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Where are all the Victory riders at?
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Posted 2013-07-19 8:20 PM (#141870)
Subject: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Been Riding Through Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa And Now Into Minnesota. Have Only Seen One Other Victory Rider And It Just Happened To Be An '08 Vision In Midnight Cherry Like Mine. Usually All I Ever See Are The Black Ones. Really Am Surprised I Haven't Seen More On The Road In The Area.
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Posted 2013-07-19 8:28 PM (#141872 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 825
, WI
At this moment - Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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Posted 2013-07-20 6:02 AM (#141881 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
I came to Frierson a couple of weeks ago. I didn't see you, either.
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Posted 2013-07-20 8:07 AM (#141887 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Victory riders are elusive. We are always on the move. We ride back roads and stay stealthy unless we see a car that is and then we brighten up to be seen. 2 Victories will be in Prairie Du Chien tonight.
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Posted 2013-07-20 8:36 AM (#141891 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Something to be said for being different from everything else you see on the road. Have to admit though to being surprised, even a bit excited, when I do run across another Vision on the road.
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Posted 2013-07-20 2:03 PM (#141896 - in reply to #141891)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 7
Gulfport, MS
I don't mind not seeing many Victorys at all, as a matter of fact that was a factor in picking my 2013 Sunset Red Vision
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Posted 2013-07-20 4:32 PM (#141899 - in reply to #141872)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 825
, WI
Today - Prince Edward Island.
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Posted 2013-07-20 7:10 PM (#141903 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
I have met only one other Victory rider face to face, but just yesterday I noticed a Highball parked just 2 spaces from me when I was out to supper. I went into the restaurant and just guessed who the rider was. It turns out that a different person who was at that same table walked up to that bike and rode off. I have had a PM from someone who lives about 40 miles away who would like to share rides but I am not much for any structured riding so I have not yet connected with him.
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Posted 2013-07-20 9:54 PM (#141907 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Hclare, Where Are You From? I Haven't Seen Any Of The Cross Bike In This Area Rumbling Around.
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Posted 2013-07-20 10:36 PM (#141910 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 103
Davenport, IA
I see Visions quite often in Iowa. Matter of fact, early last Saturday morning, which would of been the 13th, I was traveling west on interstate 80 just west of Iowa City, I pulled into the rest area, and just shortly after dismounting, I saw a blue Vision blasting by. Shucks, if I would have slowed some, we could have ridden a ways together.
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Posted 2013-07-20 11:30 PM (#141912 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: RE: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 92
I'm currently in Southeast Ohio but soon to be heading north. Plan on attending the VMC "Little Sturgis" in Sturgis, MI then I'm going into Canada for a few days, looping down into Yellowstone, rolling over to Sturgis, SD (for the first time) and going to catch AVR before heading back home.

So if you see a Black and Silver Vision pulling a Lees-ure Lite pop-up tent trailer, be sure to wave because I WAVE TO ALL BIKES.

Hope to see some of you during at least one of the rallies.

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Posted 2013-07-21 5:52 AM (#141914 - in reply to #141907)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 16
atvtinker - 2013-07-20 9:54 PM

Hclare, Where Are You From? I Haven't Seen Any Of The Cross Bike In This Area Rumbling Around.

I'm from Kansas, but my daughter and granddaughter live down there. It was my first long trip on the bike.
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Posted 2013-07-21 9:15 AM (#141920 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: RE: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 50
Huntsville On Canada
Hangin out in Regina today . Riders game tonight. Then heading for points west on Tues.
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Posted 2013-07-21 1:41 PM (#141927 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Last year on my western swing trip I probably saw 100 Victorys and about 25 Visions on the highways during 19 days. I talked to all I saw at gas stops or hotels. They were usually like me one vision with a few harley buddies. That dosen't count the 300+ Victory parade I saw between Sturgis and Deadwood. Now reason it was +/_ one week of Sturgis and people were out and or on seperate trips....... One fella I talked to who happened to be 6"10" and rode a CCT said he had four other brothers, all tall like him and three had Victorys two had Harleys........
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Posted 2013-07-21 1:43 PM (#141928 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
This spring I was at Daytona and actually parked in a small maybe 100 bike parking lot on main streeet. There were 4 other Visions besides me............
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Posted 2013-07-21 5:47 PM (#141933 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Just made it back into Michigan from Canada. Have to admit the road above Lake Superior is nice. Weather was a little cool but not bad. Will be heading back towards the south tomorrow.
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Posted 2013-07-22 6:30 AM (#141947 - in reply to #141933)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Visions are like Clingon birds of prey, we ride cloaked sometimes. Seriously, I see more victorys than ever but still not many. I got up one morning from camping in Red Lodge and woke up to a Vision camping right next door to me! A guy i work with has a Kingpin.
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Posted 2013-07-22 4:39 PM (#141965 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
The Pacific Northwest as usual is a bit different. Seems if it's not a Harley or Honda (expected), it's a Triumph or a Victory, and there are LOT of'em. When I moved here in 2006, I had the only V92C I knew of and my friend Ken had the only TC he knew of since he purchased it in 2002. We have a Dealer in town, and other than events, we didn't see many for several years. Than, all of a sudden, it seems they are everywhere. Kingpins, Hammer, Vegas, Vision's etc.. probably see at least one a day even if I just make a quick run to the store.
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Posted 2013-07-24 6:58 AM (#142034 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 825
, WI
Yesterday - Acadia NP and Bar Harbor.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-07-24 11:40 AM (#142039 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Piling up the miles

Molly Bish Run
NJ for Ride Like A Pro
Bridgton, ME on Long Lake - jet skis, boating and riding through the countryside
Laconia NH - 4 day trip, stayed at a B&B - riding, NASCAR modifieds, Nationwide, pits and Sprint cup races

Coming up - Poker ride on the 28th - Sons of American Legion Poker Run benefiting our Vets
Week on the beach in Charlestown, RI: riding and hopefully a trip to New Port while we're there
Weekend in VT, possibly 2 - August and Fall Foliage
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Posted 2013-07-24 11:46 AM (#142040 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 21
Rode on a shop ride Sunday, on the Peak to Peak highway, I am guessing their was 8-10 Victorys, I had had the only Vision
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Posted 2013-07-24 8:52 PM (#142078 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 466
Grand Cane, LA
Well made it back home to good ole' Louisiana today. Had a good ride all but the last 15 miles before hitting the house. A torrential downpour as I'm getting off the freeway. Oh well can't complain, 3300 miles and had beautiful weather all the way. Saw one other Victory while passing through Pocohontas, AR. It was a blacked out Cross Roads and man did that thing look sweet. Wouldn't trade my Vision for it, but it looked good just the same.
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Posted 2013-07-24 9:43 PM (#142079 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?


Posts: 152
Come to the Victory Motorcycle Club Nationals and you will see probably close to a 1000 and you will have a great time to boot. Thats at Lewiston Idaho on the 1-4th of Aug.
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Posted 2013-07-25 7:54 PM (#142095 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 825
, WI
Today - Niagara Falls.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2013-07-25 8:18 PM (#142098 - in reply to #141870)
Subject: Re: Where are all the Victory riders at?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
I attended the Chicagoland Ride for Kids charity event this past Sunday and out of the approximately 500 bikes in attendance I saw at least 6 Visions, a couple of Cross Countrys, a few Cross roads, and a few of the other "standard" Victory motorcycles. Not a bad showing at all to have around 20 Victory bikes out of that total.
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