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Windshield quality
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Posted 2008-01-17 2:03 PM (#4331)
Subject: Windshield quality


Posts: 293
We're all familiar with the poor optics/finish on our sheilds.
I've seen 9 so far and all have been very poor quality, with
inclusions, warps, bubbles, and waviness. My dealer is warrantying mine
but we are on the third replacement and still have'nt found a good one.
Dealer just inspects each one on arrival and sends back
to Victory. Trouble is that a warranty claim is not recorded until a replacement is
completed-you have to find a good one first! They say they
sure are selling a lot of replacement sheilds-they just don't get why!
Maybe not many dealers are willing to try to do this under warranty
or maybe few people are asking them to.
Anyway, the Victory guys are supposed go look into this
issue and report back to my dealer. I've already talked to
Sportech about it. In Victorys defense, they don't mount these when
shipping to dealers; and they have that plastic covering on
If we are persistent, maybe Victory will admonish Sportech a d get all these
Second rate sheilds sent back to them. Maybe they will even go back to
a first rate supplier for future sheilds.
FYI: I really do love this Vision-just got it back from dealer putting the CB
and stage 1 level one on.

Edited by jama 2008-01-17 2:06 PM
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Posted 2008-01-17 2:13 PM (#4332 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 1350
I don't know about the quality of the windshields on the Visions. I do work with Lexan. I agree it depends a lot on the supplier.

On another note that maybe useful for you and others in the future is repairing scratches. We all know about the polish/compound to remove minor scratches. We have some Lexan that did not pass inspection because of "deep" scratches caused during production. I did a search of the net and found some useful info. Several bomb guys in Iraq got serious eye damage because they put their shields up to see. The government got a couple of colleges to work on this problem. They found that using a heat gun on the Lexan will remove a lot of damage. I tried it on a test piece and worked like magic. I got too close and it bubbles so be careful. Another guy tried it and the tip fell off the heat gun and ruined that piece.
During the college tests they took gravel and sandpaper across the Lexan and cleaned it up really nice using the heat gun. So there is a chance to save a windshield rather than spending money on new one. Do a search on the net and you find the articles and follow the directions to the "T".

I hope all works out for your Vision.
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Posted 2008-01-17 4:51 PM (#4336 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 293
No need to spend money; that's Victory's and Sportech's
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Posted 2008-01-17 6:14 PM (#4338 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 57
Twin Cities, MN

I have to admit that the windshield issue bothers me the most. The saddle bag "dents" I can live with but I'm hoping they figure out the shield thing soon. Right now the bike is tucked away for the winter but come spring I'll be barking to my dealer. Even lowered and looking over it - it's still something I "notice". I spent too much to continually "notice" this flaw... Maybe the aftermarket boys will start offering an "option" soon. I had a Memphis Shades shield on my Honda and a V-Star with the stock silverado shield and neither showed distortion like this one does. I'm afraid to check it out with polarized glasses... Let's hope for the best...

Edited by Grebs_59 2008-01-17 6:18 PM
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Posted 2008-01-17 6:27 PM (#4340 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: RE: Windshield quality

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

I emailed Clearview Windshields about adding Vision windshields to their product list. They make really nice windshields. Unfortunately, here was their response:

"We have been really backed up here which has held us up from doing any new shields. We need to get our production beefed up a little. It looks like we will not be able to work on one this year....we need to see how it goes here."

I have seen the HD replacement shields and they are nice. Their shields are thick, clear, solid, no-vibrations and they usually make them a little wider than stock.

Maybe if more people email Clearview about the Victory Vision, they my up its priority.




Edited by TimS 2008-01-17 6:33 PM
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Posted 2008-01-17 9:38 PM (#4362 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 1324
So Cal
I dont see any of the above mentioned problems with my shield.
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Posted 2008-01-17 10:18 PM (#4370 - in reply to #4340)
Subject: RE: Windshield quality


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

My husband has a Clearview shield on his Wing. Optics are great on it, but the remounting it instead of stock exposes some of the ugly parts of the windshield. Still, I would love to be able to see through my shield like I see through my kitchen window. Through my Vision shield, I feel like I am looking through some old glass in a 19th century restoration house.

I'm looking into getting the Blade shield by Victory. Does anyone have one of these? I like a shorter shield. Being 5'5", the mid shield is too tall for me. Does the blade hook into the electric windshield system? When raised, how high does it go up? Better optics? (*this is me holding my breath*)

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Posted 2008-01-18 12:03 AM (#4380 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
My Vision shield came in with no problems, clear and easy viewing. Maybe because it was a later release, I took delivery in November. Cee Bailey makes a nice windshield for aircraft and motorcycles, they may be interested in tooling up for the Vision. I have one on my BMW and it is much more substantial, thicker, sturdy and has a good view.
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Posted 2008-02-03 1:28 AM (#4846 - in reply to #4331)
Subject: Re: Windshield quality


Posts: 293
I finally got a windshield I can live with. I heard Victory went through nine before finding one to
send. This one is not perfect, but the distortions are low in the corners and I really don't look there much.
Sure is nice to be able to see again! As soon as aftermarket provides for us, I'll upgrade.
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