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My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-12 6:15 PM (#151282)
Subject: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL

Well I knew it wouldnt take long, picked up my baby last Saturday (14 Vision) and have been madly planning my mod assault! Round 1 - tunes!

Got to have a nice souce unit, so I decided to mount an Ipad Mini between the bars (future mod will be fully custom fiberglass pod in the stock radio location) Install was pretty easy, simply required a RAM mount, LifeProof waterproof case, LifeProof case mount and a bluetooth receiver. Here are some pics!



So now I have Siri, Pandora, Voice activated navigation, internet, hell even Netflix if I kick back at a rest stop to catch a flick... lol. Waterproof case will keep it from fryng if I get caught in a rainstorm and since its removable I can quickly stow it in a saddle bag for security.


Next step, lets get some of this music sounding good! Am stripping the plastics off this weekend for an amp install and speaker/subwoofer installation. Will post more then. Damn I love this bike! 

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Posted 2014-02-12 6:47 PM (#151283 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i didnt know ipads were designed to be in weather.. I do respect innovation.. but this is so over the top big "out of scale". in some states there might be a risk of being pulled over.. Hell if a girl can get a ticket (fought and won) for using Google goggles, i could imagine something like ths...
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Posted 2014-02-12 6:49 PM (#151284 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
Mounted to the bars? Does it clear with no problems lock to lock?
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-12 6:54 PM (#151285 - in reply to #151283)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
Arkainzeye - 2014-02-12 7:47 PM

i didnt know ipads were designed to be in weather.. I do respect innovation.. but this is so over the top big "out of scale". in some states there might be a risk of being pulled over.. Hell if a girl can get a ticket (fought and won) for using Google goggles, i could imagine something like ths...

Actually they werent, but lifeproof makes a great case:

So that ideally keeps it safe and dry. As far as legality... well, I guess that all depends on the application. There are a TON of ipads installed in cars (myself ive never seen anyone do it on a bike before) I imagine if a cop pulled up behind and found you riding down the road watching a movie, they would be unhappy. Otherwise, using it for navigation or MP3's should be no different than having a Garmin or an Ipod mounted up.

I do plan on installing a rear view camera for it as well:

I think that will be handy to keep an eye on those blind cages coming up behind you, kind of a 3rd rear view mirror in the back of your head so to speak.

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Posted 2014-02-12 6:55 PM (#151286 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
Very nice. Is that the iPad Air? Is there room to plug in to power up? Do you have pics of other angles of this? I'm very interested to copy this design.
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Posted 2014-02-12 6:58 PM (#151289 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
I'd really like to see the custom fiberglassed pod you are going to design for it.

I don't see a problem with the way the IPod is mounted either. Looks to have enough clearance whilst the handlebars are moved side to side.

AFAIK... why would one get pulled over with a IPod mounted to the handlebars? It's not like your holding it in your hand. That's what most of the totalitarian Security apparatuses of the United nanny States are looking for....strictly for their revenue streams. And safety of course. Which I agree with (the safety part; that is....).

Edited by willtill 2014-02-12 7:00 PM
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-12 7:02 PM (#151290 - in reply to #151284)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
ljurgens - 2014-02-12 7:49 PM

Mounted to the bars? Does it clear with no problems lock to lock?

Yes, perfect clearance lock to lock and I can see all my gauges fine. The key is the only thing it obstructs from my view, but I can simply reach over the ipad to access it just fine.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-12 7:06 PM (#151291 - in reply to #151286)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
adirondacks - 2014-02-12 7:55 PM

Very nice. Is that the iPad Air? Is there room to plug in to power up? Do you have pics of other angles of this? I'm very interested to copy this design.

Its an Ipad Mini. I suspect the Ipad Air would be too long to fit between the bars horizontally. I didnt shoot any shots from behind, but I can. Its actually a very simple install with the RAM mount since it bolts directly to the back of the life proof case.

And yes, plenty of room to power it up, I just have to find a Lightning cable in black to attach to my bars for it
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Posted 2014-02-12 7:37 PM (#151294 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
Will it connect to the ipod cable so you can control volume etc from the handlebar controls?
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-12 7:49 PM (#151295 - in reply to #151294)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
ljurgens - 2014-02-12 8:37 PM

Will it connect to the ipod cable so you can control volume etc from the handlebar controls?

The factory Vision ipod cable appears to be an old style one (not sure if they even make one for the newer Lightning style) but using the aux input you can still control the volume and mute with the bar mounted controller. I generally just use custom playlists when I ride, but I also use a app called Car Tunes that gives you a large icon based music player that makes it easy to move from song to song with a swipe of a finger.

I do plan on experimenting with an old style ipod to lightning adapter though, so i'll post if I can get it to work or not to switch songs too
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Posted 2014-02-12 11:36 PM (#151300 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 77
Bainville, & Mesa, AZ, MT
Great idea, anybody know if the 08's could control the volume too.
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Posted 2014-02-12 11:48 PM (#151301 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA
Will you be able to use this as a GPS? I have a Garmin 765 on my Vision. It was one of the last Garmins to have an MP3 player. So I can play my tunes and have the audio from the GPS piped in via the AUX in. I too have been thinking of a backup camera.
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Posted 2014-02-12 11:48 PM (#151302 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA
Will you be able to use this as a GPS? I have a Garmin 765 on my Vision. It was one of the last Garmins to have an MP3 player. So I can play my tunes and have the audio from the GPS piped in via the AUX in. I too have been thinking of a backup camera.
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Posted 2014-02-13 6:00 AM (#151303 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
I'd like to know more about the bluetooth receiver you're using
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Posted 2014-02-13 6:45 AM (#151304 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
I ordered this one, and use it to connect my Android (Samsung S4) to the ipod cable. Works good, simple sync. It only allows for volume and mute from the handlebar controls but thats to be expected. I use it when I want to stream Pandora etc. otherwise I have the ipod connected.
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Posted 2014-02-13 7:05 AM (#151305 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
Does the navigation still work properly? i.e. music playing navigation mutes music gives directions and music resumes?
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Posted 2014-02-13 7:07 AM (#151306 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 108
Conneaut, OH
Oh that one hooks to ipod cable I have the standard cable
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-13 7:39 AM (#151307 - in reply to #151301)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
JS5Owner - 2014-02-13 12:48 AM

Will you be able to use this as a GPS? I have a Garmin 765 on my Vision. It was one of the last Garmins to have an MP3 player. So I can play my tunes and have the audio from the GPS piped in via the AUX in. I too have been thinking of a backup camera.

Yes, along with the built in Apple maps I have Google maps and Waze installed for GPS. Siri's voice recognition is great, so simply teling it to find an address, play a certain song or find a point of interest is very handy.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-13 7:40 AM (#151308 - in reply to #151305)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
conn-e-rot - 2014-02-13 8:05 AM

Does the navigation still work properly? i.e. music playing navigation mutes music gives directions and music resumes?

Yes, if I am playing music and get an updated nav instruction, it does mute so you can hear it.
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-13 7:41 AM (#151309 - in reply to #151303)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
conn-e-rot - 2014-02-13 7:00 AM

I'd like to know more about the bluetooth receiver you're using

Myself I use this one and it works great:
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-13 7:43 AM (#151310 - in reply to #151300)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
DSmith - 2014-02-13 12:36 AM

Great idea, anybody know if the 08's could control the volume too.

Does your 08 have an auxiliary input jack? If so then yes.
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Posted 2014-02-13 8:22 AM (#151311 - in reply to #151282)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
I use this one and love it! I have tried many and this works great! No charging, turns on soon as I start the bike. You will need to also get the PAC noise isolator to get rid of the buzz. Still worth it.
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Posted 2014-02-13 12:27 PM (#151317 - in reply to #151307)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 231
Desert Hot Springs (Palm Springs area), CA

Cadillac Bob - 2014-02-13 7:39 AM JS5Owner - 2014-02-13 12:48 AM Will you be able to use this as a GPS? I have a Garmin 765 on my Vision. It was one of the last Garmins to have an MP3 player. So I can play my tunes and have the audio from the GPS piped in via the AUX in. I too have been thinking of a backup camera. Yes, along with the built in Apple maps I have Google maps and Waze installed for GPS. Siri's voice recognition is great, so simply teling it to find an address, play a certain song or find a point of interest is very handy.

Do I understand correctly that for the GPS function to work you need cell service?  OR is it like a Garmin?

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Posted 2014-02-13 2:57 PM (#151320 - in reply to #151285)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM

"I do plan on installing a rear view camera for it as well:

I think that will be handy to keep an eye on those blind cages coming up behind you, kind of a 3rd rear view mirror in the back of your head so to speak."

Been wanting to install a rear view cam due to the poor mirror visibility. I like the idea that I can use
my android phone to run the free camera app. Need to figure out where to mount the camera so it sees
minimal moisture. Great idea/link!

Edited by nailer 2014-02-13 3:00 PM
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Cadillac Bob
Posted 2014-02-13 5:18 PM (#151324 - in reply to #151317)
Subject: Re: My new Vision - Mod #1 - Ipad Mini Install


Posts: 60
Bradenton, FL
JS5Owner - 2014-02-13 1:27 PM

Cadillac Bob - 2014-02-13 7:39 AM JS5Owner - 2014-02-13 12:48 AM Will you be able to use this as a GPS? I have a Garmin 765 on my Vision. It was one of the last Garmins to have an MP3 player. So I can play my tunes and have the audio from the GPS piped in via the AUX in. I too have been thinking of a backup camera. Yes, along with the built in Apple maps I have Google maps and Waze installed for GPS. Siri's voice recognition is great, so simply teling it to find an address, play a certain song or find a point of interest is very handy.

Do I understand correctly that for the GPS function to work you need cell service? ?OR is it like a Garmin?

On the ipod mini, only the cell enabled versions have a GPS chip. If you buy a regular ipad mini, it wont have nav... stupid, but thats how its made. Now with that being said, you dont have to activate the cell service. You wont have internet, but the GPS will still function just like your aforementioned Garmin.
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