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Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.
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Posted 2011-03-10 10:02 AM (#81119 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA

I don't believe that they went through my warranty company. They went directly to Vic.
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Posted 2011-04-11 12:41 PM (#83747 - in reply to #81119)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 6
Just noticed a crack in my 2011 Vision headlight. Seems to initiate from the righthand (when viewed from the front), "mould mark". Have taken it to the dealer (Arlen Ness, Las Vegas), initial response was "its looks like a stone chip", however, there is no sign of an impact mark so they have taken photo's and are contacting Victory. Checked out the other Visions in the showroom, (2008-2011), all have the "mould marks" about 3 inches either side and on the top of the center of the headlight, look like small chips. Oh, by the way, bike has done 1192 miles (picked it up 3 weeks ago). Will let you guys know what happens.
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Posted 2011-04-15 3:49 PM (#84074 - in reply to #83747)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 6
Had a reply from Victory via Arlen Ness, headlight will be repaired under warranty, so happy days. Just waiting for the call back to say the lights at the dealers.
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Posted 2011-04-19 5:53 PM (#84322 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Good for you Steve!
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Posted 2011-04-20 10:01 AM (#84384 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 204
West Knoxville TN
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Posted 2011-04-20 12:55 PM (#84402 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
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Posted 2011-04-30 10:27 AM (#85219 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 6
Bikes been into Arlen Ness, headlight assembly replaced and all looks good now. Just purchased a "clear headlight guard" from Cee Baileys Aircraft Plastics. OK $79 inc P&P might be a bit excessive for a piece of plastic, but its a darn sight cheaper than a new headlight!! and you can only see it when it s parked. Attaches with 5 "3M Dual Locs" so easily removed for cleaning etc.

Keep em shiny side up!!
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Posted 2011-04-30 6:03 PM (#85237 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 92
Eau Claire WIS. 09 vision
anyone else notice small cracks in the middel of the light right in front of the bulbs. i have small spider cracks in front of both bulbs...dave
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Posted 2011-04-30 10:56 PM (#85251 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
I didn't see that on mine Dave. The cracks were at the very top.

Are you running stock bulbs? I think I remember someone on the board having that issue, but they were running high-intensity bulbs.
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Posted 2011-05-01 10:16 AM (#85265 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 92
Eau Claire WIS. 09 vision
yes just stock bulbs i'll have to ck with dealer if it ever stops raining and stays above 50 for more than one
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Posted 2012-01-02 3:39 PM (#104613 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 232
My headlamp is doing the same thing called the dealer he says to bring it over and they would take picture then have to see what victory will do. It's
about 23degrees here and snow on the ground dealer is 60 miles away.The bike was bought in aug. 2011 have 8k on it got the 5yr warrenty when purchased. Hope it's better than harley or goldwing warrenty.
The headlamp does dry up then it does it again but leaves a dirty film on the inside. I'm afraid that it will not be wet when get to dealer for them to take picture to send in.I took picture of the issue dealer says that wont do,that he has to take the pictures.

Edited by TRELL 2012-01-02 3:53 PM
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Posted 2012-01-03 8:05 PM (#104673 - in reply to #104613)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 156
Bluff Park, Alabama - God's Country! 2011 PW VV

TRELL - ...I'm afraid that it will not be wet when get to dealer for them to take picture to send in.I took picture of the issue dealer says that wont do,that he has to take the pictures.

Then make your dealer come to your house and take the picture!!

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Posted 2012-01-03 8:15 PM (#104674 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i thought i remembered reading someone drilled a tiny hole in the bottom somewhere on the headlight to "drain" the water.. if possible
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Posted 2012-01-03 9:58 PM (#104685 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Falone Powesports in Indianapolis came to my house and picked my bike up on a cold day for warrenty work. It's almost an hour drive. That is customer service.
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Posted 2012-01-03 11:11 PM (#104687 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
Oh there is something wrong with some of these headlights...out of 12 months of riding and about 13K miles..this is my 3 headlight crack.
and they all crack at the same place..upper right corner at the mounting bracket. when standing in front of bike.
It's a safety issue....water get into headlight..and sits in the HYD part of the headlight and stays are on the road at night , passing a car on a up hill climb , the water that is in the HYD starts to go into your Hyd connector. Well electricity and water don't mix...either the lights go out or the bike stall.
Surely you will have a power surge...and the on board computer will not like. Just hope there not an on coming car or truck.
There should be a re-call on this before somebody get hurt.
In the meantime Victory is changing the headlights on warranty, for how long i don't know....but they are not trying to find the cause of the trouble or they just do not want to open this can of worm !!!!
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Posted 2012-01-04 10:46 AM (#104713 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
To get the water out of the headlight , you have to bring the frontend up and back the rubber boot off the HYD light . You will not get it all out but a good part of it..
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Posted 2012-01-12 6:27 PM (#105293 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 232
Would it be okay to show the dealer this thread?
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Posted 2012-01-12 7:15 PM (#105297 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
GOOD LUCK...i even try customer service Vic. Polaris ...and the girl at the other end give me a song and dance....that this was not a safety issue nor a re-call...And the sad thing abaout this is that i don't thing this person knows the difference between a motorcycle and snowmachine or a 4wheeler..I could tell she was reading of a scrip...THAT"S SAD
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Posted 2012-01-12 8:02 PM (#105300 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I really thought Victory had fixed this in the past years as there has been a quiet period about this for a while now. I know I had an assembly replaced on my 2008 under warranty. A few months later I had Mike Manthower (spelling) from Victory Engineering call me and ask a ton of questions about how I cleaned, stored and rode the bike.
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Posted 2012-01-12 9:42 PM (#105306 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
Well i'm on my 3rd crack headlight in 12 months of biking , 13,000 miles and all they are doing is changing the damn light and not looking at finding the problem..Scorebo you are a lucky man to have the engineer call ya in 2008. My bike is a 2010 . You would think after two years the Engineering would of found the problem..I love to ride this bike but i will not cought up 3 headlight every 12 months of riding,,,,Sorry Guys i'm piss over this issue..
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Posted 2012-01-13 5:39 AM (#105313 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Mekes one want to consider fabricating a different headlight assembly and installing it. Tough to do though; in keeping within the unique styling of the Vision's appearance....

I have some small "chips" as well in the middle top edge of the headlight housing; immediately adjacent to the top cowl cover. Also have a slight (very faint) crack after the third right side mold mark. Am watching it. Be nice if there was a substance that we could seal the top of the headlight housing with; to waterproof and prevent further cracking.
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Posted 2012-01-13 1:45 PM (#105323 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 4278
As I have read all the above post I was thinking that maybe the aluminum bracket that the light is bolted to is not flat. So if the right corner is back say a 32 of a inch then its putting stress on that corner.
You that have replace the light more then once ask your dealer to lay a straight edge across the mounts to see if there all square of flay.
I take the bike all a part when the bulbs die on me and that is something I will check. But there good for now.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2012-01-13 2:12 PM (#105327 - in reply to #104613)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Fountain Inn, SC United States
TRELL - 2012-01-02 4:39 PM

My headlamp is doing the same thing called the dealer he says to bring it over and they would take picture then have to see what victory will do. It's
about 23degrees here and snow on the ground dealer is 60 miles away.The bike was bought in aug. 2011 have 8k on it got the 5yr warrenty when purchased. Hope it's better than harley or goldwing warrenty.
The headlamp does dry up then it does it again but leaves a dirty film on the inside. I'm afraid that it will not be wet when get to dealer for them to take picture to send in.I took picture of the issue dealer says that wont do,that he has to take the pictures.

TRELL - the dealer should have a hose you can spray the bike with.

You can definitely show the dealer this thread. In fact tell him to sign up. We tend to hear of mods and fixes well before dealers get it from Victory.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2012-01-13 2:15 PM (#105328 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Can someone post a photo of a crack in the lens. Don't think I've ever seen one. It'll give us all something to look for.
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Posted 2012-01-14 1:05 PM (#105378 - in reply to #105328)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Jedi Jeff - 2012-01-13 11:15 AM

Can someone post a photo of a crack in the lens. Don't think I've ever seen one. It'll give us all something to look for.

Jeff, look back at the first page. I have a pic of the water in my headlight. All of that moisture is on the inside of the bucket.
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