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99 LED Brake Light - Photos
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Posted 2009-11-26 6:47 PM (#48537)
Subject: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204

Here is my MOABL - Mother of all Brake Lights.










I have about 50 pics of the install and will put together a "how-to" in the Tech Forum.

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Posted 2009-11-26 7:44 PM (#48541 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Attleboro, MA
That looks good
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Posted 2009-11-26 7:45 PM (#48542 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Sorry, no pics there. I couldn't find any in your gallery of the MOABL either. I'm anxious to see this monstrosity. Sounds time consuming. Looking forward to the tutorial.
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Posted 2009-11-26 8:23 PM (#48549 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204

I can see them on IE, Firefox, Google Chrome and i-Phone.  Don't know why they wouldn't come out for some.  I made a MOABL folder in my gallery so maybe they will show up there. 

Super easy mod.  If you can take your seat off, you can do this.

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Posted 2009-11-27 7:23 AM (#48559 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
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Big Vic
Posted 2009-11-27 7:49 AM (#48561 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Nice work, looks way cool!
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Posted 2009-11-27 9:31 AM (#48564 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 35
St. Charles, MO
Very nice!
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Posted 2009-11-30 10:01 PM (#48844 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
I like it! I've been thinking about doing something like that. Where did you get the lights?

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Posted 2009-11-30 10:21 PM (#48846 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204
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Posted 2009-12-01 2:56 PM (#48877 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
SF- Awesome!! Thanks for taking time to sure with the rest of us - With your great tutorial I am going to give this a shot on my own- watch out in the neighborhood!!%$(** I might even become DesertJim--- Master Mechanic. or--------- I call you or TimS to bail me out-
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Posted 2009-12-01 4:43 PM (#48889 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204


To tell you the truth, I had you in mind when I took the pictures and put together the tutorial.  I tried to think of every question you would have asked if it was your first time doing something like this.  I majored in Phys Ed at the U of A so I need lots of pictures and short words.  Don't mean to sound like I'm talking down to anybody but I really wanted it to come across as a totally doable project for anyone who wanted to try.  Having that brake light up at eye level to the drivers behind me has been my #1 safety concern and I wanted to offer a universal fix.

It might just be my imagination but I seem to get more than the usual number of thumbs-up from drivers next to me at stop lights these days.

You're gonna love it.

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Posted 2009-12-01 6:26 PM (#48897 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
SF - LOL - I need LOTS of instructions - Paint by the numbers is sometimes hard for me. I have only been thru the tutorial twice, but I think I have digested at least 25% of it. I will move forward with ordering the LED's and stuff I need. Thanks again, stay tuned, for my success stories and think about doing one when you get to the bags. I really want these mods.
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Posted 2009-12-02 1:43 PM (#48942 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
My Stingerz came in today, but unfortunately, the Posi-Lock connector folks dropped my connectors in snail mail instead of 2nd day air as I requested. I fear they will be lost behind thousands of letters to Santa! Anxious to get this mother lit up . . . may start with normal scotch-loc connectors then replace when Posi-Locks come in. I'm like a kid in a candy store! Thx Songfan

Edited by Man314 2009-12-02 1:44 PM
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Posted 2009-12-02 5:56 PM (#48963 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
Found a dusty box of Posi-Locks (black) at a local auto parts store. Made the mod this afternoon and she looks BEAUTIFUL! Songfan, directions were impeccable. The ONLY time I got in trouble was when I deviated. Has the coat hangar wire down the hole. I thought, I don't need no stinking extra piece of red wire . . . so I just looped the other end of the coat hanger, and tied / black taped the LED wires and yanked it on through . . . UNTIL, the wire loop caught on something and I couldn't get it through! I pulled and twisted and tried to get the wire through. Finally ended up taking passenger seat back off (three screws) and found that I had somehow entangled the two speaker wires and pulled them loose! Got that fixed and everything works beautiful! Nice looking mod AND it adds to overall safety of the bike! I'll post pics when I get a chance.
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Posted 2009-12-02 7:18 PM (#48973 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
Looks Awsome SongFan....Do you have the Kuryakin 4710 Mod also , on this bike ????
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Posted 2009-12-02 8:31 PM (#48982 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204

Man314 -

Most excellent that you pulled this off that fast!  I have been poking around for several years now and yesterday I found this:  I had no idea they sold them also or I would have said so in the tutorial.  I'll make that change tonight in the write-up so that everything should be one stop shopping.  They are a great company to deal with and I have e-mailed a guy named Dave there and am going to send him pictures of this mod for them to show on their website.

Lojak - I don't have the Kuryakyn 4710 mod on my bike because I installed Muth mirrors with LEDs built into the glass.  Buddahead has a good pic of them in this thread:  My main goal with the 99 LED mod was to make it as simple as possible to install and if anyone wants to add to it or modify it to fit their personal needs, they can.

I look forward to feedback from more guys who install this mod.  I wish I could follow myself around at night to see it in action.  Just to give you an idea of how bright these LEDs are:  The bike was parked in the garage the other night (next to the '69 Baja) and my youngest daughter hadn't seen the lights in action yet.  I took her out and had her stand at the far edge of the driveway, about 20' from the bike.  When I squeezed the brake handle the lights actually cast a very distinct shadow of her on the wall of the house next door.  I would say that wall was about 25-30' away from the bike and it was totally washed in red except for my daughters shadow.  Unbelievable.

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Posted 2009-12-02 11:50 PM (#48991 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
Here are some of my pics:




Attachments 051.JPG (56KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments 049.JPG (50KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments 056.JPG (56KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2009-12-03 2:07 PM (#49025 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 576
, IA
ok so now i need to get the led strip the kry 4710 adapter and pull or cut two wires so i can have the rear lights that in my opinion the bike should of came with but oh well what the heck ..cause i live in snow country will not be going this until late winter so if anyone comes upon any problems please post or i'll be hooking these things up
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Posted 2009-12-05 3:42 AM (#49129 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)

I don't normally do much to the appearance of my bikes. However, I really like your LED brake lights. I have always been scared of getting rear ended in a panic stop situation. Your brake lights would certainly help grab the attention of a following motorist. I am going to add these to my bike.

Thanks for sharing.
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Posted 2009-12-05 10:48 AM (#49142 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204


Glad you're going for it.  It's such a simple mod that can make a huge difference in my opinion.

I have to laugh at what Custom Dynamics must be thinking with just one string of red LEDs being ordered.  They actually built that 99 LED strip to be mounted under big fenders and on cars/trikes.  The Vision trunk is the ultimate platform because the gap is just perfect and they are all but invisible when not on.  Plus, the way the LEDs follow the curves of the trunk is just cool, I don't care who you are.

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Posted 2009-12-05 12:59 PM (#49150 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA

I was ready to move on the 4710 mod until I saw this project. Shock and Awe, dude! The MOABL is now my first priority.

Thanks for the detailed "idiot proof" instructions; electrical mods are always the ones that scare me the most.

Edited by Tarpits99 2009-12-05 1:01 PM
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Posted 2009-12-05 5:13 PM (#49178 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 192
Republic of Tejas
Ordered my parts today. Merry Christmas to me!!!!!!
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Posted 2009-12-05 5:22 PM (#49179 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204
This is cool.
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Posted 2009-12-06 9:49 AM (#49206 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: Re: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 575
Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles"
See what you have started SongFan! You have created your own little US Stimulus package. People buy parts, FedEx delivers, people stay employed, they buy more stuff, others stay employed!
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Posted 2009-12-06 10:14 AM (#49209 - in reply to #48537)
Subject: RE: 99 LED Brake Light - Photos


Posts: 3204

I literally spent 2 years trying to figure out the best way to put a brake light on that trunk.  I even spent $50 on a brand new chrome trunk piece with the VICTORY on it to see if I could cut out the letters and backlight them as running/brake lights.  (I'm still mulling that over and haven't cut the piece yet.) A couple of guys have put other Stingerz in that gap (usually with a Kuryakyn 4170 to make it running/brake/turn signal) so I knew they would fit.  When the 99s came out I originally looked at putting them in the lower edge of the saddle bags, ala TimS .  (That is still one of the coolest looks of all time.)  I finally noticed the long wire on the 99s and it occurred to me that they would probably reach all the way to the wire bundle without having to add any more wiring.  Within minutes of that revelation I ordered the Stingerz and the rest is history.

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