Posts: 92
I'm not sure why the four bolts are so long. I'm thinking about trimming them off, anybody think of a reason why I shouldn't?

I did install them from the bottom and there must be 2-1/2" of thread inside the trunk.
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