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Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.
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Posted 2011-01-26 1:09 PM (#78194)
Subject: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC

Well, it's at a dealer right now getting checked out, and I bought the bike less than two months ago and it only has 1500 miles on it so I'm PRETTY sure Victory's gonna foot the bill for this one.

In case you're wondering, this is how it was dropped off at the dealer...(I had trailered it to VA and so it was still on the trailer...)




Wierd thing is that this dealer has apparantly ordered warrantied parts and then had the customer NOT come back to them to get it replaced.  Why they wouldn't come back when it's a free repair I have no idea, but they've ended up with parts they can't sell and taking up room on the shelf.  So instead of allowing me to find out what's wrong, order the parts, and then come back to get it installed, they want me to leave the bike from the day of diagnosis until the parts come in and get installed.  Nope.  Wasn't going to happen.  So the best I could get was I would PAY for the parts when they order them from Victory.  After the parts come in, set up an appointment to get them installed, and then I would get a refund on those parts the day they install them to my bike.

 Well, we'll see what's wrong with the bike and what needs to be fixed in a few hours when I go back to service to find out.



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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-26 1:40 PM (#78196 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
...I know the feeling. Keep us posted.

[everybody, listen to me, and return me, my ship]
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Posted 2011-01-26 2:32 PM (#78199 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
A common problem. I had one replaced under warranty for this, but have heard that some others were not so lucky. Had that one replaced under warranty because the reflector around the HID bulb fell off. After I got the last replacement I took some of the thick kind of super glue and using my finger, ran it over the top edge of the headlight where the little cracks which admit the water appear in the hope that this would seal/prevent any cracking. So far so good. Last year I started getting water inside the turn signal lenses when it rained. Not sure how it gets in, but Vic declined any warranty service.

Edited by Mudge 2011-01-26 2:32 PM
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Posted 2011-01-27 10:41 AM (#78238 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 669
Peachtree City, GA
I have that problem on my wife's Vision. And guess what - it is NOT covered by the extended warranty. They claimed the headlight is a "wear item"

So the next time it fills with water I am going to turn the lights on and then force them to repair it.

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Posted 2011-01-27 12:40 PM (#78248 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
Water never sleeps and I can tell you from experience in aviation, it gets into the darnedest places caused by slipstream pressure. Carefully examine the bottom point of your headlamp housing for the lowest point. A trip to your local tool supply store will net you a #40 drill bit (.098 dia) about 6 inches long, using tape or a drillstop on the bit will limit how deeply you drill, put a drain hole in an inconspicuous place in the left hand or 'down when parked side' of the housing so any waterblasted in by wind pressure and heavy rains will let it drain out when you stop. If the drain hole gets plugged up a paperclip will clear the drain hole in seconds. You could get clever and put a short piece of cheap ball point pen ink tube in the hole cut @ an angle to keep the rain from ramming in the hole, a dab of 5 minute epoxy and 'VIOLA!'
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-27 1:04 PM (#78249 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Concur with water never sleeps, but if I started to get water in my headlight assembly I'd have to look for a big crack somewhere or seperation. 3 1/2 years of ownership, sits outside in all types of weather to include torrential downpours, ride in all types of weather to include torrential downpours, I do not even have moisture in there, well none that is visible to the nekked eye.

I'm bothered by the "no warranty coverage" as this is not the bulbs, and if you're on the first year warranty it should be replaced, IMHO. Now, I'm not Polaris, nor do I work for them in anyway shape or form except in sublimal advertising as I trek around, so I can't speak for them. This is a defect in workmanship of the machine, not a bulb burning out. Even in the extended warranty I would question this as as it is pointed out, let me get a bucket of water in there, turn my headlights on, and then fry the electical and see what happens then. But as my home owner insurance folk told me, squirrels could gnaw the roof off and they will not cover that damage at all, but when it rains and ruins the interior they will cover that damage, go figure.
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Posted 2011-01-27 1:15 PM (#78250 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Cap'n, I was in the same situation as you. Reading all of the headlight bucket woes and being thankful that although I live in the Seattle area and store by bike outside - as well as ride in the rain rather frequently - my bucket was dry and clear.

Until about a month ago. Now the inside is fogging something fierce as it stands overnight. And Victory refuses to replace it under extended warranty.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-27 1:28 PM (#78251 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Having just dealt with the extended warranty on the header pipe, the answer from the good folks who minds the money says it must be mechanical. I guess the bad thing is it wasn't caught during the first year warranty where it would have been covered. I'll have to keep a watch out for mine, but the point I forgot to make is that instead of drilling a drain hole is to pull the assembly and repair the item. It might not be pretty, but it shouldn't leak.

It's about time to find a second hand Vision part source, or pay top dollar for the bucket, ouch, how much is a new one? Anyone?
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Posted 2011-01-27 6:17 PM (#78263 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1436
A little suggestion for you guys who have the leaking headlite and Victory doesn't want to replace it free. Vic actually developed a NEW headlite assy which was released in early 2010 to address the CRACKS that come from the factory and seams that open on ALL Visions prior to this release. In other words it is a KNOWN defect on a SAFETY related item on the bike. So my advice is that you ASSIST your dealer in twisting Victorys arm in replacing your headlite, OR you will be forced to contact the NHTSA and create a mandatory safety recall which will force Vic to recall and replace EVERY Vision manufactured with the OLD headlite assy.
Had the ole sorry bud but your factory warranty is over and the extended won't cover it excuse. Mind you my headlite assy had been replaced 4 times previous for the same exact problems, the 4th one only 30 days prior to needing a 5th. After suggesting I'd need to take steps to initiate a safety recall, they agreed to provide the headlite but I'd need to pay for the install. I suggested that safety recall would be initiated in the very near future and poof the new headlite arrived and was insalled at no charge to me.
Have your parts guy look up the NEW headlite assy part number before beating them up, you need to sound like you know your stuff. Oh and this advice holds true for the KNOWN bad radio's, and fuel filler neck w/cap that were stamped out too thin. Hope this helps......

For the record guys, Victory isn't any harder to deal with than any other manufacturer, in many instances they are really good to work with and are not aware there is an issue until you raise hell. You have a great bike, with minor hiccups...... work it out.

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Posted 2011-01-27 6:32 PM (#78266 - in reply to #78263)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Teach - 2011-01-27 7:17 PM
Vic actually developed a NEW headlite assy which was released in early 2010 to address the CRACKS that come from the factory and seams that open on ALL Visions prior to this release....Have your parts guy look up the NEW headlite assy part number before beating them up, you need to sound like you know your stuff. Oh and this advice holds true for the KNOWN bad radio's, and fuel filler neck w/cap that were stamped out too thin. Hope this helps......
When I went to the dealer, he looked up the part and remarked with an "aha" that the part number has changed, and he mentioned that usually that means that something was wrong, and they fixed it, and now have a FIXED part out....

So he ordered the part and will be keeping my old one when it comes in to turn in to Victory or whatever dealers do with the old parts to get paid for the warranty work.

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-27 6:43 PM (#78272 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
are you on the first warranty?
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Posted 2011-01-27 6:47 PM (#78274 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1436
sfalexi, yep all the older headlite assy's came with a small fatory crack in the lense and they developed additional hairline cracks, and of course you know about the seam opening which allowed water in. Evidently the mold tolerances were too tight from what Vic passed on and they are using a different heat or process on the seams which seem to be more reliable. You should be in good shape once the new part arrives. I should mention some folks who have the earlier bikes haven't had any headlite issues they feel need addressed, so as to not start a debate, lol.....
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Posted 2011-01-27 7:31 PM (#78277 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
My 08 headlight was just replaced under warenty. The dealer told me it needs to be a headlight assembly, or part number on the claim. If they just say headlight, they think bulb, and that is a consumable item, like say a windsheild wiper on a car, and not covered. I had no issues with mine, but the reflector fell off inside, and I think I saw the begining of some fog on the top. Soo all is good now. I was amaized at how many little pits were on the old one, after it was replaced, it was noticeable that the new one was realy clear. Remember assembly, or part number.
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Posted 2011-02-01 11:16 AM (#78523 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Thanks Teach and wseermann. Looks like I'll get it replaced after all.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-02-01 11:39 AM (#78525 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
breaker, are you on the 1st or extended warranty?
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Posted 2011-02-02 12:34 PM (#78572 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
On the extended Cap'n. I got my Vision (finally) in early April 2008.

Dang, remember when those bikes were trickling in to the dealers?

I'm going to stop by my dealer today or tomorrow. I'll post the results.

Edited by Breaker 2011-02-02 12:36 PM
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-02-02 12:47 PM (#78573 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Yes, at the time I purchased mine, it was only the third one at the dealer. The first one was a demo a few months before. The next one was already spoken for, and mine was a special order that someone turned down, much to my pleasure.

I'm still under extended warranty and I wonder if it was worded right for when I asked for warranty claim for my split pipe would I get my claimed filed. I'm trying to connect a leaky headlight housing and a busted header pipe. But I was told no exhaust is covered. Therefore I spent two days down and $10 to get it welded.

The leaky headlight housing makes perfect sense as it will affect how the bike runs if it blows out the electrical.
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Posted 2011-02-05 11:40 PM (#78777 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Problem solved!

Just stopped by the dealer, they had ordered the part a week ago and it was in. In and out in a little over an hour after dropping it off. And I had bought a heel-toe shifter there about two weeks ago and never got around to installing it and they did a little extra and put that on there for me too since they were working on the bike anyway!

Huzzah for good dealers!

FYI, my two short experiences shopping for accessories and with the warranty/service department at SUNRISE CYCLES in NORFOLK, VA has my recommendation!

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Posted 2011-02-06 12:29 AM (#78781 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
^^^^^ Good for you! I had my headlight replaced in the first year with no issues. The second seems to be holding up ok after 18 months. I had a Victory Engineer call me, Mike M, and asked me a ton of questions regarding my original light, how I cleaned it, storage of the bike, etc. This was in early 2009.
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Posted 2011-03-09 9:35 AM (#81050 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
* removed because I'm not posting the image correctly *

Edited by Breaker 2011-03-09 9:40 AM
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Posted 2011-03-09 10:53 AM (#81055 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
Little wet in there.

But, I'm getting it replaced under warranty so . . . yay!

Edited by Breaker 2011-03-09 10:54 AM
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Posted 2011-03-09 11:26 AM (#81056 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Does anyone know where the crack(s) usually are on the headlight for water to come in? If no warranty will cover it, can we plug the hole?
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Posted 2011-03-09 3:20 PM (#81066 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Iron Butt

Posts: 732
Western WA
The cracks usually start at the top of the assembly in the middle. Kind of at the bottom of the'v' shape if that makes any sense. But I also noticed them spreading along that top seam.

If you have a 2008, and have the cracks (just as Teach said we all would) I would push hard for a replacement --- warranty or not. Victory knows this is a problem.

I'm not sure if the later models have the same issue.
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Posted 2011-03-09 6:06 PM (#81077 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
Had my 08 in for this problem and was told that it was cosmetic by the warrenty company, denied claim. Next step is to try to contact Victory .
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Posted 2011-03-09 10:27 PM (#81102 - in reply to #78194)
Subject: Re: Water in the Vision's headlight. Sigh.


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Nice to know that headlamps are cosmetic. Should have gone for the 24hr/day coverage. Or maybe they gave you the NASCAR coverage.
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