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Damdest thing happened this morning!
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-08-28 8:05 AM (#165631)
Subject: Damdest thing happened this morning!

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

In all the time I have been riding, driving, and otherwise using motorized vehicles and equipment I have NEVER before had happen what happened to me this morning.  After picking up my breakfast (I usually eat breakfast at my office) I got on my Vision and as I was bringing up my right hand to insert the key my right hand bumped the end of the handlebar and knocked the key out of my hand.  This wouldn't be so bad except that the key dropped into the area between the center console and the tank and I still could not find it.  Thankfully I have a spare key at HOME, so I'm not too worried, I just had my secretary pick me up (my business is 1 minute from where I was stopped) and now I have to take the company truck home to pick up my spare key.  I figure once I get back to the Vision and get it started I'm going to do a few circles around the parking lot to see if I can jar the key loose from where ever it is lodged in the nether regions of the bike.

This leads me to ask this question, how riders here keep a spare key hidden somewhere on the bike?

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Posted 2014-08-28 9:03 AM (#165634 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
Someone here had that happen a while ago and set the bike over on the tip overs and the key fell out!
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-08-28 9:43 AM (#165635 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Okay, got the bike to my shop now, guess I'll give that a try!

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okie vision
Posted 2014-08-28 9:55 AM (#165636 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
I've dropped a few things down there and end up finding them but it can be a frustrating experience!!
I have a foot long aluminum rod (no jokes please) with a magnet on the end. It helps.
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Posted 2014-08-28 9:57 AM (#165637 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Not my key, but I inadvertently dropped a hex key wrench in the hole where my left rear speaker is at (was switching them out) and try as I might; I could not find nor retrieve the hex wrench; even with a remote inspection camera. My Vision consumed that hex wrench and is never going to give it back.
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Posted 2014-08-28 3:41 PM (#165640 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: RE: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 119
I've dropped my share of bolts, nuts, and washers, into the nooks and crannies of the front fairing and also the rear saddlebag area. I've invested in a scope with a flexible hose and a light and camera at the end and also one of those little picker uppers that has the claw at the end. I only had to go to the dealer once for a nut for the windshield. I couldn't find it in the fairing. I have clumsy hands.
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Posted 2014-08-28 3:50 PM (#165641 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 161
Albuquerque NM
There really are a number of great places to stash a spare key on the vision. Some have chosen to use a magnet box to stash it under the body/engine, you can pull the panel under the windshield, put it behind one of the cheese wedges. If you get creative you'll find a good spot to put a spare key where you'll feel safe about the security of your vision.
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Posted 2014-08-28 6:30 PM (#165643 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 4278
pull the front aluminum v panel and triple duck tape your key to it
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Posted 2014-08-28 9:15 PM (#165652 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: RE: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
Twice I had an incident at night, traveling long distance, while refueling my BMW RT whereas I stupidly dropped my ignition key down into the fairing.

It happens.

One of those telescoping magnet tip devices work well. Just stick and probe at will between the voids into the bottomless pit.

Just say the works "Go fish".

Those are some good tips on the spare key.

Ride safe!
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Posted 2014-08-29 6:10 PM (#165660 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Well, Travelin Man - don't do what I did. I put my spare key somewhere hidden on the bike - SO WELL - that I can't find it. After much searching, when I was having my Victory Service done last Friday - I told them I needed a Victory Key Blank so I could get another key cut.

When I looked at the itemized bill when I got home - they charged me $23.40 for the new uncut key. GRRRR... frickin' thieves !!!
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Posted 2014-08-29 7:34 PM (#165667 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I dropped mine in the trash once at work. It ended up in the dumpster. Thankfully the bags were clear and my fob was visible when I pulled out the second bag...
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Posted 2014-08-29 9:53 PM (#165669 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: RE: Damdest thing happened this morning!

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
What about something like a credit card key?

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Posted 2014-08-29 10:29 PM (#165670 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Now now "donitakemybiketothedealerforeverythingtracey", there's no sense in getting all stirred up. You had better things to do. Not only that they treat you right.
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Posted 2014-08-30 12:30 AM (#165671 - in reply to #165670)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada


I want your GOLDEN BIB AWARD back..... You STILL haven't reached 2000 posts - and you're STILL giving me shit.

(for those of you who don't know - the GOLDEN BIB AWARD was given to the first few members of this forum who reached 2000 posts)

I gave CHICKIN' MAN the Golden Bib award 4 years ago cuz he was always yappin'  - still is - but somehow got his 'Posts' reset to minus 9000 or something.

(Golden Bib Award3.jpg)

Attachments Golden Bib Award3.jpg (56KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-08-30 2:13 AM (#165672 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
<p>DAMN I HATE APOLOGIZING - but I guess reaching 70 is causing me some 'memory glitches' .... the GOLDEN BIB AWARD was for 1000 posts. SO .... SORRY YOU S.O.B. - I F**KED UP ! That's about as good as I get with apologizing ....</p>

Edited by donetracey 2014-08-30 2:15 AM
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Posted 2014-08-30 9:20 AM (#165676 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I'll take it. Someday when I'm your age, I'm a gonna print that on a shirt. Then it will have multiple meanings top to bottom of my anatomy.
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Posted 2014-08-30 9:25 AM (#165677 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Well I guess when you reach certain milestones you try and slow down to enjoy them. However, I do see where you have breached the 2000 mark all on your own. Congrats and if I knew how to make a golden Bob award for the most cantankerous SOB that I know on a forum board, I'd gladly make you one. Here, here, cheers to doneTracey for drooling more than I. May u continue to drool for many years to come.
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Posted 2014-08-30 10:25 AM (#165678 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
talk about babbling, how'd the bib thread end up on the lost key thread...senility has set in for shur...
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Posted 2014-08-30 11:21 AM (#165679 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 74
Republic of Texas
There is a soft nylon key holder, see below, that can be stuck to the underside of the panel between the seat and console. That panel can be popped off easily enough with just your fingers.

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Posted 2014-08-30 1:12 PM (#165682 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Maybe that's where MY key is at !!! I'll have to do another look ....
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Posted 2014-08-30 8:24 PM (#165686 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
Forget the Vic price for a blank key. Your local locksmith has a Kawasaki blank that will work. No way am I paying for a Vic blank at outrageous prices.
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Posted 2014-08-31 11:42 AM (#165699 - in reply to #165686)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Oldman47 - 2014-08-30 8:24 PM

Forget the Vic price for a blank key. Your local locksmith has a Kawasaki blank that will work. No way am I paying for a Vic blank at outrageous prices.

They are actually the same as a Ducati and some Kawasaki keys.


You can have one cut and delivered to you for less than $14

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Posted 2014-09-03 1:21 PM (#165730 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: RE: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Travelin Man - 2014-08-28 8:05 AM

In all the time I have been riding, driving, and otherwise using motorized vehicles and equipment I have NEVER before had happen what happened to me this morning.? After picking up my breakfast (I usually eat breakfast at my office) I got on my Vision and as I was bringing up my right hand to insert the key my right hand bumped the end of the handlebar and knocked the key out of my hand.? This wouldn't be so bad except that the key dropped into the area between the center console and the tank and I still could not find it.? Thankfully I have a spare key at HOME, so I'm not too worried, I just had my secretary pick me up (my business is 1 minute from where I was stopped) and now I have to take the company truck home to pick up my spare key.? I figure once I get back to the Vision and get it started I'm going to do a few circles around the parking lot to see if I can jar the key loose from where ever it is lodged in the nether regions of the bike.

This leads me to ask this question, how riders here keep a spare key hidden somewhere on the bike?

that area is a black hole. I've dropped nuts and bolts, some , I never found lol
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20 10 Vision
Posted 2014-09-07 1:09 PM (#165783 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!


Posts: 430
I've got a spare key hidden on my bike. I uses a zip tie to secure the key. [hmm key has been there, I hope, for a couple of years. I should go check and make sure its still there ]
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-09-08 11:23 AM (#165793 - in reply to #165631)
Subject: Re: Damdest thing happened this morning!

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
UPDATE: As luck would have it, after carefully setting my Vision over on both the left and right tipovers guards and nothing coming out, on Thursday I went back to the same Taco Bell for lunch and the manager comes up to me, holds out my key and asks me if it was the one I was looking for. It looked like it had been run over a couple of times but otherwise was straight and in good shape. She told me that their landscaper found in on the other side of the parking lot from where I had been parked and had brought it in. I can only think that it must have fallen out as I was doing figure 8s in the parking lot trying to jar it loose and that I couldn't see it when I walked the area afterwards.

So, now I have a third key which I am going to hide on the bike somewhere, perhaps using John's idea about the key holder.
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