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Corbin Vision smuggler
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Posted 2013-04-05 1:57 PM (#134279)
Subject: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 112
Denver, Iowa

Didn't know if anybody had seen this yet...
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Posted 2013-04-05 2:07 PM (#134281 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Don't think so. That is pretty cool. Kinda expensive though.
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Posted 2013-04-05 2:25 PM (#134282 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 599
New Mexico
Wow! I Like It!



Attachments Corbin1.jpg (29KB - 4 downloads)
Attachments Corbin2.jpg (25KB - 4 downloads)
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Posted 2013-04-05 3:39 PM (#134284 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: RE: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 80
I just saw this yesterday. What a geat idea. If I rode solo, I'd love the set up.
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Posted 2013-04-05 3:46 PM (#134285 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Not bad, Corbin went to some lengths to produce this..........
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Posted 2013-04-05 4:53 PM (#134286 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
Now that is cool!

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Posted 2013-04-05 5:03 PM (#134288 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
That is a really cool idea. Now I have to save for something else..........
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Posted 2013-04-05 6:13 PM (#134299 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
Corbin can suck my balls until the cows out yonder start whistling Dixie...

Corbin. Customer. Service. Absolutely. Sucks. Don't get me started on them.....
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okie vision
Posted 2013-04-05 6:34 PM (#134304 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Mama would never allow me to remove the trunk, but if I did, that is uber cool
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Posted 2013-04-05 6:44 PM (#134305 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
Looks nice. Not sure it looks $1k nice.
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Posted 2013-04-05 6:45 PM (#134306 - in reply to #134299)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
willtill - 2013-04-05 7:13 PM

Corbin can suck my balls until the cows out yonder start whistling Dixie...

Corbin. Customer. Service. Absolutely. Sucks. Don't get me started on them.....

Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
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Posted 2013-04-05 7:27 PM (#134307 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
i have owned 5 corbin seats and NEVER AGAIN.!!! they say to give it time to break it... they Never break in..! ultra firm and i think they are way over priced for what you get...
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Posted 2013-04-05 7:41 PM (#134308 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 323
Troy, NY
This very nice. If this is easy to switch out with the trunk and switch it back to is so on my wish list!!!! Very nice looking design that doesn't take away the Vision lines!
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Posted 2013-04-05 8:04 PM (#134310 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 209
I really like the looks but..... you loose back-rest support. it could be detatched and adjustable and be even better IMHO.
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Posted 2013-04-05 8:42 PM (#134314 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
I've had lots of Corbin seats also. Years ago they were the only game in town. Having said that, they are as hard as a rock and stay that way and the only way to get one made up properly is to go there for the day. Trying to deal with them otherwise can be a bitch. Maybe that's changed recently since I haven't bought one from them since 1996. I've mostly used Russell since then. But you have to admit, they are very, very creative. I can't say how this one actually works but I think the concept and look is really great. They come out with all kinds of weird stuff. The weirdest was the Sparrow electric car that finally went bust and took a bunch of dealers with it. Brother Tom Corbin probably spent a lot of time looking over his shoulder after that fiasco ;-)

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Posted 2013-04-06 5:05 AM (#134319 - in reply to #134314)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
My dad bought a Corbin "touring" seat for his Roadstar. It was like sitting on a brick. A contoured brick but a brick none the less. They tried to tell him it would break in, never did. That mentality that firmer (read :hard as a rock) is better does not fly with me. If I had to do my next ironbutt ride on a corbin , I would think twice. It was asthetically pleasing . I have read many horror stories about their customer service.

Edited by jimtom 2013-04-06 5:06 AM
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2013-04-06 7:31 AM (#134322 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
I notice it says it fits Victory Visions from 2007-2013. Um... I have one of the first ones that came out in late 07, but it was the 2008 model year.
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Posted 2013-04-06 8:14 AM (#134323 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 599
New Mexico
Would have to be very quick and easy to change so I could ride to work all week, then reinstall the stock seat for weekend rides with the wife.

I have never owned a Corbin, so am talking a bit OOA (Out Of A$$), but for me this would be a day-ride type seat option. Or on the rare occasion the wife couldn't accompany me for a weekend trip. I usually remove the trunk during the summer (add backrest), then reinstall for trips.

But the greatest thing is ideas from major aftermarket supplier! If Corbin has success it can only lead to more and more options/ideas.

Edited by Boots 2013-04-06 8:15 AM
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Posted 2013-04-06 9:48 PM (#134348 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 134
, MO
I love that! But dayum it's expensive
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Posted 2013-04-06 10:12 PM (#134349 - in reply to #134348)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 238
SF Bay Area
Looks nice, but by my eye, the backrest is next to useless at that angle and position. I happen to like Corbin seats, ran a gunfighter on my '99 Vic, loved it. Mrs buddahead ran one on her Ducati... she loved it. They are firm, and if your ass happens to be the same shape, they are comfortable. If not... well you guess what the problem is. Corbins have very unique waterproof leather on the seating surface, they breath, but can take rain... weird. I had a set of Corbin Beetle Bags on my '99, their fiberglass and gel coat work is very good.

I consider the fiberglass tub, lined trunk, backrest and leather seat reasonable priced considering you can get custom leather and piping colors... and if you are lucky enough to have your bike in the Bay Area (like me), they will custom fit the seat to yo' ass, before skinning it. I understand some balking at the price, but being unique often has its price.

At least we don't have to spend $2500 to get 90 hp like my Harley buddies do!
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Posted 2013-04-07 5:35 AM (#134351 - in reply to #134349)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I like the look and the idea and I have a Corbin seat on my HD. I'll admit it was a bit hard but mine eventually broke in. I have to wonder about the back rest as someone else mentioned.
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Chef John
Posted 2013-04-07 6:21 AM (#134353 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 66
Delray Beach, FL United States
Like the idea, not the price!
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Posted 2013-04-08 6:00 AM (#134417 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 1350
It looks really nice. You get a seat and a trunk for $1k? Back on the '99s the seat was that much. Are they still made of leather? Tango had one and it took 3 days to dry cause rain would get through the stitching holes. I remember problems with fitting on some and they did not design them to allow the seat rail. EVERYONE bitched about the customer service.

The Sparrow fell through. I don't see their 3 wheeler with the HD motor at Sturgis anymore? Americans waste gas so economy vehicles won't sell till there is no more gas.
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Posted 2013-04-08 6:06 AM (#134418 - in reply to #134417)
Subject: Re: Corbin Vision smuggler


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
yep, they came with a rain cover because they took on water.
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Posted 2013-04-08 5:07 PM (#134436 - in reply to #134279)
Subject: RE: Corbin Vision smuggler

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 25
Wiscasset, ME
I have been riding with Corbin seats for years and have always loved them. They are harder then other seats, but they will form to your butt. The theory is that the Corbin won't squish down like the softer seats so it gives you more support on long rides. The smuggler looks good and does follow the lines on the Vision real nice.  If it came off quickly and the driver backrest was more functional and was not leaning back so far, it would be good. Where the backrest is now at that angle it looks useless. 
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