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Heat, engine, clutch
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Posted 2014-09-29 12:45 AM (#167122)
Subject: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 56
So it's Friday, 4:30pm, headed out of Los Angeles to go to the Streetmasters Cornering workshop near Lancaster. The temp gauge on my oh-12 vision is fluctuating between 98 and 103. And it takes my wife and I, we're 2 up and loaded, 80 minutes to go 10 miles. I knew, from reading on the forum, that the engine would be fine, or shut itself down to protect itself. And boy did it get hot! A few times I actually looked down expecting to see my pants on fire. But the engine was rock solid!

What I was more worried about was the clutch. The traffic wasn't slow enough for me to stop and it wasn't fast enough to let the clutch out all the way in 1st gear. About an hour in something went wrong. I only had the end of the clutch pull to work with.

The bike and the clutch ended up getting us to Lancaster fine. And we did the course, though the slow cone work, 2 up in the paddock, took some extra attention with the short clutch pull. Then the bike got us home, a 3 day, 500 mile ride up the coast to Nor Cal. And the clutch got no worse.

My point in sharing this...the engine was amazing given the very slow going traffic, fully loaded, for 80 minutes in scorching heat! And the clutch took a ton of abuse, and never fully gave up.

My mechanic expects to find the spring is shot. He took it for a ride and said it was slipping. He'd jump on it hard in 3rd gear and it would slip. I rode it and confirmed it. It was interesting that I never noticed it riding it home, but also, I never jumped on it that hard.

We went ahead and ordered the Barnett clutch and it'll go in this week.

I'll update after he gets in there and finds out what actually happened.
He did flush the clutch fluid, just in case I'd boiled it. It didn't change the short clutch pull though.
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Posted 2014-09-29 11:47 AM (#167125 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Mine did exactly as yours barely any clutch pull. It's probably the master cylinder. Replaced mine and all back to normal. I couldn't find a rebuild kit either.
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Posted 2014-09-29 5:08 PM (#167127 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: RE: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 416
Prairie City, IA United States
Something I learned at the AVR from the police bike demo was that you cannot kill the bike very easily just idling with the clutch out. You weren't able to go that slow? Just curious.
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Posted 2014-09-29 6:30 PM (#167130 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 4278
If you pull your front aluminum V panel and with a flash light you can see a wire going up be hind the left hand mirror. It has a wire type thermal on the end of it. Pull it out of the plastic notch and bring it down to the bottom of the left hand gas tank. Wrap it around the plastic over flow tube. Now your temp gauge will be 99% correct. Check with your smart phone.

There is a guy here that found a rebuild kit from a Honda master cylinder


Attachments temp.jpg (40KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-09-29 9:57 PM (#167135 - in reply to #167127)
Subject: RE: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 56
lstayner - 2014-09-29 5:08 PM

Something I learned at the AVR from the police bike demo was that you cannot kill the bike very easily just idling with the clutch out. You weren't able to go that slow? Just curious.

Ideling with the clutch out would've been great and prevented the problem. But the traffic was slower than that. It was between duck walking speed and ideling speed. Forced me to keep the clutch in for most of the time.
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Posted 2014-09-29 10:18 PM (#167136 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 44
Houston, TX United States
I was stuck in Houston Tx. traffic/hot weather took me 2 hours to get to work when it normally takes 25/35 mins. I-10 was almost completely shut down temp was 86f my temp on the Bike got to 113f. I decided to shut her down, rested about 10 mins. still stuck in traffic, It took me 3 tries to get her started back up, got out of there and went a different direction, have not had any issues with it since, guess it just got too hot? Motor takes alot of heat.
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Posted 2014-09-30 4:44 AM (#167138 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 1350
1. Check the bracket at the clutch end of the cable. It can bend over time and cause clutch problems.
2. How used is your oil? When I got closer to home 6k on the last oil change with Vic oil it got to the point I couldn't find neutral. Fresh oil ( I use Amsoil) and all was fine.
3. Years ago my slave cylinder went a block from the bad part of New Haven. Replaced under ext warranty and it has been fine since.
4. Make sure the ends of the clutch cable are cleaned and lubed regularly.

A couple of years ago 4 of us on Vics went through OK at 113 degrees and all the bikes ran fine. Yes, legs got hot. That should be fixed when we go water cooled.

Hope this helps.
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Posted 2014-09-30 1:43 PM (#167143 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
Before you install the Barnett unit you might want to do some research here on this site and perhaps at the vmc site.

In particular take a look at what the resident expert KevinX says about it here

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Posted 2014-10-01 11:48 PM (#167161 - in reply to #167122)
Subject: Re: Heat, engine, clutch


Posts: 56
Lotzafun, yeah, I did happen to see that thread and after reading it I was leaning toward another stock clutch. But when both my mechanics recommended Barnett I figured I'd give it a try. Time will tell if I made a mistake or not.

RedRider, my bike has less than 10K miles on it, and I've been on top of the oil changes using Vic oil. I'll see what the mechanic says after I get the bike back.

Johnnyvision, I'll look into those

Thanks for the replies guys
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