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5 years with a Vision - The right choice?
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Posted 2012-08-24 8:10 PM (#122148)
Subject: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 3204

In the 5 years I've had the Vision, I've seen two other ones actually riding around Memphis and I knew both of those guys.  It's been a couple of years since I've seen one "in the wild" and I thought I had mellowed in my enthusiasm for the bike.  I really like my bike but it's the only one I ever get to see and I've gotten to where I take it for granted. 

I was driving with the wife today and we caught a green light at an intersection and as we approached it, I looked to the right and pulling into the left turn lane (at 90 degrees to us) was a black Cross Country, a white/black Cory Ness Jackpot and the trail bike was a red/black Vision.  I saw all three out of the corner of my eye and when I turned to check them out my eyes immediately snapped to the Vision in the rear of the pack.  I bolted straight up:  "Holy Smokes!  Check it out,  a Vision!!"  CRUD!  I was in the truck.  I coasted by anonymously. 

I went on down the road, thinking about what just happened and it surprised me how much of an impact it made on me to see another Vision out there.  I had flashbacks of the summer of '07 when my enthusiasm for the bike was endless.  I couldn't get enough of it.  I was totally obsessed.  Eventually I came to accept it as a goofy phase in my life that no one else really got but put up with.  I knew I liked it more than anything else out there at the time, but was it really "the one" like I made it out to be? 

Seeing that Vision today confirmed it.  It jump-starts my heart when I see one and I get tunnel-vision.  Everything else around it becomes insignificant.  There is no doubt;  For me, the Vision will always be "The One".

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Posted 2012-08-24 8:38 PM (#122150 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I share the same sentiments. Despite all the miles I've racked up, I look forward to riding everyday, and I look forward to catching a glimpse, with similataneous thoughts - "who's that?"
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Posted 2012-08-24 9:18 PM (#122152 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: RE: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 233
flagstaff, AZ
I see bikes of all kinds all day nearly every day. They're just bikes, some with riders, some parked, but when I see a Vision, I immediately jump to " who is that?" "Why don't I know that person ?" " Dam, that's a beautiful bike!"

Edited by roundtwig 2012-08-24 9:19 PM
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Posted 2012-08-24 10:45 PM (#122155 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 25
SE Wisconsin
I was at a open party staged for Harley Dealers @ Milwaukee H.D. this week with friends and after coming back from my Vision (i had to store a buddys jacket, he didn't have bags)
and saw one. I had to bring the ones who stayed over to show them. None have ever seen any other than mine. This one was shap, painted sunset orange I think.

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Posted 2012-08-24 10:51 PM (#122156 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 25
SE Wisconsin
I was at a open party staged for Harley Dealers @ Milwaukee H.D. this week with friends and after coming back from my Vision (i had to store a buddys jacket, he didn't have bags)
and saw one. I had to bring the ones who stayed to show them it. None have ever seen any other than mine. This one was shap, painted sunset orange I think.
One hell of a party M.H.D. puts on,best when the sun is down.
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Posted 2012-08-25 4:48 AM (#122160 - in reply to #122156)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
There's a cherry red Vision that I see from time to time in my part of town and another grey one I see at strokers. I've seen one other in east Texas but that's it. It doesn't matter to me how many people ride a Vision, it's the best bike I've owned and I suspect it always will be.

Edited by kris1956 2012-08-25 4:55 AM
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Posted 2012-08-25 6:05 AM (#122165 - in reply to #122160)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I know I haven't had mine long but I still get so excited when I think about my commute in the morning or when I get off work and get to ride it home. It is "The One"! The wife and I are going for a ride after work today and it's all I've thought about since we planned it a couple of days ago. We are going to Ashville ,NC with some friends Labor day weekend and it's all I've thought/talked about since the trip was planned. All I think about is riding this bike. I too get tunnel Vision when I see another one.
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Posted 2012-08-25 6:53 AM (#122166 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: RE: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 3204
I guess it's like being a Concorde pilot.  Those guys knew they flew the coolest looking airplane in the history of passenger aviation but their only view of it was either while it was parked on the ramp or from inside the cockpit.  To see another one in flight had to be a rush.
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Posted 2012-08-25 9:13 AM (#122174 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: RE: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 447
Northeastern Penna.
Same here, in Penna.
Rarely, if any time that I take out the 08 Steel Grey, do I see another Vision.
It doesn't matter!
After 5 years, the Visions styling is still ahead of all the other makes and models out there.
Still gets the attention and comments,albeit positive !
Still no regrets !
Ride Safe !
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Posted 2012-08-25 9:20 AM (#122175 - in reply to #122174)
Subject: RE: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
The foresight and courage to build a bike that is still fresh and cutting edge in it's 5th production year is to be celebrated. Good job Victory. Vision owners will never have to try their key in sea of streetglides to discern which one is theirs
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20 10 Vision
Posted 2012-08-25 8:57 PM (#122203 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 430
I feel the same way as described by all above. When I am out and about when I see a VV I think who is that? I want to change my route and pull over a chat even when I am just going to run an errand around town, I feel an excitement rising in my chest.
In three weeks we r riding to Yosemite for a long weekend with some H D couples. Their route will take them near our hose, about a two hour ride for them. I don't want to wait for them. I want to ride to their town and then ride that two hours back passed our house. More is better, right .

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Posted 2012-08-26 2:36 AM (#122218 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Iron Butt

Posts: 725
Reno County, KS
Mine's still going strong. I'm still working on getting the wanna be's away from me quicker when I am at the pump. Except when A Harley is at the pumps. They're the only folks that don't strike up a conversation with me. Probably best that way. I'm not much of a people person anyway.
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joe schmoe
Posted 2012-08-26 8:12 AM (#122228 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 446
East TN
Songfan, you need to get out more often...Namely yo East Tennessee....I won't say I see a Vision every time I go out. I do see them quite regularly on the Dragon and Cherohala Skyway and just passing through on the interstate!!! And yes, each time I see one it re-ignites my desire for the Vision and everything that it does!!
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Posted 2012-08-26 8:50 AM (#122231 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
South Carolina
In S Carolina I have seen 1 or 2 Visions but I see alot more 'wings. From a distance, head on I'm not sure until I get close enough to see the headlight layout. I think alot of people aren't familiar and confuse us with the Goldwings. I am seeing alot more non-Vision Victory's around here.
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Posted 2012-08-26 8:54 AM (#122232 - in reply to #122231)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109

biermark - 2012-08-26 8:50 AM In S Carolina I have seen 1 or 2 Visions but I see alot more 'wings. From a distance, head on I'm not sure until I get close enough to see the headlight layout. I think alot of people aren't familiar and confuse us with the Goldwings. I am seeing alot more non-Vision Victory's around here.

 Same in the Dallas area, lots of Victorys but not many Visions. But it's nice to see them.

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okie vision
Posted 2012-08-26 9:07 AM (#122233 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Head to Hot Springs, Arkansas this coming holiday weekend for the VMC National meet. Vision overload!!
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Posted 2012-08-26 8:45 PM (#122288 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
It was almost 9 months after I purchased "Scream" that I saw my first Vision on the road. I saw 2 Visions last year on the "Cabot Trail" in Nova Scotia.
After attending several dealership sponsored rides we got out group together and now plan rides a couple times a year. We've had as many as 5 Visions in our group at one time.

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Posted 2012-08-26 9:23 PM (#122290 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: RE: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
SongFan - 2012-08-24 6:10 PM

In the 5 years I've had the Vision, I've seen two other ones actually riding around Memphis and I knew both of those guys.  It's been a couple of years since I've seen one "in the wild" and I thought I had mellowed in my enthusiasm for the bike.  I really like my bike but it's the only one I ever get to see and I've gotten to where I take it for granted. 

I was driving with the wife today and we caught a green light at an intersection and as we approached it, I looked to the right and pulling into the left turn lane (at 90 degrees to us) was a black Cross Country, a white/black Cory Ness Jackpot and the trail bike was a red/black Vision.  I saw all three out of the corner of my eye and when I turned to check them out my eyes immediately snapped to the Vision in the rear of the pack.  I bolted straight up:  "Holy Smokes!  Check it out,  a Vision!!"  CRUD!  I was in the truck.  I coasted by anonymously. 

I went on down the road, thinking about what just happened and it surprised me how much of an impact it made on me to see another Vision out there.  I had flashbacks of the summer of '07 when my enthusiasm for the bike was endless.  I couldn't get enough of it.  I was totally obsessed.  Eventually I came to accept it as a goofy phase in my life that no one else really got but put up with.  I knew I liked it more than anything else out there at the time, but was it really "the one" like I made it out to be? 

Seeing that Vision today confirmed it.  It jump-starts my heart when I see one and I get tunnel-vision.  Everything else around it becomes insignificant.  There is no doubt;  For me, the Vision will always be "The One".

Tom - I have been saying for YEARS - pleeeezzzzeeee - all VISION owners - bury your Vision in your yard, a swamp, or dismantle it for parts.

I was really upset about how you finished off your Vision, Tom. That's the 'hard way'.

The reason I have explained for YEARS that I want you all to do this - is because I WANT TO OWN THE ONLY ONE - THE BEST EVER.

Yah, I know, I'm selfish. But that's the way I've ALWAYS felt about my SPCSHP.

Plan B is for all of you to 'customize' your Vision - that way my STOCK Vision will always look 'Custom'. C'mon people - let's see some co-operation out there .....

..... why do you guys fight me on this, sheesh !


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Posted 2012-08-27 1:04 PM (#122347 - in reply to #122233)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 60
Wichita, KS
Wednesday morning my Vision, along with my wife on her XC, will be heading to Hot Springs from Wichita. Two other Visions from our chapter (FHVR) will be heading out later on. Hope to meet you there. I'll be meeting up with Danno at the event to check out his Witchdoctors pipes.
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Posted 2012-08-27 2:02 PM (#122351 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 154
Cabot Arkansas
I see at least one other Vision almost everytime I ride since my wife rides one too.We have a group we ride alot with and another woman rides a 2012 Ness Vision and the other 5 guys all ride CC's and one more Ness Vision ridden by another guy,whew I'm glad cause I was beginning to think maybe the Vision was a chick bike
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Double Vision
Posted 2012-08-28 6:37 AM (#122399 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 281
It's always good seeeing another Victory, especially a Vision.
Tom, we blew around Memphis yesterday on the slab. Sorry you missed sighting us.

Edited by Double Vision 2012-08-28 6:37 AM
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Posted 2012-08-28 10:43 AM (#122409 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 520
Simi Valley, CA
I rode to the Boot ride this weekend and as I turned on to the 405 freeway, there in front of me was a silver Vision, I did not recognize the bike or the rider. I followed him to the event parking lot where we parked next to each other and chatted about the bike. A few minutes later another Vision, this one from Arizona pulled up right behind my Vision. There we were, three Visions all together in a sea of HDs.... damn I have to say they were the best looking bikes there too. And got the most attention! The Vision is one of a kind... I love that!
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Posted 2012-08-28 12:44 PM (#122420 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 444
Bay of Gigs, WA
There's a black one here in Gig Harbor and I know the owner. Other than that, well, I take mine out and park it in the driveway when I'm working outside so I get to see one once in a while.
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Posted 2012-08-28 4:53 PM (#122441 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 161
Albuquerque NM
Similar story, I went on the toy run here with two other visions we were a group. You could have seen the crowd when three visions rode in together it must have looked like an alien invasion.
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Posted 2012-08-28 9:00 PM (#122469 - in reply to #122148)
Subject: Re: 5 years with a Vision - The right choice?


Posts: 277
Apopka, FL
I am all of the above. I get excited with every Vic I see, but when I see a Vision, my heart skips and my mouth opens. Then I swallow a love-bug!
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