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iPod ignorance (mine)
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Posted 2007-11-14 2:51 PM (#1832)
Subject: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
As you may know, I just aquired my Vision premium tour. I have the iPod connector, and it works...BUT! I must confess, I am inept at iPod. I made a playlist, so I can play songs I want to ride to, and i did it from my computer on iTunes. The playlist shows under the iPod side of the screen, but when I unplug the iPod, I cannot find it.The only options I have on the iPod screen are :
90's music
Music Videos
Recently Added
Recently Played
Top 25 most played
Problem is, these are NOT the ones that show up when i have it plugged into my computer. Any ideas of how to get a playlist to show up? I cannot access On-the-go thru the computer at all! This is all very cornfusing for me, as I am just computer literate enough to get myself into trouble! Thanx for any help, guys!
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Posted 2007-11-15 5:50 AM (#1857 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 53
Ann Arbor, MI
I can't help Metalguy but I can give you a bump to the top.

I bought an Ipod yesterday but have to return it. It won't work with Itunes on Windows 2000 and I can't upgrade my OS due to some proprietary drivers I use.
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Posted 2007-11-15 6:15 AM (#1859 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
hot air,,,,and a computer nerd. Makes sense.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2007-11-15 7:31 AM (#1860 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Check your preferences settings for your iPod in iTunes when you have it connected to your computer. Make sure you have checked the preference box that will load your personal playlists onto your iPod, and not just the standard playlists that come in both iTunes and your iPod. If you have an Apple Store nearby where you live you can get free help at the Genius Bar that is part of every Apple Store.

Edited by Travelin' Man 2007-11-15 7:32 AM
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Posted 2007-11-15 7:50 AM (#1863 - in reply to #1857)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 129
Coastal , NJ
Visioneer - 2007-11-15 5:50 AM

I can't help Metalguy but I can give you a bump to the top.

I bought an Ipod yesterday but have to return it. It won't work with Itunes on Windows 2000 and I can't upgrade my OS due to some proprietary drivers I use.

That sounded just like a Mac/Pc commercial....priceless. Now go to the Apple Store and buy a new Mac - then you can run Windows(ouch) and Mac OS side by side. And no more cntrl-alt-delete

Also....your Itunes will be a cinch to use. I hate to see you miss out on such a great feature of the Vision!
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Posted 2007-11-15 8:11 AM (#1866 - in reply to #1863)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 53
Ann Arbor, MI

That sounded just like a Mac/Pc commercial....priceless. Now go to the Apple Store and buy a new Mac - then you can run Windows(ouch) and Mac OS side by side. And no more cntrl-alt-delete

I owned Mac's in the late 80's but had to switch to Pc's because of the lack of PLC software and Autocad for the Mac's. That situation has not changed unfortunately. I've always said if you want to work with a computer buy a Mac. If you want to work on a computer buy a PC. As for the cntrl-alt-delete I reboot my computer about once every three months or so for good measure. Another reason I don't want to upgrade my OS.

I've loaded about 100 songs (7 hours worth) on my Garmin Street Pilot 2730 with room for more and mounted that on the left handlebar. I've ordered the Ipod cable but probably won't use it now.

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Posted 2007-11-15 10:21 AM (#1879 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I finally got mine to work by re-synching it to my computer. I lost all the music that computer didn't have in it, but I can at least add playlists now. I was manually managing my music to avoid losing some music and items when it was synched, but had no choice this time....*sigh* There goes about 53 movies....-----Metalguy
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Posted 2007-11-27 9:12 PM (#2267 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Anyone know what the cable supplied with the bike fits? The iPod cable is extra($40 not surprized) Cant see spending for a cable I wont need after XM install. But I cant figure out what the existing cable is for?
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Travelin Man
Posted 2007-11-27 9:22 PM (#2268 - in reply to #2267)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
cjnoho - 2007-11-27 8:12 PM

Anyone know what the cable supplied with the bike fits? The iPod cable is extra($40 not surprized) Cant see spending for a cable I wont need after XM install. But I cant figure out what the existing cable is for?

The standard connection will allow you to connect ANY audio device using the audio jack (ear bud connection) in the device. The benefit of using the specific iPod connection is that you will be able to control your iPod and see the song title/playlist on the audio display on the dash using the dash mounted audio controls.
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Posted 2007-11-30 5:46 AM (#2362 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
So, I can just hook up an MP3 player with my late 60's-80's rock and it will work just fine? I mean with out rebooting my computer, changing OS's, and all that other computer nerd stuff? I'm a gorrilla when it comes to that stuff. Just want to down load what I like on an mp3 player (AC/DC,VANHALEN, FOGHAT, NAZARETH..) and ride like rock star.
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Posted 2007-12-02 10:59 AM (#2420 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 109
i have a iriver IGP 100 will it work i use it on the ultra bur set it for shuffel play
only volume control on the bike. also what i pod should i buy that is the correct
one for the bike. i remember someone said no hard drive ones only flash drive.
i am not a gadget guy so all help is needed. thanks tom d
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Posted 2007-12-02 4:48 PM (#2423 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Well, after only 745 miles of iPod use with my new Vision, its hard drive has yet to screw up. I listen to it every ride I take, and I am thinking the reason for it not skipping is because I wrap it in a cushion while it is on the bike, and it dampens some of the bad vibes that go to the unit and cause problems. I do think another cause of the vibes to the iPod is the cord itself. I am going to see if I can eliminate as much of that vibe transfer as I can, too. Just need to make a semi-hard foam routing grommet inside the compartment. It may end up failing sometime, but for now, I have had good results with my 80 gig hard drive iPod.
chitowntom03, I am not a gadget guy, so I don't know the specific iPods that are flash drive types. My 80 gig was a gift, so I am using that. But I really like being able to control it through the radio buttons, and only removing it to put in new playlists, and stuff. I hope this helps you, or anyone else reading this. Oh, and the padding I am using to dampen the iPod?? It is a clean shop rag wrapped loosely around it! I had tried plastic bubblewrap, and it held the iPod too tight, transferring vibration. -----Metalguy
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2007-12-02 5:34 PM (#2424 - in reply to #2423)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
A Victory engineer told me last week that it helps to place the iPod on its side, rather than laying it on its back in the glove compartment.
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Posted 2007-12-02 8:51 PM (#2425 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Yep, mine is on its side, too.
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Posted 2007-12-02 9:07 PM (#2427 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
Let me try to shed some light on the TWO iPod issues...

ONE.. Use only MEMORY based iPods and players, NOT ones with hard-drives.

The issue on iPods with hard drives is not a skipping issue. One should be so lucky. It is a "resonance" issue. Although I have not talked to Victory specifically about this, I have worked with audio and computers for many years. Plain and simple, electronics and magnets (resonant field) don't get along well with electronics.

In layman terms, and in theory, if the spinning disk of the hard-drive coincides with the resonant freq being put out by the bike, it turns into a big (well actually very little) electro magnet.

Think of a tub of water. Someone slowly rocks it back and forth and the water just kind of sloshes back and forth. Put your hand and slosh back'n forth with the rocking. Nothing really happens. Maybe the sloshing is even interrupted. Now move your hand back and forth in the same rhythm (that would be called the resonance) that the tub is rocking and keep doing it. Pretty soon there will be more water outside the tub than inside.

Essentially that's what happens with a resonant frequency disturbance. The engine is putting out a magnetic field. No problem. An electronics device in the path probably just interrupts that field if anything at all its so small. But make that device one with the same resonant frequency as the engine... it could easily magnetize an item close enough.... like the hard-drive's read head that is only 100th's of a mm from the spinning metal, namely the now-getting-magnetized-also spinning disk.

Now vibration, which is something completely different, can destroy a hard drive, but it's more likely to just damage it. It may skip once in awhile... and having it upright or on an edge rather than laying flay would minimize that. However, magnetize it... and it becomes a cute paperweight.

Essentially if the resonant frequency of the engine and electronics of the bike coincide with that of the hard drive, there will be a good chance your iPod will be toast. Plain and simple. No "reboot" or "re-sync", just toss it in the trash. What happens is the head that reads the data from the hard drive gets magnetized because it's sitting to near a "resonant field," namely the engine.

TWO: The iPod PAUSE issue.
I don't have the specific details, but on GEN 3 (the newest ones) iPods, the cable is slightly different and it causes the system to get into this chase-its-own-tail-mode of the ipod goes into MUTE and the bike audio UN-MUTES. Then when you click to UN-MUTE, the bikes audio goes into MUTE and the iPod goes into UN-MUTE.

Again, not exactly sure how the cycle of mute events gets out of sync, but it does and the only way to align everything up is to turn off the bike. They next time you start it, the mutes will be in sync again.

If anyone has any further info on this, please post. Here is a link to some work that Apollon has done with his dealer on this.

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Posted 2007-12-03 12:04 PM (#2456 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 109
Thanks everyone for the help. what model is memory based i pod?
i have time the bike is still being made i guess. thanks for the help.
happy holidays tom d
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2007-12-03 3:55 PM (#2459 - in reply to #2456)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)

Fountain Inn, SC United States
chitowntom03 - 2007-12-03 12:04 PM
what model is memory based i pod?

Flash Memory iPods:
all Nanos
all Shuffles
iPhone, iTouch

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Posted 2007-12-03 5:18 PM (#2462 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
you mean you can hook up you fricken phone also? I remember transistors coming scared, someone hold me.....
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Posted 2007-12-03 7:29 PM (#2465 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
From what I have seen, the iPhone integration is actually pretty cool. You obviously can't answer unless you have Bluetooth mic of some sort either on your ear or in the helmet, but as the display shows the callerID, that in itself is enough info for me. I cannot even count how many times it would have been nice to know someone called WHEN they called rather than the 2 hours later when I stopped.
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:07 PM (#2475 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 109
the display on the bike radio or the display on the i phone?, sorry if
i sound old school, but it is just too much to figure out. thanks.
hey buckeye congrats on the bcs, and the gift of the rose bowl.
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:14 PM (#2476 - in reply to #2427)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 353
Miles - 2007-12-02 6:07 PM

TWO: The iPod PAUSE issue.
I don't have the specific details, but on GEN 3 (the newest ones) iPods, the cable is slightly different and it causes the system to get into this chase-its-own-tail-mode of the ipod goes into MUTE and the bike audio UN-MUTES. Then when you click to UN-MUTE, the bikes audio goes into MUTE and the iPod goes into UN-MUTE.

Again, not exactly sure how the cycle of mute events gets out of sync, but it does and the only way to align everything up is to turn off the bike. They next time you start it, the mutes will be in sync again.

If anyone has any further info on this, please post.

Aparently there is a fix.

This was posted on the VMC:
"I talked to a Victory engineer today and he said that the problem with the gen 3 iPod caught them off guard. He said that they have a new flash for the Vision that will FIX the issue with the gen 3 and it should be available at dealers in two week. This is the response that I would expect from great motorcycle manufacture, not just a "don't use that button" reply. Good job Victory!!!"

Post can be found at.....
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:57 PM (#2480 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
Okay, I guess I'm really getting old!!!! All that IPod stuff sounds real cool but it also apparently comes with some real headaches. My fix is really simple. I bought an MP3 player ($25.00) and got a set of earbuds that have foam instead of the regular inner ear speakers. Yes, it will hook directly to the bike stereo and play through the bike's system although you cannot see what is playing or control the volume. I use the earbuds to get CLEAR sound while wearing a brain bucket, they also help lower the wind noise that you always get when riding with or without a helmet. Sure it took me all of two rides to determine what the volume should be, what is playing does not matter as I put all the tunes on it. I have tried it both through the bike's system and with the earbuds under the helmet and I can tell you that I no longer go to the trouble of hooking it up to the bike. With all the wind and just general noise the you get while riding I find this not only better but safer as I am not fiddling with any controls and have just the sound of music in my ears.

Just a thought from an old guy!!!

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Posted 2007-12-03 11:49 PM (#2481 - in reply to #2475)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
chitowntom03 - 2007-12-03 10:07 PM

the display on the bike radio or the display on the i phone?, sorry if
i sound old school, but it is just too much to figure out. thanks.
hey buckeye congrats on the bcs, and the gift of the rose bowl.

My understanding, it shows on the display. I have not verified this myself as I have neither the iPhone or the Vision, but I have seen pictures of others.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2007-12-04 8:04 AM (#2484 - in reply to #1832)
Subject: Re: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Miles, I have to disagree with your resonance theory, unless all v-twin cruisers and some other motorcycles have the same engine resonance frequency. The problem with using a hard drive based mp3 player on ANY motorcycle is simply vibration. This problem exists even for those that ride exceptionally smooth bikes such as the Honda Goldwing, I know as I have suffered the same problem with my U2 iPod on my own Wing. I took the iPod to my local (45 minute drive) Apple Store and had the techs service it and when I picked it up they stated that it appeared the heads of the hard drive were out of alignment and then asked if I had dropped the unit or used it on a motorcycle as this is the typical damage they had seen from such uses. The solution for most Goldwing riders is to simply wrap the hard drive based iPod in a couple of layers of shock absorbing foam before installing it into the fairing pocket.

As you stated though, you are far better off using a flash memory based iPod or mp3 player when using such a device on a motorcycle.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2007-12-04 8:15 AM (#2485 - in reply to #2456)
Subject: RE: iPod ignorance (mine)

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
chitowntom03 - 2007-12-03 11:04 AM

Thanks everyone for the help. what model is memory based i pod?
i have time the bike is still being made i guess. thanks for the help.
happy holidays tom d

For the money get an iPod Nano, i don't know if the newest generation is a good choice but you can still pick up the more compact of the Nanos with a 4 GB capacity brand new with full factory warranty on ebay for right around $100.
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