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Keep your trunk closed
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Posted 2012-05-23 1:43 PM (#114997 - in reply to #114567)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Wasn't me, Mike. Besides, I would just tell anyone who mentioned it, that the open trunk lid makes a great 'spoiler' to help with handling in the curves.
But you would never do that - ride 50 miles with it open. Wonder who it was?
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okie vision
Posted 2012-05-23 2:24 PM (#115000 - in reply to #114567)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Thanks for the history Synstr. I've read your reply twice and still haven't a clue what it means but I'm guessing I shouldn't have booted the one that stole my bag of chips. My bad
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Posted 2012-05-23 2:54 PM (#115002 - in reply to #115000)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
okie vision - 2012-05-23 12:24 PM

Thanks for the history Synstr. I've read your reply twice and still haven't a clue what it means but I'm guessing I shouldn't have booted the one that stole my bag of chips. My bad

GOOGLE 'Raven in first nations mythology' It makes Greek and Norse mythology read like a weak comic book, every critter has a ranking and importance in the scheme of things. They are persistant and can be pests, but they're fun to watch as they figure things out pretty rapidly and they are lots of fun to watch as they play.

P.S. the lowest guy on the Totem pole is actually THE most inportant figure on the pole, not the schlub.

Edited by SYNSTR 2012-05-23 2:58 PM
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Posted 2012-05-23 4:30 PM (#115011 - in reply to #114567)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
From Wikipedia:

Vertical order of images is widely believed to be a significant representation of importance. This idea is so pervasive that it has entered into common parlance with the phrase "low man on the totem pole." This phrase is indicative of the most common belief of ordering importance, that the higher figures on the pole are more important or prestigious. A counterargument frequently heard is that figures are arranged in a "reverse hierarchy" style, with the most important representations being on the bottom, and the least important being on top. Actually, [among Native American totem poles], there have never been any restrictions on vertical order -- many poles have significant figures on the top, others on the bottom, and some in the middle. Other poles have no vertical arrangement at all, consisting of a lone figure atop an undecorated column.
Regardless of the origin, the term "low man on the totem pole" is generally understood to mean LEAST important. Using it to mean most important would probably just lead to confusion. And we have ENOUGH confusion on this website !!!
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okie vision
Posted 2012-05-23 5:04 PM (#115015 - in reply to #114567)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
No doubt . I gotta pass on the mythology study, not my bag, have enough on my plate already but thanks. I was kidding about booting a Raven. As tourists in the Grand Canyon, we found them pretty neat. I found the one in Don's video extremely neat, lol. Thanks for sharing
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Posted 2012-05-24 9:46 PM (#115124 - in reply to #114654)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed

Central Wisconsin
...Thomas...Would this be close to your newer Sony camera? 

...dontracey...That is EXACTLY my new camera - does stuff $1500 Canons can't do ....

Don I liked the video you took with your Sony Camera so much that I ordered this Sony Cyber-shot .

Thanks a lot, you cost me $350 bucks ... lol!

Edited by Thomas 2012-05-24 9:49 PM
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Posted 2012-05-25 1:34 AM (#115130 - in reply to #115124)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Thomas - 2012-05-24 7:46 PM ...Thomas...Would this be close to your newer Sony camera? 

...dontracey...That is EXACTLY my new camera - does stuff $1500 Canons can't do ....

Don I liked the video you took with your Sony Camera so much that I ordered this Sony Cyber-shot .

Thanks a lot, you cost me $350 bucks ... lol!

Rotten bugger - I was at the Sony Store yesterday and guess what I saw? Co-Pilot ran out of the store when I started yelling "I just bought my 16X CyberShot and you assholes come out with a 20X? " And the rotten bastage says "It's overdone - all you have to do is get closer to your subject" - friggin' near killed him ...


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Posted 2012-05-25 3:42 AM (#115132 - in reply to #115130)
Subject: Re: Keep your trunk closed

Central Wisconsin
donetracey - 2012-05-25 1:34 AM Thomas - 2012-05-24 7:46 PM ...Thomas...Would this be close to your newer Sony camera? 

...dontracey...That is EXACTLY my new camera - does stuff $1500 Canons can't do ....

Don I liked the video you took with your Sony Camera so much that I ordered this Sony Cyber-shot .

Thanks a lot, you cost me $350 bucks ... lol!

Rotten bugger - I was at the Sony Store yesterday and guess what I saw? Co-Pilot ran out of the store when I started yelling "I just bought my 16X CyberShot and you assholes come out with a 20X? " And the rotten bastage says "It's overdone - all you have to do is get closer to your subject" - friggin' near killed him ...

Yeah that can really piss a guy off ...

A buddy of mine bought a Contours Camera for his helmet well now they have one that can be adjusted with a smartphone .

Seem like technology moves faster then our wallets fill ;-)

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