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You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS
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Posted 2010-06-29 11:32 AM (#63323 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
I just posted some of whats going on here to Victory on thier facebook discussion section. Trust me folks they do read there facebook and maintain it very well. I hope this helps drdarren.......
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Posted 2010-06-29 1:05 PM (#63333 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
I just recieve a very nice message from a Victory employee and they are now very aware of this situation and are going to presonnaly contact drdarren and see what they can do to fix this. GOT TO LOVE VICTORY. Thanks guys for reading and caring..

Edited by VisionNWRider 2010-06-29 1:28 PM
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Posted 2010-06-29 2:07 PM (#63334 - in reply to #63333)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
i didnt think of that. thanks for the posting. i did get an email from him and i am sending a response to him.


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Posted 2010-06-29 4:50 PM (#63337 - in reply to #63334)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
Dear Darren,
I am very sorry that I got upset with you. I have no excuse. We know it is slow and I was having a bad day. To show my thanks for making me a better dealer and seeing the light I will try to attach a free complete service for your Victory Vision at our Dealership. If you every have a issue with your bike I will treat you the best we can. In closing if you do not forgive me I will understand. Ride Safe. Jim Buchheit Owner Best Buy Victory Fort Pierce, Fl. I do not know how to attach this thing but it hear waiting anytime you want it. Again Thanks Darren.
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Posted 2010-06-29 5:33 PM (#63341 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 68
Now that's a stand up guy
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Posted 2010-06-29 6:07 PM (#63345 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 205
My my my... I have been watching this one since the first post. Darren-- I do believe you and I have spoke via email many times regarding the possible purchase of my bike. I am happy you were able to get one! I too agree the dealer was wrong for taking that stance. Although he has a right to deny service and be a turkey-- he also gets the luxury of embracing the consequences... Freedom is fun that way. You have the right to be stupid.

However-- For that dealer to come in here publicly and ask forgiveness is AWESOME. After the beating he took, he still came in here and faced the music. Good job. I am not certain I would have the guts to do that. I seem to be the type to go down with the ship. I am impressed.

Everyone deserves a second chance. This dealer should get his now.

You both felt betrayed by each-others actions. In the end, you both can win with a mutual respect and love for the bikes and the freedom you have to own, ride, and enjoy them.

Let's be honest... we certainly have "nice" problems don't we... It is hard to get sympathy when the complaint is that our "Ferrari dealer is a jerk. " Or, "Damn this cash, it is just sooo heavy, and I got a paper-cut in the second million..."

Ego's are tuff.... let's all learn from this one.. and get back out there and rock and roll.

Well, except me. I sold mine to Joe (who is new on here) and will be picking it up Thursday. But, I will beeeee baack!!!!

Joe sounds like a great guy and will be a terrific new Vision Pilot. If Joe is ever in Florida, he should stop by this dealers' shop for a cup of coffee.

I would.

Cya on the next one guys.....
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Posted 2010-06-29 6:13 PM (#63347 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: RE: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 3204

Wow, I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during that discussion!  I don't know who "got his attention" but that is a huge change in his tone and probably a bitter pill to swallow.  Based on his other responses, I can't believe he saw the light all on his own.  Let's see if it sticks.

Vision Riders - Do you have any idea who you're f@&#ing with!?

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Posted 2010-06-29 6:14 PM (#63348 - in reply to #63345)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Mfoster - 2010-06-29 4:07 PM  Everyone deserves a second chance. This dealer should get his now. .....


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Posted 2010-06-29 8:18 PM (#63359 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
It is nice of him to publicly apologize. I just hope he remembers this experience, should a similar situation occur in the future.
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Posted 2010-06-29 8:43 PM (#63361 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 520
Simi Valley, CA
Wow. Now that was a surprise. Good to see however. Give them another chance.
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Posted 2010-06-29 9:17 PM (#63370 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 388
Salisbury, NC
Plus one on the second chance. ET
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Posted 2010-06-29 9:25 PM (#63372 - in reply to #63337)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
BBV - 2010-06-29 4:50 PM

Dear Darren,
I am very sorry that I got upset with you. I have no excuse. We know it is slow and I was having a bad day. To show my thanks for making me a better dealer and seeing the light I will try to attach a free complete service for your Victory Vision at our Dealership. If you every have a issue with your bike I will treat you the best we can. In closing if you do not forgive me I will understand. Ride Safe. Jim Buchheit Owner Best Buy Victory Fort Pierce, Fl. I do not know how to attach this thing but it hear waiting anytime you want it. Again Thanks Darren.

Apology accepted all around!! Mr. Buchhiet I would gladly stop in as a Vic owner and do business with you. I'm as proud of my Vision as I'm sure you are of the brand in general and would love to get to know you folks when I'm down that way. By the way we had a conversation about the 10th anniversary Vision you have in stock several months ago. Unfortunately I decided to buy from one of my local dealers in stead of driving to Florida.
Good luck with everything from here forward and I hope business just gets better.

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af goalie
Posted 2010-06-29 9:25 PM (#63373 - in reply to #63361)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 203
Rapid City, SD
Maybe we need to incorporate the Vision-Riders as a lobby organization like the AARP or NRA. Infringe on the rights of Vision owners and suffer the wrath.

If the dealer can maintain this new attitude I do hope things go well for him. I do make every effort to make purchases from my local dealers. Sometimes it is hard with so much internet competition. I can see how a brick and mortar dealer can become frustrated.

I do think there is a balance though and generally there has to be some flex on the part of the buyer and the seller. And often times you just can't please everyone. Some customers are just too far gone to help. Maybe I could have factored this in when I first heard the story but at first glance it didn't seem to be the case.

I'll just finish up with I do agree that it was admirable that the dealer stepped up in the way he did. Heck, I had a blowout at work last night. We all have bad days and it's how we recover from them that defines us. I do wish you and your dealership the best.
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Posted 2010-06-29 9:50 PM (#63380 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
Well I'm glad to see that jim took the time to come here and make it right with darren. I hope i had a little hand in making that happen since I spoke with the victory rep about this incident.. I would now do business with them in FL in a heart beat.
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Posted 2010-06-29 10:27 PM (#63386 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Looks like Mr. Buchheit has gone a long way to mend fences. Darren, if I were you I would take him up on his offer.

Ride safe everyone!
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Posted 2010-06-29 11:10 PM (#63391 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Have to say, the dealer no matter what the reasons sounds like He's seen the light. A sale is one thing and continuing service is another, money is money and shops make it on service and sales. Good fortune to both of you...........
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2010-06-30 6:44 AM (#63409 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Fountain Inn, SC United States
I invite BBV (and all dealers) to become an active participant in these forums. Their perspective (popular or not) can give owners a peek into the day-to-day pressures they are up against. And hopefully, dealers will also gain insight into owners' perspectives of what they believe are qualities of a great dealer. Together we'll both win.
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Posted 2010-06-30 12:28 PM (#63429 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 204
West Knoxville TN
drdarren I would go in and thank him for his offer of the free service but I would not take it. This was never about getting something for nothing. He deserves his profit just as you deserve to be treated fairly. This may actually lead to you and him developing a decent relationship. Good luck.

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Posted 2010-06-30 1:00 PM (#63434 - in reply to #63409)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Jedi Jeff - 2010-06-30 4:44 AM I invite BBV (and all dealers) to become an active participant in these forums. Their perspective (popular or not) can give owners a peek into the day-to-day pressures they are up against. And hopefully, dealers will also gain insight into owners' perspectives of what they believe are qualities of a great dealer. Together we'll both win.

For 2 years I have been trying to train my dealer in the advantages of a) spending time reviewing the forums here and b) telling new owners about the site.

I have not been sucessful because "the views expressed on the site are biased and therefore not relevant nor good for sales".

Every time I go to the dealer, I go to each computer terminal and add the site to Explorer, both in favorites and as a tab. I think they have their 'tech' remove this after I have left....

It amuses me to keep putting the site back on each time! And they WERE amused at SongFan's MOTIVATIONAL POSTER thread....

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Posted 2010-07-01 6:56 PM (#63533 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 51
I'm obviously pissing in the wind here.
This past February, I purchased a 2008 Vision Tour Comfort Premium from a dealer about 3 hrs north of me. Saved me 5-6k of my hard earned money. My 08 vision pulley and belt were squeeking badly soon after, so I took it up to the local Phx dealership where I had my other bike serviced regularly. Mind you, that's where they make the money after the sale. Parts and Service, DUH! Even though I had a 5 yr factory warranty. They made me pay the shop time up front! Mind you, I brought my other bike up there regularly for any maintanance needs. So I'm not a new customer.

They said, well if you would have purchased the bike here. Then we wouldn't have charged you upfront? WTF! They get reimbursed from the factory for any warranty work at their shop rate. So needless to say, they have lost all my business moving forward. I've got the guys up in Prescott area that are great, and there is also Lk Havasu to share the love. Thanks guys, this therapy session went well. What do you mean I have to pay upfront, I've got insurance with no co-pay!
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Posted 2010-07-01 9:10 PM (#63543 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
This was not about free service but about treating customers right. Jim did call me again, and sincerely apologized, which I accepted. It was not a personal thing between him and I but a poor business decision. Thankfully, he realized his mistakes and made it very clear, that no one else would undergo that experience in the future. I kindly refused his offer for free service, as i was very happy with the other dealer.
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Posted 2010-07-02 9:27 AM (#63575 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 156
dinwiddie, va
Another curve ball. We had a customer buy a KP from us a few years ago, then moved to that area for work. He refused him service also. Customer has gone to him multiple times for work and is denied. When this first happened, we contacted the delaer representative for florida, and he said "I can't really stand most of my dealers here in Florida, Unfortunately alot of them are like that." I was behooved when I heard him say this. The customer did try 2 more dealers before finding one to service him. Before he found a dealer to service him. We loaded the things we needed in the trailer when we went to bike week when the vision was released. We serviced his bike, installed handlebars, highway bars, exhaust, and driving light in the trailer in walmart parking lot!
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Posted 2010-07-02 11:32 AM (#63588 - in reply to #63575)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 10
If you have this persons contact information Please send it to me so I can make it right with them and also apologize in person. Thank you.
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Posted 2010-07-02 11:54 AM (#63589 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I know my comments are not popular concerning dealers and forums, but this is not a venue to resolve issues. Above all it is not professional for either owner or dealer to vent on these forums, and I have been wrong myself. I feel this post thread should have never prompted a "public" apology, or anyone NOT directly related to the situation to prompt one. This becomes a reason that makes me want to hang up the forum all together and for mass would be better for it.

The forum is for familiarization of our machines and to share what we've done so the reader can make their own assessment. Most dealers do not have time for the forums, I would hope, they are fixing their customer problems. Nothing would burn me more than waiting for my bike to get fixed and find my tech hanging out on a "riders" forum reading a bunch of chit chat. Now, if that same tech was on a forum specifically geared toward techs getting answers from one another that is a different story.

I have read a ton of wrong information on here and a few basket full of good information, a dealer tech has no time to sort through and listen to people bitch about something that may or may not be true.

Even if this particular post is true and prompted a positive response, it is in poor taste and not professional IMHO!

Edited by varyder 2010-07-02 12:06 PM
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Posted 2010-07-02 12:07 PM (#63593 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
Varyder, you are totally out of the ballpark on this one. These forums are about everything related to the Victory, good and bad so members can learn, grow and contribute. The Best Buy dealer learned an important lesson, which never would have happened had i not posted my experience. I did not ask for help from anyone or for anyone to deal with this dealer. I only posted my experience, but as you can see by reading the posts, there is a close knit bunch of people here who support eachother and Victory strongly and they chose to help out. That is what this is all about.
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