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engine oil
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Posted 2010-01-13 10:27 AM (#51227)
Subject: engine oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
what is the general view on oil here? u guys paying the 60 bucks for and oil change or or u finding that there really isn't that much difference in oil. I change mine every 2500 miles and with an oil change that often it gets pretty expensive cause i ride alot. Will any 20/ 40 semi synthetic oil due? I am ready for a cool change to save some change .
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Posted 2010-01-13 11:10 AM (#51229 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
aaaahhh, new meat....
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Posted 2010-01-13 11:29 AM (#51232 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 137
Houston, Texas
BLOOD in the water.....I see a feeding frenzy on the horizon.

I'm just saying...

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Posted 2010-01-13 11:37 AM (#51233 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 423
northwest florida
the vision is so perfect of a machine that it don't need no stinking oil! just use mobile 1 for V twin. or you could use olive oil. I think extra virgin olive oil is preferred by most here.
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Posted 2010-01-13 11:57 AM (#51236 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: RE: engine oil


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Oh Boy! Now you've done it! You might as well have asked which religion is the best. Get you a good supply of your favorite adult beverage, do a search for the subject "oil" or "oil and filter" and spend hours reading the wars on the subject.

It's your bike, and oil changes are very easy to do on the Vision. Use the oil and filter that you like.

Oh, what the heck. I'm still snowed in and can't get out and ride. I only use premium oil and filters on my Vision, but Golfer is a cheapskate and only uses WallyWorld stuff on his.

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Posted 2010-01-13 12:13 PM (#51237 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: RE: engine oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA


Attachments oilthread.jpg (17KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2010-01-13 12:16 PM (#51238 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I have one over on golfer, I have a near and dear family member who works for wally world so we get a 10% discount. That .27 cents I save on the filter comes in handy. I'm saving up what I save so I can buy stock in SuperTech....
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Posted 2010-01-13 2:51 PM (#51248 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 293
To help give the guy a useful answer: any semi syn suitable for wet clutch applications from a reputable brand name isgood if you
change every 2.5k to 3k. Victory is good oil but it ain't Nurvana so you should be able to change for about $25-$30 + filter.
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Posted 2010-01-13 3:01 PM (#51249 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: RE: engine oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
SuperTech is great stuff! My last truck had 275k miles and the only oil it ever saw was from Walmart. The only engine repair I did was head gasket at 225k. I believe someone is still driving it.
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Posted 2010-01-13 6:15 PM (#51259 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
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Posted 2010-01-13 6:55 PM (#51263 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 1350
I use fish oil in my "SEARCH ENGINE" before I ask repeated questions. But hey that's just me. Back when we were on Yahoo I read every thread before I asked my first question. Talk about all the great info I got. O.O
Definition of Search Engine.... The most underused program on a website then how does Google make $billions every year? So people use Google to find a site but don't use the search engine to find the answer? I think this where Curly scratches his head and say, "Hey Moe..."
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Posted 2010-01-13 7:03 PM (#51266 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: RE: engine oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
How about "whatever, every oil's the same". That usually whips these folks in a frenzy. Now I'm gonna get banned from the site or a mob will show up with torches soon...

Edited by bigwill5150 2010-01-13 7:04 PM


Attachments beating-a-dead-horse.jpg (25KB - 7 downloads)
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Big Vic
Posted 2010-01-13 7:12 PM (#51267 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I'll give you a real answer. I like Amsoil 20-50. Works great. Better shifting. Runs quiet. Extended drain intervals. Delivered to my front door for the same price as Vic oil. No right or wrong answer what makes you comfortable.
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:00 AM (#51281 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Here is some data that was released on June of 2009 on motorcycle oils. I found it to be an interesting read.

It is NOT an endorsement of any oil because as you guys know.....I run Bert-ta-nelly Extra Lite, Extra Virgin, Olive Oil in my Vision!

BTW, I run Victory oil.
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:42 AM (#51286 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 411
Dallas, Texas
Oh boy..oh oil thread...oohh boy....this is gonna be great... I like Lucas Oil...never used it, but I like the name....perhaps if we choose oil based on the color of the bottle....just some random thoughts.
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Posted 2010-01-14 9:58 AM (#51291 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
I use 70% Amsoil mixed with 30% bacon grease. It doesn't lubricate the engine any better, but it sure smells good when I start the bike up in thew morning.....
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Posted 2010-01-14 10:51 AM (#51295 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA

We need to get this country back to our founding principles and take back the industries that we used to control before its too late.

In an effort to encourage the production of more American jobs , reduce our dependence on foreign oil, save whats left of the pristine areas of our environment, to restore an industry that brought us so much great literature and to prove to the Russians, Japanese and Scandinavians that we are not gonna take their insults any more; I am considering running for congress on the Whale Oil Ticket.

My focus group says that "Save the Shale - Press a Whale!" should be the our bumper sticker ; although "Thar she blows" has its adherents.

Comments? Suggestions?
Technical problems - Would it void my extended warranty to run whale oil?

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Posted 2010-01-14 10:59 AM (#51296 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
ALRIGHTY THEN! I see you guys are sick of talking about oil.n By the way I did read the past threads on oil before I posted mine and all I could see was a bunch of peanut butter and olive oil responses so anyway thanks Jama for a rational answer I kinda thought that but wanted to have a second opinion and I promise I wont ask another oil question have a good day boys.
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Posted 2010-01-14 11:45 AM (#51297 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Have a good one and ride safe. I hope you looked at the article linked below. It is very comprehensive and listed about every oil a rider might want to use.
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Posted 2010-01-14 2:14 PM (#51302 - in reply to #51297)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
radioteacher - 2010-01-14 12:45 PM


Have a good one and ride safe. I hope you looked at the article linked below. It is very comprehensive and listed about every oil a rider might want to use.

Just remember that it was written for a specific supplier, and thus tends to be bias. Also in several areas certain brands are left out, and the vehicle testing is not conducted on anything that matches the criteria of a Victory
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Posted 2010-01-14 5:05 PM (#51311 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
AND NOT ONE MENTION OF THE VALUE OF THANKSGIVING TURKEY OIL - cooking oil plus turkey fat = best oil ever! And usually enough to do your bike all year - until the next ritual killing of the bird. Right, KEVIN ?
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:09 PM (#51317 - in reply to #51296)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
scottcher - 2010-01-14 11:59 AM

ALRIGHTY THEN! I see you guys are sick of talking about oil.n By the way I did read the past threads on oil before I posted mine and all I could see was a bunch of peanut butter and olive oil responses so anyway thanks Jama for a rational answer I kinda thought that but wanted to have a second opinion and I promise I wont ask another oil question have a good day boys.

ScottCher I think if you went around the world and back and searched all the forums in the world you'd find that there would be a cause to start a war and no one would know why it started. No one person can stand on their experience with oil without someone coming along with "more experience" and somehow disclaiming it. So, it is by far more amusing when these start to heap up the sarcasm and walk away friends at the end of the thread.

The best you can do is wade through all the info and make the best choice for YOUR bike. I know my experience and know what I've been satisfied with putting many miles on many different vehicles to include a few motorcycles with zero problems. But low and behold someone will come along and say that I'm headed for trouble....anyways, welcome aboard...
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:30 PM (#51321 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
And once again, Chris - in the never-ending search for Political Correctness - you ignore the plight of us poor Canucks, who cannot afford to cook our turkeys in OIL - but instead must roast them. Thus leaving us in an un-ending search for Turkey Oil from our American friends - some of whom I can personally swear that they charge more per litre - oops - quart, than Costco. It's not fair, I tell ya....
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:45 PM (#51322 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
High Ridge, Mo.
Poor guy didn't have a chance. Glad it wasn't me.
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Posted 2010-01-14 7:51 PM (#51323 - in reply to #51227)
Subject: Re: engine oil


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Roast Turkey is soooooo much better, why would you want all that unsaturated fat on an otherwise healthy meal....I swear (and I don't swear) but for once will someone feel sorry us because of our excesses?

Now leave me alone while I eat my super large bag of Extra Butter Movie Popcorn by Oilville Redinproctor
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