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Trunk turn and stop lights
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Posted 2008-11-15 12:00 AM (#23296)
Subject: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 106
L.I., N.Y.
I've been looking to move stop and turn signal lights into the trunk's tail light area. I was going to mount LED lights along the bottom of the lense cover of the trunk, but couldn't come up with anything that would look right. The dealer suggest mounting a strip inside the lense cover. Has anyone done this or have suggestion on possible light kits that would fit inside the trunk lense. I'm also working on ghosting the mirrors for LED turn signals any suggestion in a light kit would be helpful. Thanks
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Posted 2008-11-15 7:25 AM (#23303 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I'd be very interested in what you come up with. I took the trunk apart with the thought I would just change the bulbs and sockets to dual filaments and do a little rewiring. I was disappointed that the original bulb and socket are so small I couldn't come up any way to do what I wanted without cutting the lenses.
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Posted 2008-11-15 12:39 PM (#23330 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 74
College Station, Tx
My dealer ( will do an install for this...they do not have it in kit form yet but they are close. I will let everyone know when the kit is available.
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Posted 2008-11-15 1:56 PM (#23332 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 293
Thanks. There must tons of us that are interested in this.

Edited by jama 2008-11-15 1:57 PM
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V spot
Posted 2008-11-15 5:02 PM (#23346 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 123
Marysville Washngton

Take a look at this post on another forum

I installed some leds on my wife's vespa topcase and used them as running lights and stop lights. I had to purchase dual intensity leds from Custom Dynamics. The red lenses on the Vespa were not reflective in the least and were only there for looks. Now they function and look good too.

Hope this gets the juices flowing.
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Posted 2008-11-15 7:28 PM (#23355 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

A few months ago I purchased a kit that does this. I got it at Randy's in Huntley. It was the last one he had on the shelf. But anyways...I can't find it anywhere, I think its at work, so will have to wait till Monday to get the details off the label, such as who makes it and the part numbers and everything. It is a universal kit, not Victory. I think it ran around $50 or so.

Randy has this same kit installed on his Vision. I talked to the mechanic that installed it. He said its a pretty basic straightforward install and I should budget about two hours or so. I'm going to install it within the next few weeks. He said there wasn't a need for a dual filament bulbs setup. I think he said the kit basically runs a reduced voltage to the running lamps and then runs full voltage for brake lamps and the turn signal was a basic on-off operation.

Give me till Monday and I'll get the info off this kit.

As far as turn signals in the mirrors there is a company that does this. I think there name is Muth or Muthe or maybe Mueth? They are based in Wisconsin. Do some googling and you will find thier site. ya go


Edited by Lotzafun 2008-11-15 7:30 PM
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Len Rhymes
Posted 2008-11-15 8:03 PM (#23356 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights

Jacksonville Florida
Do a search for lights. Tim S a V/R member already did this on his bike about 4 months ago.
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Posted 2008-11-15 9:59 PM (#23362 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
What about just wiring the existing trunk lights to work with the brake and turn signal lights?
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Posted 2008-11-18 1:47 PM (#23506 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 59
Pocono Mountains of PA
I've been wanting the extra lights also. I just ordered a new "led light bar" from custom dynamice. It's an led flexable integrated strip that has both red stop and yellow turn leds. I measured the gap under trunk lid at about 3/8" and the tech support guy at CD measured the strip at about 1/4". The unit is about 9.4" long and the area under the trunk lip is +14" It's on backorder from CD so once I get it installed in early December I'll post my findings. Here is the link

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Posted 2008-11-18 2:17 PM (#23509 - in reply to #23356)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

Len Rhymes - 2008-11-15 7:03 PM Do a search for lights. Tim S a V/R member already did this on his bike about 4 months ago.

Found Tims post about doing this, but I think I'm a little confused though. It appears that he used a module to run a LED strip that he installed on the trunk. But he isn't using this module to do anything with the existing trunk lamps...yet. He mentions needing to modify the existing lamps housings to accept different sockets.

Here is Tim's post 

Wizard523 - 2008-11-15 8:59 PM What about just wiring the existing trunk lights to work with the brake and turn signal lights?

Not that easy. Because the existing sockets are single wire for single filament bulbs. You do have an option to lose the running light feature and use the bulbs only for brake/turn. Another way would be to adapt a dual wire dual filament socket to fit into the existing housing, which it appears to be the route Tim is considering.  But from what I know I don't think this is a viable option, It appears that the housing is nowhere big enough to accept a dual filament bulb. But....I'm not positive of this though.

Or another option is to use a module that reduces the voltage to the running lamps so they are a bit dimmer and then they get brighter when brakes and/or turn signal is used. For the time being this is the route I plan on going. The unit I purchased from Randy's is the MLPLOOO from here The reason I say "time being" is because I'm still doing a bit of research to see if there any other options as far as a dual filament route. But I'm not getting my hopes up on this though.

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Posted 2008-11-18 3:03 PM (#23511 - in reply to #23509)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 59
Pocono Mountains of PA
The strip from Custom Dynamics already has dual intensity LEDs for running and brake functions. Since they are already 12vdc and very low current drain, I should be able to tap into the existing stop/running/turn wiring without causeing any electrical issues or additional modules. The running function can be tapped into the existingtrunk lights and just 3 wires used for the turn/stop taps.
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Posted 2008-11-18 3:48 PM (#23512 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 196
My Dealer got some module from Kayurakin (can't spell) and hooked up my original trunk lights to work as running lights, brake and turn signals.
As brake lights... they flash 3-4 times before going solid.
I really like the "V" but wanted functioning brake and signal lights where folks should be lookin'....
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Posted 2008-11-18 4:01 PM (#23515 - in reply to #23512)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 1484
If you can, please get the info and post it. I have not heard of this before on a Vision. I talked to "Back-off" several months ago and they said it "should" work but they were not sure. Actually I would only want the trunk lights to do the run, brake-flash, and turn. Thanks for the info.
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Posted 2008-11-18 4:11 PM (#23516 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 506
Woodland Hills, CA
I'd like the info on that as well.
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Posted 2008-11-18 5:49 PM (#23524 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: RE: Trunk turn and stop lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

The Priorty Plus module that I linked to in my previous post has a "flash" option. Actually they say that the lamp "pulsates" for 1.5 seconds. I guess the question is....whats the difference between flash & pulsate?

I think I've found a dual filament bulb that may fit in the housing. Its a 7443 bulb, its a bit bigger overall than the standard 194 bulb (which is what is in the housing now) but its not as big as a 3057 bulb. In the picture below from right to left is a 194 and a 921 and a 7443 and a 3057. Only the 7443 and the 3057 are dual filament bulbs. I highly doubt that there is enough depth in the housing to fit the 3057 bulb. But I think there may possibly be enough to fit the 7443 bulb. But the next drawback is that the 7443 bulb has a different (wider) base than the 194. So if it does fit a socket replacement is needed. Which then raises the next question...even though it is a wider socket will the 7443 socket fit into the 194 hole without modifcation???

Oh....if a dual filament bulb can be adapted then no type of module will be needed.

So my next step is to see if the 7443 bulb will fit into the housing. And then go from there.....

Oh, it might be a while before i get a chance to tackle this project further. So if anyone else wants to run with this...please do.



Attachments MVC-012S.JPG (41KB - 5 downloads)
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Posted 2008-11-19 1:00 AM (#23558 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I bought the smallest dual filiment socket I could find before I pulled it apart to see what was in there. The opening in the housing was still no where large enough. I wasn't willing to be the first one to take a dremmel to the housing. That is the only thing keeping this from being a simple job.
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Posted 2008-11-19 10:05 AM (#23567 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 106
L.I., N.Y.
I pulled the mirror assembly out of the fairing last night ans heated it up in an attempt to seperate the glass from the plastic backing. After an about two hours of repeating heating up the glass with a dryer I stopped for fear of breaking the glass while trying to pry it out. Is there a solvent that will dissolve the adhesive that was used to adhere the glass to it's backing. I also spoke to the people at Muth, after conversations with several people the response was,due to a lack of inquiries for VICTORY VISION signal mirrors they do not currently offer the turn signal mirrors that they offer on HD, GW, and BMW. The number is 1-800-844-6616 and email them at Sorry I don't know how to set up link. They were positive more inquires might help push them along, but I enjoy the adventure, just wish it was 70 degs. out instead of 27.
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Posted 2008-11-19 6:50 PM (#23592 - in reply to #23567)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

slowryder - 2008-11-19 9:05 AM I pulled the mirror assembly out of the fairing last night ans heated it up in an attempt to seperate the glass from the plastic backing. After an about two hours of repeating heating up the glass with a dryer I stopped for fear of breaking the glass while trying to pry it out. Is there a solvent that will dissolve the adhesive that was used to adhere the glass to it's backing. I also spoke to the people at Muth, after conversations with several people the response was,due to a lack of inquiries for VICTORY VISION signal mirrors they do not currently offer the turn signal mirrors that they offer on HD, GW, and BMW. The number is 1-800-844-6616 and email them at Sorry I don't know how to set up link. They were positive more inquires might help push them along, but I enjoy the adventure, just wish it was 70 degs. out instead of 27.


Um...I see what you are trying to do...however I'm not sure if it will work though. At least it won't work easily....

You are thinking remove the glass and install some type of LED in the mounting panel of the mirror and then reinstall the glass and have LED turn signals. Well the issue you are going to find is that the LEDs probably won't shine thru the mirror. The backing on the mirror is going be very opaque. So I guess the question is could some of the backing be scraped away for the LED to show thru? Well I'm not sure, I'd have to look at my mirror and see. I would be a bit suprised if the backing could be easily scraped away though. By the time the backing is scraped away it may end up looking a bit hacked-up.

Yes...a solvent would help loosen up the adhesive that attaches the mirror. Some 3M adhesive remover would possibly do the job, its available at any auto paint supply store. I wonder if some Goo Gone would work? Don't want to go with a strong solvent, may end up eating away at some of the plastic or the mirror backing.

But here is an idea....almost any auto glass shop can very easily custom cut a mirror to fit, at a very reasonable price, probably less than $40. So now the question is would they have a mirror that would have a bit of transparency??? Kinda like a security type mirror??? If they do then they could simply break your mirror glass out and then you go home and do a little dremel work and install the LEDs and go back and they cut and install new glass.

Or we could all convince Muth that there are enough sales out here for them to make mirrors fo us. Would perhaps be a much easier solution. However its going to a more expensive solution though.

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Posted 2008-11-19 7:38 PM (#23594 - in reply to #23515)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 196
He used: Kuryakyn Run-Turn-Brake Controller Part #KY-4710, and wired it up for me.
Like I said, I now have the running lights, 3 flashes of the trunk lights, before they go to solid brake lights, and they also function with the lower turn signal flashers. Seems to get the attention of folks that are behind me, because they are at eye level.
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Jim Millington
Posted 2008-11-19 9:53 PM (#23598 - in reply to #23512)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 101
Cold Lake Alberta Canada
Any chance that you have a part number or something that I can reference to grt this great idea on my 08.

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Posted 2008-11-19 10:17 PM (#23601 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl

You might have to copy and paste the link.

Edited by cw1115 2008-11-19 10:19 PM
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Posted 2008-11-20 9:27 AM (#23618 - in reply to #23594)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 74
College Station, Tx

wrr1home - 2008-11-19 6:38 PM He used: Kuryakyn Run-Turn-Brake Controller Part #KY-4710, and wired it up for me. Like I said, I now have the running lights, 3 flashes of the trunk lights, before they go to solid brake lights, and they also function with the lower turn signal flashers. Seems to get the attention of folks that are behind me, because they are at eye level.


Any chance we could get some pictures or even better...a video?

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Posted 2008-11-20 3:30 PM (#23646 - in reply to #23618)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 196
I'll see what I can do ....
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Posted 2008-11-21 8:28 PM (#23697 - in reply to #23646)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 196
Here is a short video showing brake lights, left signal, right signal & 4 way flashers. Hope this helps!
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Posted 2008-11-21 11:12 PM (#23707 - in reply to #23296)
Subject: Re: Trunk turn and stop lights


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

That looks Great!!! Thanks for the Video.
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