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You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS
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Posted 2010-06-23 6:44 PM (#62973 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
By the way, after that experience, I called Victory Lane, which is about 2 hours away from me(20 min farther than Best Buy) and they were happy to have me as a customer. They were shocked to hear what happened. I am going there tomorrow.
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Posted 2010-06-23 8:16 PM (#62980 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
Not that anybody needs any additional proof but after I responded to the Mr. Buchheit's original return email to me which is posted earlier, in which I closed by saying he needn't respond again because we are getting his message loud and clear, he apparently felt compelled to sling a little more my way. You've got to love this idiot!! Here's his comments about me personally in his last email along with what I said earlier which must of just lit him up:

Re: Contact Request
Best Buy Victory-Polaris <>
View Contact
To: Chris Neuhaus <>
The quote on our web site is WE GIVE EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS THAT PURCHASE FROM US. I know now that your comprehensive skill are low. You have no idea what business is about. I"m a charter Victory Dealer and you can preach to anyone that think you have all the answers. Have a great day.

Sincerely yours,

Jim Buchheit (Pres.)

Best Buy Vehicles, Inc

Victory & Polaris Dealer

From: Chris Neuhaus <>
To: Best Buy Victory-Polaris <>
Sent: Wed, June 23, 2010 10:36:18 AM
Subject: Re: Contact Request

Mr. Buchheit,

I'm amazed you even responded, needless to say the wrong response. I would have expected at least a small amount of humility, rather instead you have just confirmed the allegations that your supposed disgruntled customer have leveled against you. Apparently you need to update your web site to make it clear that when you say, "We service every brand we sell and others as well....." you really mean, when they are purchased from your dealership.

I won't preach to you about "good business sense" because you obviously don't think or work that way. I will say that I care about the Victory brand and we all know that the dealer network is probably the biggest complaint for those hesitating to switch to the Victory line of bikes. Business people like you sir are the nails that will build the "Victory coffin" if you continue in these methods and tactics as a Victory representative.

No need to respond again, we got the message loud and clear.

Chris Neuhaus

Can you believe this guy, I think he's a nut case. By the way the quote which I included which he says I got wrong, I cut and pasted from his web site unedited. I think it all speaks for itself. Darren you were the poor bloke that got to expose this fool for his lack of character and integrity.
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Posted 2010-06-23 8:26 PM (#62983 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: RE: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 37
SE Florida
I bought my Vision from Jim at Best Buy and I have never been treated better buy any dealer of any product, time and time again he has gone above and beyond to help me. You may not be happy about being told that if you went out of state to save money you are on your own but put your self in his place. He is trying to keep the lights on by selling Motorcycles not changing oil. I am sure this will have most of you howling at me but he is a good guy and doesn't deserve all of the scorn.
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Posted 2010-06-23 8:37 PM (#62984 - in reply to #62983)
Subject: RE: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
Travler - 2010-06-23 8:26 PM

I bought my Vision from Jim at Best Buy and I have never been treated better buy any dealer of any product, time and time again he has gone above and beyond to help me. You may not be happy about being told that if you went out of state to save money you are on your own but put your self in his place. He is trying to keep the lights on by selling Motorcycles not changing oil. I am sure this will have most of you howling at me but he is a good guy and doesn't deserve all of the scorn.

Hint: if you don't want scorn, explain your position with humility. Then everybody will have sympathy and it all blows over. Telling somebody that's trying to spend money at your dealership to, "...get the hell out....", don't work too well. And the additional stuff is just idiotic. He's digging the hole not us. Humility and professionalism wins customers, period. Maybe he should just stop answering and shut his yap.
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Posted 2010-06-23 8:52 PM (#62989 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 39
Brighton, MI
Hey drdarrin, I own three companies in Detroit MI, and each one has a couple of lines of equipment it sells. We would like and appreciate it if someone in our area would purchase our equipment from us and let us service it, but truth be known- there is more money in parts and service then the purchase,we get evaluated by factory on number of units sold along with parts, but more for units sold. With that being said i don't care were you buy your equipment as long as we can service you /ALL MAKES AND MODELS. He was dead wrong and will pay the ultimate price - can he say GOING OUT OF BUSSINESS SALE
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Posted 2010-06-23 9:34 PM (#62993 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 54
post his email
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Posted 2010-06-23 9:38 PM (#62994 - in reply to #62983)
Subject: RE: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 54
most of the time we deserve EXACTLY what we get! and this case is no exception
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Posted 2010-06-23 10:01 PM (#62995 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
My two cents
1. Travler dude you are DEAD WRONG ! and here is why.
As a retailer of high end specialty products, at my company we want you to buy the product AND come back for the support. In a perfect world, making the sale and keeping keeping my customer coming back for support and services would be ideal. We are lucky in that what we sell, most people do this. However just the other day, we had a customer who came into the store because they did an internet search for the dealer of the product that they were interested in buying. They bought the item in an unusual closeout of a business not located near us that was going bankrupt. Could I compete with a 200.00 price tag they were offered when the same product at my store sells for 1099? NO, I couldnt stay open. The customer came to us because 1. they didnt know how to use the product and needed help 2. they were only able to buy the machine not any of the required accessories 3. they needed us because we were the only supplier of the fuel.
Now, what would you think if you were that person coming to my store and I said since you bought it elsewhere, i wont help you. That would be a stupid move on each of those 3 reasons listed above. Instead my staff gave the family a 20 minute course on how to use their machine and i ended up with a 269.00 sale on accessories and upgrades. Lets do the math they spend 200.00 somewhere else. Then they spend 269.00 with me. This product will require the customer to come back to me at least once every 4-5 weeks to buy more fuel.
Over the course of a year, he will have spend 1200.00 with me vs my disappointment that he spend 200.00 somewhere else.
I would have been curious in this Victory Dealers situation had we gotten to do it over and slightly changed the scenario.
Lets say instead of walking in there and telling him that you bought your bike from a near by competitor, you had told him " I just moved here from out of state, and need someone to service my bike". I suspect the sting from him not getting your sale wouldnt have happened, and he would have serviced it. A slight change in the circumstance can offer insight to the dealers perception and your outcome. Am i justifying his behavior ABSOLUTELY NOT. The man is an idiot who is so relaxed in his own business mind set that he
has ceased to grow and alter his own work ethic based on "the good ole days and how things used to be". Well we arent in those times anymore and I would challenge him to invest in some new management strategy classes. As we all know good news rarely travels, but bad news travels at lightning speed. In conclusion, lets hope this dope sells other brands other then Victory to keep his doors open.
There is simply NO justification to his actions what so ever.
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Posted 2010-06-23 11:33 PM (#63006 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
My grandfather, an Italian immigrant who had a 6th grade education, started a construction business in the 1920's with his brother about 15 years after arriving in the US. Living in Arizona (Copper Mines) and then San Antonio, he learned Spanish, English and took business courses by mail out of Chicago to learn bookkeeping and what it takes to run a business.

"You take care of your customers and you will be OK" he would say in his broken English.

Both his daughters were successful in business (Real Estate and Construction Finance) and both his sons graduated from Texas colleges and went on to run the businesses.

At the time of my grandfathers death, in the early 1970's, his sons, and the son of his brother, were running the companies that the old men had started. Back then (in the 1970's) the company was building a 3.1 million dollar project, the lumber company was doing well and the cranes they owned were building structures all over the area.

After all of these years the company is still in the family and doing well. My cousin and his wife are fine stewards of my families 80+ year old legacy in building San Antonio.

My grandfather was right...take care of your customers! If you do, you will have a customer for life.

Edited by radioteacher 2010-06-23 11:37 PM
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Posted 2010-06-23 11:55 PM (#63007 - in reply to #62995)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
VaParadox - 2010-06-23 10:01 PM

My two cents
1. Travler dude you are DEAD WRONG ! and here is why.
As a retailer of high end specialty products, at my company we want you to buy the product AND come back for the support. In a perfect world, making the sale and keeping keeping my customer coming back for support and services would be ideal. We are lucky in that what we sell, most people do this. However just the other day, we had a customer who came into the store because they did an internet search for the dealer of the product that they were interested in buying. They bought the item in an unusual closeout of a business not located near us that was going bankrupt. Could I compete with a 200.00 price tag they were offered when the same product at my store sells for 1099? NO, I couldnt stay open. The customer came to us because 1. they didnt know how to use the product and needed help 2. they were only able to buy the machine not any of the required accessories 3. they needed us because we were the only supplier of the fuel.
Now, what would you think if you were that person coming to my store and I said since you bought it elsewhere, i wont help you. That would be a stupid move on each of those 3 reasons listed above. Instead my staff gave the family a 20 minute course on how to use their machine and i ended up with a 269.00 sale on accessories and upgrades. Lets do the math they spend 200.00 somewhere else. Then they spend 269.00 with me. This product will require the customer to come back to me at least once every 4-5 weeks to buy more fuel.
Over the course of a year, he will have spend 1200.00 with me vs my disappointment that he spend 200.00 somewhere else.
I would have been curious in this Victory Dealers situation had we gotten to do it over and slightly changed the scenario.
Lets say instead of walking in there and telling him that you bought your bike from a near by competitor, you had told him " I just moved here from out of state, and need someone to service my bike". I suspect the sting from him not getting your sale wouldnt have happened, and he would have serviced it. A slight change in the circumstance can offer insight to the dealers perception and your outcome. Am i justifying his behavior ABSOLUTELY NOT. The man is an idiot who is so relaxed in his own business mind set that he
has ceased to grow and alter his own work ethic based on "the good ole days and how things used to be". Well we arent in those times anymore and I would challenge him to invest in some new management strategy classes. As we all know good news rarely travels, but bad news travels at lightning speed. In conclusion, lets hope this dope sells other brands other then Victory to keep his doors open.
There is simply NO justification to his actions what so ever.

Great job Va, and spoken from somebody in the retail and service business, although I must say this isn't rocket science

I will just restate one thing I said earlier and then let this go. This brand is young. The motorcycling public is still skeptical of the product, but most of all the biggest reason people state for not buying in is weakness in and lack of numbers of quality dealers. I couldn't care less what happens to this guy's business. But he can and probably is doing a measure of harm to the brand. What an a$$. We all know that this product line is so good it will sell itself if a person will just take a test ride. But if people continue to hear and experience that some Vic dealers are nothing but a bunch of jerks, well that kind of news spreads fast as well.
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Posted 2010-06-24 4:22 PM (#63064 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
I have to say, you all are straight to the point and correct. You have to take care of your customers/clients.Just to re-iterate, i did try to buy a bike from him first. I always like to offer my support to local businesses but i am not going to overpay for a product in order to support them. And, like several of you have stated, he would have made a lot more money off me in service and accessories than he would have in the bike sale. His loss is someone elses gain.

On a positive note, I did go to Victory Lane, another dealer, today, and they were great and very professional.

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Posted 2010-06-24 7:37 PM (#63074 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
Do a google search for his business. If you have a google account you can log in and post a review there, more people will see it then....
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Posted 2010-06-24 8:07 PM (#63077 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 400
Myself and hoosiervic bought our Visions from the same dealer, Indy-PowerSports. I bought my Vision from them because they serviced my other Victory - a 2002C Deluxe, which I didn't buy from them. The service was good, and the dealership was upfront and honest. Honest meaning sometimes I was told things I didn't want to hear, but at least they were honest. Providing service for a bike they did not sell = me buying a new bike from the dealer 2 years later + a 4 wheeler + a friend bought a kingpin + accessories. Add it up, servicing a bike my dealer did not originally sell me = $40,000 + in sales for him.
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Posted 2010-06-24 8:11 PM (#63078 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 520
Simi Valley, CA
This is the email address on their website.
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Posted 2010-06-24 9:33 PM (#63086 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 27
I am looking forward to becoming a Vision owner soon. This dealership thing never really crossed my mind until this site (This will not deter me from buying a Victory). I currntly ride an HD and can say that I've never been treated poorly from any dealership. I think this is a lesson that Victory needs to learn. I feel this is one of the things that's makes Harley so popular. My bike has been serviced at three different dealerships (convienience reasons at the time) and all three were good. In fact the one dealership just picked up the Victory dealership and that's where I will wind up buying mine. What surprises me is that Harleys and Victorys are side by side in the same showroom.
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Posted 2010-06-24 11:02 PM (#63091 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
As a comsumer we are able to purchase anywhere we want to. Which this gentlman did. However as a bussinessman he also has right to refuse to do work for you. All I know is there usually os more, much more to the story. I am not defending or accusing anyone, but there is more to the story. I have kicked people out of my shop. I allow you in the shop, however, do not try to help my technician, do not attempt to tell him how to do his job, and don't tell me how to run my bussiness.
I just returned from a 3100 mile trip to the grand canyon. On my trip I needed a set of skins. I had to call 3 dealerships to find one that had stock. That dealer also his mechanic meet myself at the door and took my bike away before anything was signed. Service such as that will be rewarded. I will buy parts and have them shipped. My own dealer last year was unable to supply me a tire, thus waiting to have them installed down South.
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Posted 2010-06-24 11:16 PM (#63092 - in reply to #63086)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 1484
I don't know the dealer that is the issue, but I'm betting he is a multi-brand dealer. So even though he said he is a charter dealer, that mean pretty much nothing to him other that what he tells people. I know a dealer that WAS a charter dealer until he got pissed off at Victory. I bought my KP from him...good dealer until he dumped me. Oh, he said he would still service my bike, how is that when your not a dealer. Anyway the dealer you've been discussing is a jerk, always will be, because he knows he can be and not go hungry. If you become hungry then you become humble. I'll bet when you go to his show room, there will be several different brands...of stuff he sells, and Victory is probably the lowest selling item on the floor. So when he told you to leave..he really ment it. And if he has been around for a long time selling the other stuff, his Victory stuff could probably leave and not really bother him in the least, he won't go hungry. Oh and the Victory dealer that I bought my 04 KP from that told Victory to go F...themselves...still in business and doing great. You know why, because he has Kawi, Yama, Sea Doo, Polaris, Can-Am, and chain saw, generators, and a whole bunch of other stuff. There are good dealers and there are didn't know that already. Ok, I've got to go now...VAryder, where are you!
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Posted 2010-06-25 12:03 AM (#63096 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 297
I can't believe this guy acted like this. I agree that this was an extremely short-sighted action on his part, and honestly, he deserves not to get people's business. Chances are if this is how he acted, he doesn't treat his own customers that great either. I think he had every right to put "his" customers service before yours, and that could be a perk of buying from him, but what happens when you want to buy another Victory, it won't be from him I am sure. So, in essence, he probably lost two sales, and countless others if you tell your friends who want to buy a Victory after seeing how awesome it is and wanting to buy one themselves.

I bought my bike from another dealer who later turned out to be pretty bad on customer service. My dealer now treats me like Gold and I didn't buy from them. I wish I had but I didn't even know about them when I bought the bike. But, I buy from them whenever I can, even if it's just ordering a T-shirt which I could do online. I'd rather they make that money because of the way they treat me every time I come in the door. Maybe he should call my dealer and ask how you run a business and gain customer loyalty.
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Posted 2010-06-25 5:04 AM (#63098 - in reply to #63092)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
VisionTex - 2010-06-25 12:16 AM

....Ok, I've got to go now...VAryder, where are you!

somewhere in Illinois...
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Posted 2010-06-25 5:19 AM (#63099 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 126
Meadow, Texas
I had a similar problem with local dealers - yes I'm lucky to have a couple of dealers within 50 miles of home. The first one I went to was only about 10 miles from home and after talking with the saleman about purchasing a 2010 Vision and requesting some more information, I waited for the phone call. Didn't come. Called him back and was told he would call me. No call. Got frustrated and went to a dealer about 60 miles away. (Victory of Southern Maryland) This salesperson showed me their entire shop, introduced me to the owner, mechanics, parts person and the shop cat. Then she asked me if I wanted to go on a ride on their demo, told her I had one before with the previous dealer, she said "no problem" but you want one so why not. I agreed and we went on a ride. After the ride I asked her the same questions I had asked before and she said to wait while she called the main office. I immediately got my answers and ordered my Vision through them.
I have since gone back to the first dealer and finally was able to meet the owner, since he saw me on my new VV, and asked where I got it. I told him the dealer and explained the "why". Since that time he had fired that salesman because of other complaints and had wished others had told him earlier. This guy is decent and I have bought some stuff from him. Very good clothing section.
So like my problem it was due to one bad employee at this one dealer that cost him the sale for a new VV. So I blamed the entire dealership for one bad employee and I should have tried to locate the owner and talk to him. If the owner is the one that gave you grief then you did the right thing about not going back.
Hope you don't let one dealership keep you from the best damn bike around. Love my VV and get more questions about it from HD riders than Wingers (for some reason, I get the snob routine with them - oh well.).
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Posted 2010-06-25 6:03 AM (#63101 - in reply to #63091)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
norcan - 2010-06-25 12:02 AM

As a comsumer we are able to purchase anywhere we want to. Which this gentlman did. However as a bussinessman he also has right to refuse to do work for you. All I know is there usually os more, much more to the story. I am not defending or accusing anyone, but there is more to the story. I have kicked people out of my shop. I allow you in the shop, however, do not try to help my technician, do not attempt to tell him how to do his job, and don't tell me how to run my bussiness.
I just returned from a 3100 mile trip to the grand canyon. On my trip I needed a set of skins. I had to call 3 dealerships to find one that had stock. That dealer also his mechanic meet myself at the door and took my bike away before anything was signed. Service such as that will be rewarded. I will buy parts and have them shipped. My own dealer last year was unable to supply me a tire, thus waiting to have them installed down South.

Norcan, normally I would agree with you that there is usually more to the story, but in this case there is not. If you read earlier posts, one of the members here emailed the owner and he responded confirming that the only reason he would not service my bike was that i did not buy it there. He did not care that i was there earlier to buy his bike. It was also the way he did it. He was rude and arrogant about it. Not only did he lose all future service from me and anyone i know that has a Victory, he also lost any future sales, by being so pig headed.
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Posted 2010-06-25 9:41 AM (#63109 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
This is one of the reasons I sold my Vision. You see, I didn't have a local dealer, all three in the Dayton area went out of business shortly after opening. The closest Vision I found was in Louisville Ky. I spend three months in Ohio, three months in North Carolina and six months in Florida. When I had issues with my 2008 Vision My 08 stalled on me in six lanes of rush hour traffic coming out of Daytona Beach. I didn't know of Kevin at Gainsboro yet so I called the nearest dealers. THe first obviously wasn't interrested in looking at my bike, too busy working on bicycles. The second in Longwood agreed to take a look at it when he got the chance and they eventually repaired it. As far as both of them knew I was from Ohio and stranded on a broken down Vision.
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Dute 58
Posted 2010-06-25 7:21 PM (#63137 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

New user

Posts: 3
Regardless of how many sides of the story there might be, it appears as though Jim Buchheit is an absolute idiot, especially in this economy. Undoubtedly, we'll read about his demise in the not too distant future! Kinda sux, since there already are too few Vic dealers out there and we all hate to see one fall, but who needs knuckleheads like this anyway? I bought my '05 Anniversary Edition Vegas from a private seller near Titusville, FL in June of '09 - had 4100 miles, was in like new condition and I paid $6,500 for it! Some say I stole it, I say I just got lucky!! I had a few questions about the bike before I bought it; I called Volusia Motorsports and got a luke-warm response, Ferrara's Victory in Melbourne, who totally blew me off and Billy at Kissimmee Motor Sports near Orlando; of all contacted, he answered all of my pre-purchase questions thoroughly, informatively and to my complete satisfaction. I ultimately bought the bike, took it to Billy at KMS for a good going-over/early 5000 mile service and was completely satisfied with the service I received. I scheduled my appointment in advance for Saturday morning at 9:00, was about 20 minutes late since I was coming from Tampa and was done and on my way by noon, which was within the approximate amount of time Billy estimated. The price was also almost right on the money too, so no complaints here! Obviously, there's always someone who's had a bad experience with a service provider that everyone else has had nothing but stellar service with; that will continue as long as there are consumers requiring service from others. The bottom line, and this is a quote from my Mom, who started a small picture framing business 34 years ago and is still in business today "Though the customer may not always be right, they are still the customer and if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here!" Maybe "Mr. Best Buy" should get his head out of his ass and realize the importance of customer service and the power of "word of mouth"! Thanks for the heads-up on the loser dealership - I'll definitely go out of my way to not go there!!! If need be, give Billy at KMS a try - but don't blame me if goes south! Enjoy the new ride! I sure am - 1st road bike in over 35 years & lovin' every minute of it! Stay Safe!!

Edited by Dute 58 2010-06-25 7:26 PM
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Posted 2010-06-25 9:32 PM (#63139 - in reply to #62893)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
Welcome to Vic-world Dute. Glad to hear you found a great deal. Sometimes we get lucky and l'd say you definitely did. This is a great place to "hang out" as you can see. Great bunch of folks here too.

Ride safe and ride often!
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Posted 2010-06-26 12:02 AM (#63140 - in reply to #63109)
Subject: Re: You wont believe what this Victory dealer did to me!!READ THIS

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 19
rlreed - 2010-06-25 10:41 AM

This is one of the reasons I sold my Vision. You see, I didn't have a local dealer, all three in the Dayton area went out of business shortly after opening. The closest Vision I found was in Louisville Ky. I spend three months in Ohio, three months in North Carolina and six months in Florida. When I had issues with my 2008 Vision My 08 stalled on me in six lanes of rush hour traffic coming out of Daytona Beach. I didn't know of Kevin at Gainsboro yet so I called the nearest dealers. THe first obviously wasn't interrested in looking at my bike, too busy working on bicycles. The second in Longwood agreed to take a look at it when he got the chance and they eventually repaired it. As far as both of them knew I was from Ohio and stranded on a broken down Vision.

I live in the Orlando area and just want to say I know the dealer you are talking about (the first one) and allot has changed there recently. I would have to say they are one of the better Vic dealers now that they are concentrating more on the product. The other one in Longwood has since went out of business.
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