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Didn't get a picture, but . . . .
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Posted 2011-08-19 11:27 PM (#94076)
Subject: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"

Guy rolled up to Lloydz tent on a Harley trike.  Great guy with the Patriot Guard.  Chatted with him with a few other guys while getting my cams done.  He went to start up his bike to leave and it wouldn't start!  I'm thinking this might be kind of typical given the maker of his ride. 

Being the nice guys we are, three of us (picture this . . . all in Victory shirts) were are all pushing on this big 'ole trike to get it jump started.  After three tries, we realize his electrical system was shorted out.  We removed seat, wiggled some wires, and were finally able to get it started.  I pointed his to the local HD shop and told him he'd better get it looked at.  I should have sent him over to Lehman to get a Victory Vision Trike.

 We all go a good laugh, but I wish the Marketing people from Victory would have been there with a camera. 

Edited by Man314 2011-08-19 11:29 PM
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Posted 2011-08-19 11:40 PM (#94080 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 177
Fredonia, WI United States
Now that is a classic story! Wish I could have been there for that one!
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Posted 2011-08-20 7:27 AM (#94095 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
HA HA! That's classic. It's funny but even Vics can have a problem....

Edited by cook06vegas 2011-08-20 7:28 AM
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Posted 2011-08-20 7:51 AM (#94100 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
That problem or worse... I would rather not start than NOT STOP. The Victory rear brakes are NOT very reliable...
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Posted 2011-08-20 8:19 AM (#94104 - in reply to #94100)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
Handyhoward - 2011-08-20 8:51 AM

That problem or worse... I would rather not start than NOT STOP. The Victory rear brakes are NOT very reliable...

While I understand your frustration with your problem what I don't understand is why don't you either get over it and ride the hell out of that thing or go trade it in on a Harley and see how that works out for you.

I don't care who makes it, if it's mechanical it can have issues. Have you ever had a problem with anything else in your life? Car, truck, mower, boat, ect... Seriously man, now that you have it fixed stop acting like a little bitch and ride it. Life goes on.
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Posted 2011-08-20 10:41 AM (#94110 - in reply to #94100)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Handyhoward - 2011-08-20 7:51 AM

That problem or worse... I would rather not start than NOT STOP. The Victory rear brakes are NOT very reliable...

With over 25,500 miles and three plus years on a 2008 Vision.....I will state under oath that my brakes have never failed me. Not once. Not ever.

So from my point of are the exception, not the rule. I am sure you see it from an opposite perspective like......I am the exception, not the rule. Oh well, I do understand you point of view.

I do feel really bad that you have had issues. I believe that Florida has a lemon law. Please use it to return your Vision because everyone should feel safe in the knowledge that the safety features on their motorcycle will work every time.

You do not trust your Vision. I get why keep it. I will tell you that if I did not trust my mine it would be gone. I would even take a loss than ride any motorcycle with the problems that you describe.

Your experience is not indicative of almost every Vision owner I have ever know and or read about. But there are a few but most now ride a motorcycle that fits them better.

I have riding Visions since November of 2007. I only own one but....I have demo'ed over fifteen different Visions from every year model to date plus almost every other bike that Victory makes since 2008 (from the 2007 Jackpot to the 2012 High Ball). I have never felt that any of these bikes had issues as serious as you have had. A matter of fact I found everyone of these bikes to be fine machines.

For that matter I have also been a lot of Harleys and found them to be fine machines.

Please name the dealers that refuse to repair the bike under warranty. Name their service managers and owners. By calling people out you will be doing everyone a favor so we can know what to expect if we do need service at one of the three shops that could not fix the issue.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2011-08-20 1:27 PM (#94116 - in reply to #94110)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 81
Salinas, Ca.

While I understand your frustration with your problem what I don't understand is why don't you either get over it and ride the hell out of that thing or go trade it in on a Harley and see how that works out for you.

I don't care who makes it, if it's mechanical it can have issues. Have you ever had a problem with anything else in your life? Car, truck, mower, boat, ect... Seriously man, now that you have it fixed stop acting like a little bitch and ride it. Life goes on.

With over 25,500 miles and three plus years on a 2008 Vision.....I will state under oath that my brakes have never failed me. Not once. Not ever.

So from my point of are the exception, not the rule. I am sure you see it from an opposite perspective like......I am the exception, not the rule. Oh well, I do understand you point of view.

I do feel really bad that you have had issues. I believe that Florida has a lemon law. Please use it to return your Vision because everyone should feel safe in the knowledge that the safety features on their motorcycle will work every time.

You do not trust your Vision. I get why keep it. I will tell you that if I did not trust my mine it would be gone. I would even take a loss than ride any motorcycle with the problems that you describe.

Your experience is not indicative of almost every Vision owner I have ever know and or read about. But there are a few but most now ride a motorcycle that fits them better.

I have riding Visions since November of 2007. I only own one but....I have demo'ed over fifteen different Visions from every year model to date plus almost every other bike that Victory makes since 2008 (from the 2007 Jackpot to the 2012 High Ball). I have never felt that any of these bikes had issues as serious as you have had. A matter of fact I found everyone of these bikes to be fine machines.

For that matter I have also been a lot of Harleys and found them to be fine machines.

Please name the dealers that refuse to repair the bike under warranty. Name their service managers and owners. By calling people out you will be doing everyone a favor so we can know what to expect if we do need service at one of the three shops that could not fix the issue.

What they said!!!!
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Posted 2011-08-20 1:45 PM (#94118 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Thanks all the same, but I do not need advice from any of you... if you don't like what I have to say you are free of any and all obligation as pertains to reading it. Thanks in advance for your understanding on that point. You have had good experiences with Polaris... I have not. And I am free to voice those problems if I wish to do so, just as you are free to post whatever you wish. If you feel that I am acting like a "little bitch" so what... send me a check for the Vision and it's yours.

Edited by Handyhoward 2011-08-20 1:55 PM
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Travelin Man
Posted 2011-08-20 2:08 PM (#94120 - in reply to #94104)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

cook06vegas - 2011-08-20 8:19 AM Handyhoward - 2011-08-20 8:51 AM That problem or worse... I would rather not start than NOT STOP. The Victory rear brakes are NOT very reliable... While I understand your frustration with your problem what I don't understand is why don't you either get over it and ride the hell out of that thing or go trade it in on a Harley and see how that works out for you. I don't care who makes it, if it's mechanical it can have issues. Have you ever had a problem with anything else in your life? Car, truck, mower, boat, ect... Seriously man, now that you have it fixed stop acting like a little bitch and ride it. Life goes on.


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Posted 2011-08-20 3:17 PM (#94128 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 324
New Orleans, La,
Handyhoward has a right to his opinion and the name calling IMO indicates a personality flaw of some sort. I have run across dealers in La., none of which remained Victory dealers long, that refused warranty or recall work. I thought of complaining on this or another site, but it wouldn't do any good because IMO don't believe Victory really cares over there in Medine, Minn. anyway. I feel Handyhowards' pain and frustration and if complaining about it any and everytime he can get a dig in then justlet it be. Everybody copes with lifes' adversity different. Besides maybe just maybe someone at Medina, Minn. might stumble onto this site and upon one of his post, and with alot of luck, real customer concerns may start reaching the ears of the people concerned about keeping Victory present and gaining those future customers dollars and loyality to the company. I'm just saying we need people like him and his opinion/voice on this site. Also lets' mature away m the name caalling of people just because their view is different from yours.
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Posted 2011-08-20 3:44 PM (#94132 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 88
hell I would love to buy that bike with no brakes for a gift to my girlfriend ha ha ha ha ha :>)
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Posted 2011-08-20 4:58 PM (#94141 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
Dudes, chill . . . I just started this thread so that we could get a quick laugh. Hell, the HD guy laughed. Lighten up already.
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Posted 2011-08-20 9:43 PM (#94157 - in reply to #94141)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Man314 - 2011-08-20 4:58 PM

Dudes, chill . . . I just started this thread so that we could get a quick laugh. Hell, the HD guy laughed. Lighten up already.

So true....sorry for the thread jacking.

Ride Safe
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Posted 2011-08-21 9:28 PM (#94259 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
The only reason I said anything to him was because I had not been on this site for a few weeks and it seems like every thread I looked at, there he was crying about is Vision and how it's biggest POS in the world and Victory sucks and all the dealers are horrible and blah, blah, blah, blah....
We get it, he's having some trouble with it, he got some poor service. OKAY, it sucks. We know. I understand but get over it and stop trash talking everything Victory. Act like a grown up and get over it, that's my point.

Good luck to you and I hope it all works out.

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Posted 2011-08-22 8:45 AM (#94282 - in reply to #94259)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
cook06vegas - 2011-08-21 9:28 PM

The only reason I said anything to him was because I had not been on this site for a few weeks and it seems like every thread I looked at, there he was crying about is Vision and how it's biggest POS in the world and Victory sucks and all the dealers are horrible and blah, blah, blah, blah....
We get it, he's having some trouble with it, he got some poor service. OKAY, it sucks. We know. I understand but get over it and stop trash talking everything Victory. Act like a grown up and get over it, that's my point.

Good luck to you and I hope it all works out.


Mind your own P's & Q's... you ride a totally different bike then the Vision... and you spent half the $$$. I will continue to trash the Polaris and Victory Companies until they get the hint. They spend an average of $250 per unit sold to advertise to potential customers, yet are not savvy enough to take care of their current customer base... that's on them. I hope that I drive off the 15 to 20 potential customer base that they are trying to attract... $250 x 20 = $5000. And I am only one of many current customers who do not seem to be able to attract their attention long enough to resolve our differences. I bought a $26,999 bike as indicated by their "MSRP" and I expect it to run properly and if not that they fix the problems with as little inconvenience to me NOT them. Let them continue to waste their advertising dollars... LMAO
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Posted 2011-08-22 8:46 AM (#94283 - in reply to #94282)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Handyhoward - 2011-08-22 8:45 AM

cook06vegas - 2011-08-21 9:28 PM

The only reason I said anything to him was because I had not been on this site for a few weeks and it seems like every thread I looked at, there he was crying about is Vision and how it's biggest POS in the world and Victory sucks and all the dealers are horrible and blah, blah, blah, blah....
We get it, he's having some trouble with it, he got some poor service. OKAY, it sucks. We know. I understand but get over it and stop trash talking everything Victory. Act like a grown up and get over it, that's my point.

Good luck to you and I hope it all works out.


Mind your own P's & Q's... you ride a totally different bike then the Vision... and you spent half the $$$. I will continue to trash the Polaris and Victory Companies until they get the hint. They spend an average of $250 per unit sold to advertise to potential customers, yet are not savvy enough to take care of their current customer base... that's on them. I hope that I drive off the 15 to 20 potential customer base that they are trying to attract... $250 x 20 = $5000. And I am only one of many current customers who do not seem to be able to attract their attention long enough to resolve our differences. I bought a $26,999 bike as indicated by their "MSRP" and I expect it to run properly and if not that they fix the problems with as little inconvenience to me NOT them. Let them continue to waste their advertising dollars... LMAO

PS... I never used those words, by the by.
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Posted 2011-08-22 8:53 AM (#94284 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
I have a 2008 Victory Vision Tour Premium Brakes have never been an issue I have over 30000 miles and still under extended warrenty. My Dealer is great

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Posted 2011-08-22 9:33 AM (#94293 - in reply to #94284)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 92
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Trekwolf164 - 2011-08-22 8:53 AM

I have a 2008 Victory Vision Tour Premium Brakes have never been an issue I have over 30000 miles and still under extended warrenty. My Dealer is great

Judging from the online complaints filed with the Automobile Consumer Complaint Bureau, you have been most fortuitous... good for you.

That doesn't change a thing for those of us who haven't had your good fortune.

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-22 9:46 AM (#94295 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
if any expects mother Polaris or Victory to respond to post on a forum you are so sadly out of touch. contact the company, BBB or other resolution efforts to get your problems resolved. Rattling on a forum is no than, well, rattling on a forum.
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Posted 2011-08-22 10:17 AM (#94297 - in reply to #94283)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI
Handyhoward - 2011-08-22 9:46 AM
Mind your own P's & Q's... you ride a totally different bike then the Vision... and you spent half the $$$. I will continue to trash the Polaris and Victory Companies until they get the hint. They spend an average of $250 per unit sold to advertise to potential customers, yet are not savvy enough to take care of their current customer base... that's on them. I hope that I drive off the 15 to 20 potential customer base that they are trying to attract... $250 x 20 = $5000. And I am only one of many current customers who do not seem to be able to attract their attention long enough to resolve our differences. I bought a $26,999 bike as indicated by their "MSRP" and I expect it to run properly and if not that they fix the problems with as little inconvenience to me NOT them. Let them continue to waste their advertising dollars... LMAO

PS... I never used those words, by the by.

I do ride a Vision, it's a 2008 with 29K miles on it and it's been dead reliable. (Knock on wood.) So have the two Vegas' I've had. I've beat the hell out of them and they've just taken it. Either I'm one lucky SOB (yeah right) or Victory builds some tough, reliable bikes. Your situation is the exception and not the rule.

I know I didn't quote you word for word but you get the point and I'm sure others do too.

I do understand your frustration and I agree it's wrong but what I'm trying to say is get over it, ride and be happy. Maybe you can get past this and enjoy all the things that are great about your bike. I really do wish you the best and I hope it all works out for you.


Edited by cook06vegas 2011-08-22 10:18 AM
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Travelin Man
Posted 2011-08-22 10:38 AM (#94300 - in reply to #94284)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

Trekwolf164 - 2011-08-22 8:53 AM I have a 2008 Victory Vision Tour Premium Brakes have never been an issue I have over 30000 miles and still under extended warrenty. My Dealer is great

I also have a 2008 Vision Tour Premium, just turned 38,000 miles and replaced all brake pads at the 30,000 mile mark although I probably could have gotten another couple of thousand out of them because there were still a little above minimal thickness (I replaced them with EBC sintered metal pads which I have had fantastic experience with on my previous Honda Goldwings).  I have had only 3 minor issues that were addressed by my dealer without hesitation, 1) headlight cracking, 2) right side gas tank seal, 3) gear position indicator sensor.  My dealer is probably one of the best I have ever dealt with and is still 45 minutes from my house.  My dealer is the very well known Randy's Cycle in Marengo, IL

And yes Howard, many of us here do take offense to you trying to harm Victory, which in turn would harm us, because you can't seem to find a dealer that will put up with your crap attitude regarding you purchase.  It's never the matter of how much money you spend with a dealer, it's your attitude in how you interact with the dealer that will set the tone of how they treat you.  Try being a little bit more humble and perhaps you would get treated better.


Edited by Travelin Man 2011-08-22 10:39 AM
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Posted 2011-08-22 11:18 AM (#94307 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
Jeff, pls kill this thread. It has been hijacked beyond its original intent.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-08-22 12:00 PM (#94320 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
not speaking for jeff or miles but it is not likely for them to freeze this post unless it get's pollolittical and over the top, then they might.

These kind of post only serve to do one thing, rebuttals by others who do not favor Polaris or Victory. We've had plenty of them on here over the course of time and sometimes they are rather amuzing in their mantra. At best they can be tolerated until they grow tired and find something else to do. Howard lives in his world of reasoning that robs him of the true finer things of life and I pity him that his Vision has consummed him in problems. I too would not like it if I had paid as much as I did and have problems. The sad thing was that folks on here got me believing I had problems where there were none. But I had the real problem of pop/stall and that was frustrating. However, it has never failed me and I'm thankful that I'm on the ground should the engine go, as it was when the fuel pump went. I would hate think it was an airplane engine and it would pop and stall at take off or landing.
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Posted 2011-08-22 1:24 PM (#94327 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .


Posts: 373
Lansing, MI

I have no idea how to spell koomba yahhh.


Yes, I'm a smart ass.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2011-08-22 1:25 PM (#94328 - in reply to #94076)
Subject: Re: Didn't get a picture, but . . . .

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Mark, I apologize to you for what role I have had in hijacking your thread.
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