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Quick fuel filter question
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Posted 2012-02-03 8:28 PM (#106816)
Subject: Quick fuel filter question

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
I am out of town and my bike is in the shop so I can't look up the mx schedule. When are fuel filters called to be inspected/replaced on the vision? Reason I am asking is my 08 vision has a aweful noise all the sudden at engine prime (just prior to start). It's on warranty but Polaris is balking at replacing it, they say a " noise doesn't mean impending failure" what BS. However, my local shop can't tell me why it's making the noise, what caused it, or what the end result is. Unreal if you ask me. Any way. I am just Brain storming trying to come up with a solution, since my local shop and Polaris doesn't seem to care. The vision fuel pump is a self contained unserviceable unit, but hoping there is a upline filter that replacing may help.
Just my luck, with a 12000 round trip in less than 4 months I get this and no help from the warranty, not a warm fuzzy
Thanks for any info

Edited by jeffmack 2012-02-03 8:31 PM
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Posted 2012-02-03 10:14 PM (#106827 - in reply to #106816)
Subject: Re: Quick fuel filter question


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Nope - fuel filter is none replaceable. And that sound is the banshees coming to take your fuel pump away. Get it replaced before it gets you into trouble. Mine went on merging in front of a truck on the interstate at full throttle... not a good situation...
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Posted 2012-02-04 6:00 AM (#106840 - in reply to #106816)
Subject: Re: Quick fuel filter question

Iron Butt

Posts: 623
Thanks Varyder. I'm trying. I am really surprised Polaris is dropping tha ball on this
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