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Posted 2012-01-10 2:29 PM (#105147 - in reply to #105140)
Subject: Re: FUEL


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
john frey - 2012-01-10 12:56 PM

You can go on the net and find stations in your area that don't use that corn crap

What you get 40mph and your complaining about gas pries. What if you had a car that was getting 18mph at best

hey john if you have any links to those stations without corn fuel can you please post it.... btw i have a brother in law that ones in kansas at one of those (corn fuel places) and he claims they are trying to push it so that they Raise the allowable amount of corn additives in the fuel! =(
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Posted 2012-01-10 2:41 PM (#105148 - in reply to #105076)
Subject: Re: FUEL


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
Fellas I live in the deep, deep south and have always run 87 in all of my bikes and cars. My 94 T/A with a 10.75:1 Lt1 would run mid 12's in street trim whether I had pump 87 or 100 unleaded race gas in it. My first Victory had 10.5:1 JE pistons and Andrew 440 cams and I ran 87 in it without issues. Do I advise or reccomend what I do to others? No! I am just offering my experience with my Victory engines. Most manufacturers incorporate in their engine software a "low quality fuel" default ignition map that the computer will go to to help prevent engine damage from using "low quality" fuels. I grant you that when its' in the default mode the timing is retarded and the engine power will drop off some but it"s only noticeable if you're racing against another Victory running 90+ fuel. Also it gets really hot down here and I, as of yet, have not experienced any pinging to date. Just saying.
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