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Whats that noise?
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Posted 2010-05-24 9:23 PM (#60659)
Subject: Whats that noise?


Posts: 215
orrick, mo
I've recently developed a noise in the front part of my bike. It sounds like something rattling. It will not make the noise when the bike is at rest. While riding and using any throttle at all I hear the noise. If I pull in the clutch and coast the noise stops but if I rev the engine I here the noise again. I'm going to contact my dealer tomorrow but wondered if anyone had some wisdom they could share with me .
Thanks in advance.
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Posted 2010-05-25 2:03 AM (#60677 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 492
Indianapolis, IN
I used to get a buzzing vibration sound at certain engine speeds, revving, accelerating etc. I discovered it was the black trim piece around the ignition key. I put a peace of thin adhesive foam on the bottom of the trim piece and reinstalled. Worked well. I still get a little vibration between the painted radio trim panel and the black plastic piece it covers. If while hearing the noise I reach up and squeeze the the sides together it goes away. I plan to tackle that one the same way in the future.
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Posted 2010-05-25 8:02 AM (#60685 - in reply to #60677)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 1484
The gauge bezel will create a buzz or vibration sound where it contacts the console. If you remove the gauge bezel, you may see a contact rub on the center console. If you see a rub place, place a small piece of double stick foam on the area.
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Posted 2010-05-25 8:54 AM (#60686 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 137
Houston, Texas
The fairing piece across the front of mine rattles at times... believe it or not it depends on the wind direction ... go figure.

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Posted 2010-05-25 12:19 PM (#60701 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 562
SC, Bluffton
I had to put foam tape above & below the speedometer bezel. It really helped.
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Posted 2010-05-25 3:57 PM (#60733 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 1436
The black dash panel is two piece and depending on temps can rattle up a storm. Next time it rears it's head reach up and squeeze the upper dash panel down against the lower. If thats it you can remove the upper and put a piece of isolation foam between the two.
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Posted 2010-05-25 4:21 PM (#60737 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 141
Mine was the chrome gage bezel. I removed it and found wear marks on the aluminum console. I got 1/4 felt pads from wally mart stuck then to the console in four spots for balance and popped the bezel back in place. Silence followed.
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Posted 2010-05-25 4:26 PM (#60740 - in reply to #60737)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 215
orrick, mo
And the winner is Teach? Sorry but the only reward is this recognition. Reached up on the way home and played with the dash and bingo. Thank you Teach and everyone else for your ideas.
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Posted 2010-05-26 8:21 PM (#60848 - in reply to #60659)
Subject: Re: Whats that noise?


Posts: 1436
Buzz, glad you found it. Thats what is great about this place, somebody will always hit on the issue if enough personal experiences get shared. Lots of very knowledgeable folks willing to help here. Whats that saying? Pass it on....
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