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exhaust leak
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-22 4:23 PM (#75990)
Subject: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
I've had an exhaust leak for the last few weeks and thought it was a gasket. Pulled off the heat shield today and this is what I found.

I plan on getting it welded tomorrow and hope to put a few more miles on this one. This consist of the cats and cross with a list price of a mere $679.00.


Attachments exhaust.jpg (28KB - 4 downloads)
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Posted 2010-12-22 4:33 PM (#75993 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 444
Bay of Gigs, WA
Yikes! How many miles, do we really need cats, is there anything else available cheaper???
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Posted 2010-12-22 8:19 PM (#76010 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak

Iron Butt

Posts: 639
Tri Cities, WA
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Posted 2010-12-22 8:28 PM (#76011 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: RE: exhaust leak

Central Wisconsin

Cap'n Nemo - 2010-12-22 4:23 PM ... This consist of the cats and cross with a list price of a mere $679.00.


I wonder if the warranty would cover that? 

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-22 8:33 PM (#76012 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
$30 to fix tomorrow and be riding, or mess around for weeks on end with a dealer 200 miles away to find out if the warranty will cover it. Tough choice.
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Posted 2010-12-22 8:46 PM (#76013 - in reply to #76012)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak

Central Wisconsin

Cap'n Nemo - 2010-12-22 8:33 PM $30 to fix tomorrow and be riding, or mess around for weeks on end with a dealer 200 miles away to find out if the warranty will cover it. Tough choice.

Where I live I won't be able to ride til March. Dealer is 80 miles away.

Yeah I can see your point. You could spent $30 just in gas. Depending on what kind of dealer you have,

maybe you could call/email him the pic and ask for reimbursement of the welding job or in store credit. 

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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-23 3:28 PM (#76052 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
exhaust is not covered by warranty. Oh well.
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Posted 2010-12-23 4:27 PM (#76056 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Do gotta say that I think that this is the only exhaust I've seen with this type of problem.

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Posted 2010-12-23 4:39 PM (#76057 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: RE: exhaust leak


Posts: 3204

The warranty dude has nothing to lose by saying "It's not covered."  This is not a wear or cosmetic item. 

I don't know what year your bike is or if there are extenuating circumstances, but there is no way I would let them not cover this if I had the extended warranty and it was still stock or all Victory parts.  My response would be "So, I'm going to need a new exhaust every couple of years?  Is that what you are telling me?"  E-mail the photos to your dealer and ask them to try again.  At least ask for the replacement parts and new gaskets so you can replace it yourself if issues pop up after it is welded. 

"Not covered" is the wrong answer on this one.

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Posted 2010-12-23 4:55 PM (#76058 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 4278
Cap'n Nemo / Kevin x
What did the cats look like? Kevin x if you read this would removing the cat packing do more harm then good? I am just guessing that the ecm is tuned for it to be there. Or if you put in a PCV would then it be ok to remove the cat stuff?
Thanks to you both
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Posted 2010-12-23 7:02 PM (#76069 - in reply to #76052)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1484
Cap'n Nemo - 2010-12-23 2:28 PM

exhaust is not covered by warranty. Oh well.

Cap'n, this is pretty amazing. If there is one thing that I thought would NOT be a problem and that would be a header pipe split. So, someone told you the header pipe is not covered under the Victory warranty or is this the Polaristar warranty? You don't have a dealer within 200 miles in Virginia? WOW. I think your fix is right on, but Victory needs to know that a Vision header pipe split, just for fun, I'm pretty sure they would like to know. Does the 200 mile away dealer know?
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-23 9:46 PM (#76082 - in reply to #76069)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
I immediately took the picture and sent it to Region2000 out by Lynchburg. I talked to them this morning and they gave me the "bring it out and we'll see what they say." I asked them that since the logistics of getting it to them and leaving it was rather laborious could they check on what the expected response would be? He called me back and said that the extended warranty does NOT cover ANY exhaust. I understand that a muffler wouldn't be covered, but a headpipe. The response was clear that NO exhaust claims is covered. Some how this makes sense to me because they will not cover other wear type items such as clutches, brakes, etc. Though it can be argued, the warranty only covers "mechanical" issues. I had the fuel pump go and it was covered, basically paying for the cost of the warranty. In the scheme of things, exhaust pipes is not mechanical.

So, unless someone has had specific experience in having a header piper covered under warranty, I'll see if I can't have it sleeved and welded for the time being.

Thanks for all the responses and concerns and I hope to be riding New Years day to start the year off right. Tuesday is now the soonest I can get it welded.
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Posted 2010-12-23 10:10 PM (#76088 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: RE: exhaust leak


Posts: 412
Fargo, ND

I'm assuming you had 'exhaust leak noise' with this type of an aneurysm rather than the typical popping that so many Visions experience...correct?

Thanks for your response.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-23 10:32 PM (#76091 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
It was rather odd to me. It had been leaking for sometime, exactly, I do not know. I recently pulled the pipes and put it back together, then put the new gaskets on the other day. I could hear it, but it wasn't that loud so I keep thinking it was the gaskets, but I could feel the air, and the back of the jug was brown from the blowby.

I'm still trying to figure how that happened, but the folks at R2K said they've heard of it before. I'm thinking the heat make it cherry red and then any exhuast popping would have blown it. I did notice a rather stout pop a few months back after getting down on it and then backing off, but I don't know if the two were related.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-31 4:55 AM (#76384 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Fixed - Oil changed and ready to ride after I get the doors and trim back on today. So I'll do my last day of the year ride and my New Years day ride tommorow, Lord willing.

I cannot believe how quiet it is and it is too quiet. I guess I got use to the mufflers being blown and then this exhaust leak enjoying the tone. I may have under estimated the time this pipe has been split and it may have been for several months. I would say double check to make sure as the split was behind the chrome, but it puts its mark on the rear of the jug. Now I've got to get that cleaned off, or should I just leave it as another battle wound scare?


Attachments exhaust_blow_by.jpg (32KB - 2 downloads)
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Travelin Man
Posted 2010-12-31 10:54 AM (#76392 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Funny about the exhaust not being covered by warranty or extended warranty as with automobiles and light trucks the government has mandated since the late '90s that all automotive exhaust systems must mast last at least 50,000 miles or 5 years. This is the reason that my '98 Dodge Dakota had a completely stainless steel exhaust system from the factory. I would be nice if the Feds would mandate the same thing for motorcycle manufacturers since they are already mandating things such as catalytic converters in the exhaust anyway.
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2010-12-31 11:05 AM (#76394 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
With 85,000 on the clock I believe I would be out of the mileage warranty. I'm just saying.
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Posted 2010-12-31 11:43 AM (#76395 - in reply to #76394)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
I found an exhaust leak on my '08 while installing some cherry bomb mufflers. The leak was on the left side where the crossover pipe enters the 90 deg round pipe to the left muffler. When the vic pipe clamp was tightened at the factory, the c-shaped clamp brackets met at the 2 slices cut into the larger pipe. This created a v-shaped gap where the slits are cut into the larger 90 deg pipe. There was black carbon blowout residue in the leaking area. I loosened/moved the clamp out of the way and hammered the bubble back into shape. I repositioned the clamp so that slices are covered the c-shaped clamp brackets. My vision has not backfired since.
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Posted 2010-12-31 12:51 PM (#76399 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 4278
I just think victory gets the cheapest steal they can. When I first picked up my vision that was thing I saw it looks cheap along with the flange studs.
I have never seen the other american bike have rust on there studs
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-01 5:04 AM (#76416 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
Nailer I had same issue as well with the Ved-up pipe like but didn't know when it was created, at the factor or at the dealer. I've always been careful there now to ensure it clamps properly.

John - I went to the local harley dealer for new studs and got some that fit from the V-rod, but were a little too short. The first think I noticed is that they have a galvanized coating that would seem to prevent any rust. I reused my Vision exhaust studs after I cleaned them up some and inspected them, but they are far from pretty.
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Posted 2011-01-01 12:33 PM (#76429 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
I just did a new post about my exhaust. I'm not sure, but I think I have the same issue just an earlier stage of it. I noticed my exhaust glowing red/orange hot this morning after not being used for a little over a month. I have always noticed a burnt plastic smell since I got my VV 9 months and 8k miles ago. Anyway, I started it up to see if it would crank for our annual Polar Bear Run, and it started right up without even a hiccup. I let it run a minute or so in 50 degree weather, then slowly increased it to about 2500 rpm and held it for another minute. After I shut it off, I noticed a glow from the front of the engine and thought something was on fire. When I looked at it, the header and O2 sensor all the way to the bend under the crank was red hot. Don't seem right, does it? Anyone else able to reproduce this with their "normal" bikes? Just wondering if this is normal for the 08 VV, only 19k miles, stock engine, stock mapping and stock exhaust.
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Posted 2011-01-01 12:52 PM (#76432 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 412
Fargo, ND

I think I would be inclined to add a fuel controller along with a dyno tune to get your fuel/air where it should be. You are probably running excessively lean. Good Luck and keep us posted!
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Cap'n Nemo
Posted 2011-01-01 6:06 PM (#76449 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 1359
New Bohemia, Va
I would think a controller would do the trick, but maybe just a stock reflash would work too. I'm not sure on a lot of things but understands that the computer "learns" the conditions and readjusts over time. I know mine ran much hotter the first time I replaced the gaskets around the 45,000 mark, and I mean much hotter. I never realized how much hotter until this happened. I'm going to pay a little more attention to this see where it will go as I suspect since I never really changed anything except new mufflers that this may occur again. I don't think I have any other leaks any where now, and no more popping as it had been doing for the last few months. Mine has never smelled of burnt plastic, and if yours does I personally would not ride until that is resolved. If you're getting more air than you should to make it considerably leaner I assume would also mean you're get unfiltered air into your engine.
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Posted 2011-04-13 11:48 PM (#83980 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: RE: exhaust leak

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 9
Mine also cracked just like yours plus check where the square comes off the round, mine broke out there......completeley!!!
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Posted 2011-04-14 12:14 AM (#83981 - in reply to #75990)
Subject: Re: exhaust leak


Posts: 432
Gettysburg, 2008 Tour Premium
You may check but emission control equipment should be covered 5/50 or 5/100. At least that is the way with cars.
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