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Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!
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Posted 2012-05-25 10:09 PM (#115216 - in reply to #114961)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 133
, AR United States
I got a Nuvi 500 from Gander Mountain. No bluetooth but it is waterproof.
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Posted 2012-05-26 1:58 AM (#115223 - in reply to #115209)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 259
Land O Lakes, FL
donetracey - 2012-05-25 8:25 PM

You can purchase a circular 'stick-on' piece that gets along better with the suction cup than the brushed aluminum panel. Once on - I couldn't pull it off. So I suspect it will stay. Went for an afternoon ride - with a string tied to things for safety - nothing moved and removing the unit for safety/storage is a snap. I like it so far. Just have to get the cigarette lighter plug thing re-arranged for a constant power supply. Dealer says they can fix ...

Ahhhh that makes sense now. My panel is painted so the suction cup sticks to it like it would a windshield. Ive had my sun pass suctioned there for 5000 miles with no issues. good idea on the circular stick on
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Posted 2012-05-26 4:57 AM (#115228 - in reply to #114961)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 258
Akron, Ohio
I had an old POS GPS mounted with the suction cup for a while on the dash as well. I had to use a VERY small amount of silicone grease on the suction cup. After that it never moved and was still easy to remove when need be. Now I put a disc on the dash and use a suction cup on it. Works great and it is higher so I can keep my eyes on the road better. I do not tie in the sound side or use blue tooth, just look at the screen.
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Posted 2012-05-28 1:02 AM (#115332 - in reply to #114961)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 395
Moravia, IA
Ive had my Garmin "suction cupped" to my bike for 50K miles. I used the little plastic "disc" that came with the Garmin......stuck that on the center console and then suctioned the Garmin to it.

The only time Ive had it come loose is during the fall when the temperature changes....but even if it pops loose the power cord will only let it "slide" a few inches worries.
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Posted 2012-05-28 10:15 AM (#115361 - in reply to #115128)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA

PhantomX - 2012-05-24 10:51 PM How did you guys hardware power? This unit has no aux out ports (that I can see) so no way to tie it in, especially with my iPhone playing through the iPod interface. I was gonna wire the aux cable in as well so they would play together but I don't see a headphone jack anywhere on the unit.

 The older 765/760 has a unique cradle that provides power to the unit, can be connected directly to the 12vdc, and allows the GPS to be removed easily.  I too enjoy seeing the posted speed limit on the GPS and having the MPH turn red when exceeding the speed limit.  I wish my cars built in GPS did that.


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Posted 2012-05-29 7:43 AM (#115422 - in reply to #114961)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
does anyone use google maps and then Transfer it to their garmin? for like Pre-routing/making a route You want to take not what the gps tells you to take? if so i was wondering how that works out for ya?
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Posted 2012-05-29 8:35 AM (#115427 - in reply to #114961)
Subject: Re: Heading out on a long road trip got a new toy to help!


Posts: 259
Land O Lakes, FL
I found a program called Easygps that I'm going to try. It's free and seems to have some nice features. I'll give google maps a try too.
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