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in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!
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Posted 2008-01-08 3:59 PM (#3898)
Subject: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Gents and ladies,
WTB parts to repair my WWWAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! used to be pristine bike. Sniffle, sniffle, boohoo, boooooooo hhhoooooo!!!! I can barely type this it is just too painful.
Rode the bike to work on Saturday, like I said I would. Then went home, so far so good. The sweet thang and I then went for a small ride Sunday afternoon. Got stopped by a guy honking and flashing his lights, to tell me he had a 51 panhead and a 85 softail. He also said love that bike. Hadn't ever seen one but love the look of it. Etc. Drove back home and park outside the garage, thinking I was gonna take a little trip and fill it up. Well, the kids need to go over to their buddies house to hang out. Shuttle kids over and leave bike out.
Riding partner calls to let me know she was just gonna meet me at church. I said okay and then she asked, "Do you want me to push it in the Garage?" I said No leave it, just pull the key and I will push it in when I get home. She says, well I think I can handle it. I say, "Okay!" Then she hangs up.
Then the coo-de-gra, next phone call stating I dropped it and I can't get it up. No rush of adrenaline thinking she has dropped it where it was parked. Nothing around no damage, Thank you Victory. No sweat, I'll be right there to pick it up. Then I hear, "It hit the wall and I think I damaged it!" Let the adrenaline kick in, cold sweat. OH, NOOOOOOOOO!!! I hear, "I was pushing it in the kickstand came up and over it went right into the brick wall, shoving the metal trim on the front over to the right side along with busting the mounting bracket underneath over the left speaker. Shoved the front section over to where the metal trim is contacting the windshield when lowered. OOOHHHH NOOOO!
Some of ya'll are still waiting on Pre-delivery and I bet I won't even be able to get my parts before summertime. WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
BuckN*KD, here's your chance, I dished it out, am a little anxious about taking it though. Lots of lube and sweet talking, please.
I had just gotten my full face helmet in. Haven't even had a chance to try it out. Finished ordering my tall windshield off of Polaris's website, should be the 10th, it is already being shipped, but my dealer couldn't order me one. So, I don't even have a chance to try out my new toys.
So, if my dealer is unable to get parts, I may be asking for help trying to get my parts in, to ride once again.
I didn't blow up or even get mad, just a little sad. I was so enjoying riding. Maybe I pretend the ground is covered in snow. Not so bad then, but it is only 70 degrees outside. Imagination not working so well.
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Posted 2008-01-08 4:30 PM (#3899 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: RE: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
pollolittle, my sympathies, hope you get 'er back up and running in short order. I cringed with everyword you wrote.
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Posted 2008-01-08 4:34 PM (#3900 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 57
wow that sucks but that's why we have insurance,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to bad BUCKEYE doesn't have SEC insurance on his team
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Posted 2008-01-08 4:57 PM (#3902 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: RE: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 3204

Sickening story Pollo.  I'll bet money your wife feels a lot worse than you do.

You have the right to remain silent.  (But not the ability.)

I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that something like that will happen to my bike just to make up for how whacked out I got during the delivery phase.  Life is a balance.  Glad nobody got hurt (physically). 

If you want to borrow mine for a few days every now and then to get your "fix", give me a shout.  Anytime.  I'm serious.


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Posted 2008-01-08 6:30 PM (#3903 - in reply to #3902)
Subject: RE: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1484
Don't you just hate those calls.........hey take the metal piece off and go for a ride, keep it under a 100 and it will probably be OK. And we've been talking about little creases in bags, good luck with the repairs.
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Posted 2008-01-08 7:38 PM (#3904 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Po - I just got gut wrenching sick! NOOOOOOOOOO! However, with that said, my complement to you for a cool head with the Bride. Major KUDOS!! I once had my 12 year old daughter get her bike out of the garage and put a major dent(not scratch) along the whole side of a brand new car I had for only two days. She was devastated, I felt worse for her and the way she felt, than to get upset.
BTW, what kind of helmet did you get? Maybe you could wear it around the house and make motorcycle sounds-- Bucky where are you?
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Posted 2008-01-08 7:38 PM (#3905 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i weep with you.... if this wasn't such a pathetic episode, I would put the screws to you. It happens, you know, shit. Since divorce would probably cost way to much at this juncture, you now have "WELL, YOU DUMPED MY UNBREAKABLE BIKE SO BAD IT BROKE" on your side. Dude, you get what ever you want from her now! I would still rather have my bike in one piece, but hey, wouldn't we all. Just out of curiosity, are you blaming the wife for something you did? You know, I have this "friend" excuse?
Swiftx, if your team didn't play in the National Championship 2 years in a row (WE WILL WIN IT NEXT YEAR) you need to reevaluate your team, prior to trying to bring me down. Won't happen, I'm still proud of my BUCKEYES! p.s...after many beers and dejavue of last year passed, I woke up in my garage holding my VISION in one hand and empty beer in the other.
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Posted 2008-01-08 7:55 PM (#3907 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: RE: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 810


My heart goes out to you. Sorry man.

My better half once trashed my truck I used to tow my dive boat with right before a 1,000+ mile dive trip. I know the phone call only too well =).


Edited by TimS 2008-01-08 7:56 PM
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Posted 2008-01-08 8:22 PM (#3909 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i recieved a phone call when a box during moving fell on my e-glide. I got free back rubs for weeks. there is always a good side to having your wife damage the only joy you have left in life!
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Posted 2008-01-08 9:25 PM (#3917 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
Brian, sorry to hear about you Vis. Hope it doesn't take FOREVER to get the replacement parts
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Posted 2008-01-08 9:53 PM (#3918 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Makes the old butthole pucker just reading about it. Hard to take a shot at such a tragedy. Sympathies and tissues to ya.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:13 PM (#3923 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
RockJim, wasn't nothing left but to be cool. I thought she might have went and got me one of those heavy 40% beverages to calm my nerves, but I'm still empty handed. I bought one of the new Nolan 102 N-Com Modular Flat Lava Gray helmets. I like it, but chin seems to be very close to the front. If I try, I can touch the front of it, we shall see. Thought about it this evening of putting it on stickers and all, and grabbing a stool and revving up. Then she reminds me, I'm not being funny. I just told her I guess that's why I have insurance and a 500 dollar deductible.
BUCnakd, unfortunately, it wasn't a "friend I know". I have heard all about how Victory seem to think of everything, well I just discovered the one thing they didn't think of, WIVES! I hope that is true, I did pull that card the same evening, wink, wink. Now I just have to figure out how to keep it going for a few more weeks. My joy is just staring at me now.
Songfan, I'll keep you in mind, thanks for the offer. I thought we would have heard this story from your son who took it for the day to show it off. Glad yours is still huntin'.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:30 PM (#3926 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
it could be worse.....nah it couldn't. LOL
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:35 PM (#3927 - in reply to #3926)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1484
BUCKEYE - 2008-01-08 9:30 PM

it could be worse......

Only if you dropped it yourself........hardly ever you can forgive yourself.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:37 PM (#3929 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Poop, I just don't have it in me to "throttle" you. I still have 4 cases of tissue from the whole "shipping" issue. Sending them to Tn, time now.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:48 PM (#3931 - in reply to #3909)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois

BUCKEYE - 2008-01-08 7:22 PM i recieved a phone call when a box during moving fell on my e-glide. I got free back rubs for weeks. there is always a good side to having your wife damage the only joy you have left in life!

Back in '85 I was installing some machines at GM Mansfield.  I was there for over a year with my (now ex)wife when my twin sons were born (which makes them native born Buckeyes).  I mention this because they talk just about that smooth too.  Must be an Ohio thing. (It duzn't bother ME at all BTW)

I did make a comment like that to my first wife long long ago in a place far ......      and she whupped my ass with a curtain rod when I was slumberin.  I guess there's no chance at all that yer better half would take so rough.   I gotta hand it to ya.

Pollolittle, ....   OUCH.    Good luck with repairs.

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Posted 2008-01-08 11:04 PM (#3932 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
hey, a brothers gotta get back rubs some how. If i have to give "free" rubs, just because I love the woman, then wrecking my vision would constitute at least two weeks of oil spapping, ground pounding, picture rattling something something. Wink, wink. I curtain rod? you gotta be kidding...
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Posted 2008-01-08 11:19 PM (#3934 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BuckNaKd, I sent you an email last week about the Laughlin event
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Posted 2008-01-09 12:10 AM (#3940 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i thought i responded....the key "i thought" may be the problem. I'm not crazy about events out there. To many of those "others" who think bikers need to be knuckle dragging thugs with some loyalty to a patch, go to those events. Laughlins about 2-3 hours for me. I haven't been in over 3 years. My oldest girl just had her second baby. Little grand daughter. Now I can spoil my grandson, she have the girl to "prissy" up. Her husbands "deployed" and she's coming to live with us in March. It's a dream for me! All the kids and grandkids under my roof. All that free slave labor! I won't even have to get to my own beer! With the family in one spot, Momma and I might get to "break out" on our own for a week-end. We haven't done that in over 14 years. Who knows? Trip to Laughlin?
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Posted 2008-01-09 1:56 AM (#3944 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Last time I went to Laughlin (the event) we took old rte. 66 all the way out. took 8 hrs. had the best time. Once we got there we were looking forward to the ride home more than the event itself. Ive ridden to Laughlin since but never when theres a biker event. Always have more fun when theres less of a crowd. Less ametures to deal with. Tried a few HOG runs, same thing, too many IOB's (idiots on bikes)
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Posted 2008-01-09 2:07 AM (#3945 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Put em to work bro, let em know early, there aint no free rides in this world. God bless your son-in-law. I worked with a guy that made it back from Viet Nam. His son wasnt so lucky in Iraq.

Its payback time! All the crap kids put you through when theyre young. Spoil them grandkids till theyre rotten. Then givem back.

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Posted 2008-01-09 6:23 AM (#3946 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 1350
I feel for you. I hope all works out.
If that was me the neighbors in 4 states could hear swearing in Spanish. I found when you swear in a "strange" tongue no one thinks you are swearing at them.

Make sure to post pics of the "stripped" Vision. Naked as a jay bird running through a watermelon patch.....
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Posted 2008-01-09 9:51 AM (#3948 - in reply to #3932)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!


Posts: 104
Plainfield Illinois

BUCKEYE - 2008-01-08 10:04 PM hey, a brothers gotta get back rubs some how. If i have to give "free" rubs, just because I love the woman, then wrecking my vision would constitute at least two weeks of oil spapping, ground pounding, picture rattling something something. Wink, wink. I curtain rod? you gotta be kidding...

Not kidding.  It was over a bike too.  You might call it an Ugly Stick.

Fortunately for me, scar tissue is void of nerve endings.  Sorry, I forgot where you are from.  I'll try to rephraze that in terms you may be more familiar with. "The onlyest time it hurtz is when I look in the meer."  So that's my excuse.

I know your excuse.  You're a Buckeye.  It's a birth defect.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it. 



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Posted 2008-01-09 9:08 PM (#3976 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Since my wife knows better than to raise a hand in anger towards me, I guess I can't relate to your getting beat like a little girl by a woman. The birth defect I have is a rather large set of testicles, and an ample amount of testosterone. Since your an Illini, I'll break it down for you,,,"Every time yous looks in dat mirror, dat ugly mug you see, has a bunch of estrogen coming from scars tissue". I'm almost sure your crying by now, because you probably don't know what estrogene is. I'll stick with that story. Later....
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Posted 2008-01-09 9:12 PM (#3977 - in reply to #3898)
Subject: Re: in Need of Donation, I NEED TISSUES!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
my grandson is going on two, it's time he learned how to swear, fart, and drink beer. He has the farting down,,,I have to work on teaching him swearing and beer drinking. The girl is only a couple of weeks old, so I have to wait to improve her social skills.
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