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No Vision...
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Posted 2012-02-01 1:50 PM (#106587)
Subject: No Vision...


Posts: 444
Bay of Gigs, WA
Went down to the new Victory dealer in Bremerton, WA, Cliff's Cycle Shop, to get a new Victory leather coat last month, and they had a bunch of Vics: a couple Cross Tours, Hammers, Vegases, etc., but no Vision. Is Victory phasing them out or something? I asked about it and the sales thing working there couldn't give any info. I thought my '08 (and up) was the end-all-be-all, but it seems maybe they're losing their appeal. I only see bagger tests in mags these days, no mention of Visions. Anybody know what's up? Is my scooter going to become more valuable as a weird exercise in styling soon?
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Posted 2012-02-01 2:56 PM (#106594 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: RE: No Vision...


Posts: 249
Phenix City AL.
I think as the word gets out of how good the visions are, people are trading up to them. I know of some goldwing and HD ultras that are getting traded in. I went to the local shop, whitch is a all brand dealer, to show off my vision and all the cool stuff that you can get for them, that is not listed in the victory inventory, they were impressed to say the least. They have no visions left but some on order, the big bikes they have used were traded in on the visions. The cross bikes are great, but for some the vision is the one to have.
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Posted 2012-02-01 6:27 PM (#106610 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i doubt they wouldnt have a vision because of any "phasing out" since the 2012 models have just come out.. i think its a matter of the dealer not stocking one rather than them not selling them anymore...
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Posted 2012-02-02 4:15 AM (#106641 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I think that the Vision will last as long as there is a steady flow of folks buying them. The "experiment" has proven that when it comes to bikes, people like looks over ride comfort. The Vision only appeals to some people, but in the end, the looks department is what turns the revenue. I see the CCT becoming Victory's flagship when/if the Vision fades. However, the Vision, I believe is holding its own because of the comfort factor and Victory is keeping it as its flagship for now. Also, the bad-boys are getting Visions and that has a lot to do with it. I looked a 2010 V8-Ball last night and would have rode away on it in a heart beat. We'll see what happens in the next few years, especially if they "improve" the ride of the CCT, which I'm sure is only a cut lower than the Vision at this time.
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Posted 2012-02-02 8:52 AM (#106652 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Why didn't you ride away with it inquiring minds want to know. You should just about have that Classic Bentley broken in or down. What's the hold up?
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Posted 2012-02-02 9:05 AM (#106654 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: RE: No Vision...


Posts: 73
Nor Cali

Seems that the XC may be taking a bite out of the Vision. There's one 2012 Vision Tour at my dealer and it's priced at $21k & change, where last year the Vision Tour was $24k to $25k, that's down approx $4k. I don't think the Vision is going anywhere, but Vic is making it more competitively priced to the rest of the line up.


One more thing...IMHO. I've ridden both the XC and the Vision when the Vic demo trailer was at my dealer. I've always been into a more of a contemporary bike style, and to be honest it's taken four years for the style of the Vision to grow on me. I have a Vision 8 Ball, still don't like the trunk at all. BUT, the difference in the ride between the XC and the Vision for me was quite remarkable. The ride of the XC doesn't hold a candle to the Vision and when I test rode the XC I came away totally unimpressed, where the ride of the Vision was just the opposite.


Edited by Redd 2012-02-02 9:15 AM
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Posted 2012-02-02 11:37 AM (#106664 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 1350
Gee, think they sold all they had and are waiting for delivery? Or is easier to assume they are going to stop making them?
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:09 PM (#106667 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
When Deer Crusher was all chromed out there was a rumor that the Vision was going to be discontinued about 2010. I wanted it to be fact I had $$$ in my mind and the knowledge that my Vision would never be hard to find at bike events.

Now that DC is gone I'm glad they are still building them.

I have a 2011 Vision now I rode the CCT it is a great bike but the fixed windshield bothered me the Zumo was mounted by the resivoir and felt to close to my face.

The radio controls are only on the handel bars and there is no off button.

And if I wanted the look of a HD I'd buy one of those with its instant acceptance as a "Cool Bike"

My first thought when I saw a 2008 Vision was that thing is goofy looking after I rode Goofy I wanted to buy it.

They can stop building Visions today ,the model was in production for 5 years so there are plenty of parts out there to keep me riding a Goofy for the rest of my life.

I rode Triumph's before my Vision because they were inexpensive quality machines.

Victory can make the same claim + they are an American product
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:24 PM (#106671 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 154
Cabot Arkansas
The Vision is the most comfortable easiest riding motorcycle I have ridden in over 40 year's of riding.If they quit making it I'll have to figure a way to keep mine going.I am hoping for a 116 ci with roomier saddlebags in 2013.Oh yes and HID headlights and led's all around on the next Vision.Come on Victory, build it and we will buy it ..............
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Posted 2012-02-02 1:04 PM (#106676 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 390
One of my group traded his Vision for a crossbike. He said the other day he misses the Vision......handled better.
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Posted 2012-02-02 1:33 PM (#106678 - in reply to #106676)
Subject: Re: No Vision...

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
chesshiretuna - 2012-02-02 1:04 PM

One of my group traded his Vision for a crossbike. He said the other day he misses the Vision......handled better.

Hindsight the most focused Vision
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Posted 2012-02-02 1:52 PM (#106681 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: RE: No Vision...


Posts: 57
Kansas City, MO
All I can say is... I'm a new Vison owner, and I looked at every tour bike the WORLD IS SELLING IN AMERICA TODAY! Even checked out the new CC Tour for 2012, new BMW K1600 GT, 2012 GL1800 and several 2012 HD's... to name a few.
...but I bought the Vision in November 2011. And I haven't regretted it yet!

So from a new customer point of view, the Vision won me over, above all of the rest, just as it is.

I hope Victory doesn't abandon such an impressive piece of engineering anytime soon!
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Posted 2012-02-02 4:08 PM (#106689 - in reply to #106652)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
pollolittle - 2012-02-02 9:52 AM

Why didn't you ride away with it inquiring minds want to know. You should just about have that Classic Bentley broken in or down. What's the hold up?

200,000 miles... I'm 91,000 away...
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okie vision
Posted 2012-02-03 7:38 AM (#106755 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Our Tulsa dealership just had a fire at their place. Stopped by yesterday and they had 1 bike for sale that wasn't affected by the fire. 2012 Bronze Mist Vision. Impressive up close and personal!
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Posted 2012-02-03 10:00 AM (#106763 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 102
Jal NM
Before I bought my Vision I looked at sat on and test rode every new bike around, and was leaning towards either XC or one of the big HD's but when I went back to buy the XC it was gone. The 2 Vic dealers in my area had 2 2011 Vision tours in pearl white, one vision 8ball, 1 vegus, and a used KP. So I went to Garners Motorsports in Hobbs NM and was looking at the XR they had when the 2011 pearl white Vision they had was just calling me. They had already installed the highway pegs on it and so talking with Robert the owner about the bike I was sold and just had to have it.
That was back on Sep 22 last year and still smile everytime I look at Pearl or when I take her out for a date on the highway.
I went and did the Victory Challage Test Ride the other day on a 2012 XCT and was glad I had bought my Pearl as there was so much I got with her for far less money.
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Posted 2012-02-03 5:54 PM (#106809 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 444
Bay of Gigs, WA
Yeah, I think the individuality displayed by the Vision is going to make it more, not less desirable as time goes by. I'm still enamoured by the way I can splay out like a teenager on a telephone and let the torque pull me back as I roll on over a hill, the seat and bars heating keeping me comfortable temp wise, all at the same time. It's like I'm getting away with something every time I ride, which I did with my Gerbings yesterday, 30 when I left home, rode all over running errands and returning home about 8PM, and it being 38 then, with a high of 48 in between. Mostly slab, immune to the elements, it's a light saber for the road. If they quit making them, only I will have one, though I will still be nice to the little people as they scurry uncomfortably about Bwahahahaha! Until I keel them all, that is!! Bwahahaha!
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Posted 2012-02-03 5:55 PM (#106810 - in reply to #106587)
Subject: Re: No Vision...


Posts: 444
Bay of Gigs, WA
Ahem. Sorry...
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